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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Anchors on China Central Television (CCTV) will need to do some fast talking to replace the popular English acronyms(首字母缩略词) they’re now banned from using. Shanghai Daily reports that “anchors at China Central Television [CCTV] have been banned from saying the English acronyms NBA, CBA, GDP, and the like in their programs.”
The replacement for those handy acronyms? Chinese presenters must use the full Chinese name, standardized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.
Although CCTV (oops, we mean China Central Television) presenters must already have a score of at least 94 in their government-rated oral Mandarin proficiency exam, saying the full name of organizations like the CBA or WTO ― 10 and 6 character’s long separately ― is sure to challenge even the most skillful anchors. CCTV sports anchor Sun Zhengping tells Shanghai Daily, “A full Chinese explanation of the English initials must be followed if my tongue slips. It is a little trouble but a necessary one because not every audience member can understand the initials.”
Although the government isn’t giving any official explanation for the shift, it is believed to have to do with a proposal by Huang Youyi, director of the China International Publishing Group, at March’s NPC meeting. In his speech, Huang said, “With more and more publications mixing Chinese with English, measures and regulations should be adopted to avoid English invading Chinese. If we don’t pay attention and don’t take measures to stop the expansion of mixing Chinese with English, Chinese won’t be a pure language in a couple of years.”
Although China is far from the first country to take measures to protect local languages (the French and Québécois beat them to it by a long way), acronyms are more about saving time than they are about corrupting a language, we would think. Good luck to the CCTV anchors. 
56. CCTV anchors have to “do some fast talking” because they can no longer ______.
A. speak as slowly as they like                    B. mix English into Chinese
C. use shortened Chinese expressions           D. have so much time for their program
57. According the writer, “CBA” is supposed to be replaced with “______” by CCTV anchors.
A. 中国男子篮球甲级联赛                       B. 中国篮球协会全国男女篮球职业联赛
C. 中国篮球联赛                                     D. The Chinese Basketball Association
58. When Sun Zhengping said “if my tongue slips”, he meant “if I _____”.
A. habitually use an English acronym          B. speak a little bit too fast
C. make a mistake in pronunciation             D. say something impolite or improper
59. What’s Huang Youyi’s proposal?
A. Using full English names instead of short forms.
B. Translating Chinese terms into proper English.
C. Avoiding Chinese words mixing into English.
D. Keeping our mother tongue as a pure language.
60. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. China has fallen behind in the matter.      B. The ban is not necessary.
C. Chinese shouldn’t be corrupted.           D. CCTV anchors will have a hard time.


When Winsion Chruchill was a young man, his father concluded that Churchill was “unfit for a career in law or politics” because he did so badly in school.
When Charles Darwin was getting ready to  36  on his five-year expedition on The Beagle, his father was extremely  37  . he thought his son was falling into a life of sin and idleness.
Gorge Washington’s mother was a complaining,   38  woman by all accounts. She thought little of Washington’s achievements and didn’t   39  at either of his presidential inaugurations(就职典礼). She was always  40  that her children overlooked her and she was especially angry when her son George ran off to  41  the army for the American Revolution. She   42  believed it was his duty to stay home and take care of her.
In his youth, the  43  Leonard Bernstein, one of the most talented and successful composers in American history, was continually pressured by his father to  44  his music and do something worthwhile, like help out in his family’s beauty-supply business. After Leonard became  45  , his father was asked about that, and he answered, “Well, how was I supposed to know he was the Leonard Bernstein?”
People may criticize you or make fun of your ideas or actively try to  46  you. Often their efforts are only attempts to protect you from  47  . But obviously failure is only a possibility if you stop. If you keep  48  , a “failure” is just another learning  49  . Besides, giving up on a heartfelt goal is worse than failing. “Many people die”, said Wendell Holmes, “with their  50  still in them.” That’s true tragedy.
So listen  51  to the worries and criticisms of your friends and family, and do your best to put their minds  52  , but then carry on. Listen last to your own heart. You   53  yourself better than anyone on earth. Make sure your song is  54  .
Listen to your own heart. Don’t let your music   55  with you.
36.A.set sail         B.take charge      C.make progress  D.set examples
37.A.excited        B.pleased        C.disappointed     D.affected
38.A.self-confident   B.self-centered    C.kind-hearted     D.cold-blooded off up       C.pick out       D.pick up
40.A.claiming      B.expecting     C.complaining     D.declaring
41.A.fight         B.beat          C.attend          D.command
42.A.foolishly      B.secretly        C.bravely        D.honestly
43.A.late          B.latter         C.former         D.later
44.A.take up        B.give up        C.pick up        D.bring up
45.A.proud          B.diligent        C.professional     D.famous
46.A. advise        B.suggest        C.stop          D.keep
47.A.failure        B.success        C.stop          D.keep
48.A.stopping      B.starting        C.going              D.coming
49.A.method        B.experiment       C.approach      D.experience          B.article          D.poem
51.A.politely       B.rudely         C.responsibly      D.actively order case use war         B.believe        C.know         D.doubt
54.A.finished       B.completed     C.written        D.sung          B.die           C.sound



Stephanie McRae was used to driving in bad weather. Although  16  still beat the windshield of her SUV(运动越野车), the worst of the day's storm seemed to have passed as she  17  her 11-year-old daughter, Maddie, home at 8:30 pm.

Maddie  18   in front, while two young kids sat strapped into their SUV  19  in back. Driving along the mad by a river, McRae, 39,  20  a terrifying sight: The road just ahead had been craved in and  21  . She stepped heavily on the brake. The SUV  22  into a flooded hole some 6 metres below, and was washed into the   23  , which the storm had turned into a   24  river 30 metres wide. Rocks and fallen tree  25  knocked into her SUV, making it upside down. The pressure blew out the window.

No one was hurt,   26  there was no way to escape either, The SUV was being  27  towards the middle of the river, about 400 metres away. McRae  28  helplessly and prayed aloud with Maddie: “Please, God, please, help us!” The SUV, submerged and   29   with water, came to a stop when it parked at an angle in a logjam(浮木阻塞). 

It was Maddie who took control. Pushing her way out of the   30  back window, the slight but athletic Maddie  31  onto the top of the SUV, which had righted itself, and yelled to her mother to hoist up the younger children. Soon the  32  were crowded on the top of the SUV’s roof.   33  to hold on as the water swept over them. McRae caught hold of the two-year-old kid to her chest while holding the three-year-old on her leg. Both children were so   34  that MeRac wondered if they were all right. With her mother’s permission, the 11-year-old girl-Meddie got over lots of problems to ask for help in a   35  village and fortunately they were saved.

1.A.rain B.snow   C.wind   D.mud

2.A.walked     B.drove C.ran      D.rushed

3.A.stood        B.lay       C.cried   D.sat

4.A.belts         B.backs  C.seats

5.A.worried   B.thought       C.saw     D.feard

6.A.washed away   B.taken away        C.gone away  D.moved away

7.A.changed  B.fell      C.jumped        D.knocked

8.A.sea   C.take    D.river

9.A.rising        B.leaving         C.singing         D.falling

10.A.leaves    B.branches     C.skins

11.A.and         B.or        C.but

12.A.carried  B.set       C.turned         D.swept

13.A.begged  B.screamed    C.asked  D.applied

14.A.filling      B.burdening   C.fightening   D.talking

15.A.hidden   B.closed          C.broken        D.covered

16.A.climbed B.slept   C.rolled D.tied

17.A.two         B.three  C.four    D.five

18.A.losing     B.trying  C.finding         D.getting

19.A.noisy      B.happy C.excited        D.quiet

20.A.remote  B.close   C.crowded     D.unknown



Argentina's Lionel Messi has won the Golden Ball awarded to the European Footballer of the Year, becoming the sixth Barcelona player to take the award and the first since Brazilian Ronaldinho in 2005.
Messi beat last year's winner Cristiano Ronaldo into second place while Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernandez finished third in the poll results released by France Football magazine early Tuesday.
Praised by Argentina great Diego Maradona as his successor, Messi won an unprecedented treble(三重) in Spain last season with Barcelona as the Catalan side swept the Champions League, the Spanish title and the Copa del Rey.
The 22-year-old Messi, the first Argentine to win the world-famous award, was the top scorer in last year's Champions League with nine goals, including his superb header(足球中的头球) in the 2-0 victory over Manchester United in the final.
Messi, who scored 473 of a possible 480 points, largely controlled the voting and won with a record-margin of 240 points. Real Madrid winger Ronaldo had 233 and Xavi had 170.
"Honestly, I knew that I was among the favorites because Barcelona had a fruitful year in 2009," Messi was quoted as saying by the magazine.
"But I didn't expect to win with such a margin. The Golden Ball is very important to me. All the players who won it were great players, and some great players never won it."
Barcelona had three players in the Top 5 with Andres Iniesta taking fourth ahead of former Barca player Samuel Eto'o.
In an outstanding season, Messi netted(把…踢进网) 38 goals in 51 games in all competitions, often leaving defenders in his wake(在…之后) with a combination of speed, extraordinary abilities and his effective left-footed strike.
Messi, who led Argentina to next year's World Cup in South Africa, recently signed a new contract with Barcelona through 2016.
Messi had a good start to this season - already scoring nine goals - and put on a great display to help his club defeat archrival Real Madrid 1-0 last Sunday.
"It won't be easy to confirm after a year like the one we just went through," Messi said.
"I hope the next one will reach the same standards. But to win the Golden Ball two years in a row is not an easy thing."
(Read by Guanny Liu. Guanny Liu is a multimedia journalist at the China Daily Web site.)
【小题1】Which of the following is the suitable title?
A. Messi beats C. Ronaldo to win the European Footballer of the Year
B. Ronaldinho beats Messi to win the European Footballer of the Year
C. Messi beats Xavi to win the European Footballer of the Year
D. Ronaldinho beats Xavi to win the European Footballer of the Year
【小题2】 Messi has some advantages over others EXCEPT _________.

A.a rapid speedB.a new contract with Barcelona
C.outstanding abilitiesD.his effective left-footed strike
【小题3】 By saying “But I didn't expect to win with such a margin.”, Messi means _____.
A.he didn’t think he won unexpectedlyB.he didn’t want to win at all
C.he didn’t expect he won extraordinarilyD.he couldn’t wait to win
【小题4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Xavi Hernandez finished second in the poll.
B.Messi treated Maradona as his successor.
C.The 22-year-old Messi was the first European Footballer.
D.Messi said Barcelona had a fruitful year in 2009.


About five years ago I started at a new school, when my family moved to Iowa.I was just a little  36  ,but I worried I would never  37  in with the other sixth graders.
Lucy,a girl in my class, who I thought was not 38  for change,didn’t  39  me from the start.In fact,I was  40  sure she hated me.I would ask her a 41 ,and I could tell she thought I was a total  42 .
My teacher made us sit by each other for the last semester. Lucy was 43 .
I didn’t wear 44 ,and I didn’t wear those  45   bell-bottom pants.I didn’t exactly 46  the coolest girl. But, I kept smiling at her, though she  47  her eyes, and I kept telling her she looked  48  ,even if she sighed in anger.
49  ,Lucy let me talk to her,even  50  her“cool”friends. She started telling me how beautiful I looked. I still remember that first time when she 51 at me saying that, and I smiled right back, telling her 52 . Lucy ,invited me over to her house for sleepovers ,and talked to me all the time instead her other friend.Lucy,the girl who  53  me ,called me her best friend .After that, we still were good friends a whole year later . I will never forget Lucy . She was a great friend .I love a 54 by A braham Lincoln: “Am I not   55 my enemies when I make friends of them?”
36.A.surprised                B.nervous                      C.excited                       D.amused                                                      D.perform
38.A.ready                     B.appealing                    C.classic                        D.close
39.A.dislike                                 C.observe            
40.A.pretty                    B.hardly                        C.scarcely                      D.never
41.A.reason                    B.leave                          C.question                     D.favour
42.A.genius                    B.fool                           C.pretense                      D.beggar
43.A. happy                   B.relaxed                       C.fascinating                  D.horrified
44.A.make-up                B.grown-up                   C.stand-by                     D.go-between
45.A.attractive                B.preferable                                  D.awesome
46.A.pretend as              B.turn out                      C.turn up                      D.look like
47.A.scratched               B.closed                  C.opened               D.rolled
48.A.beautiful                B.ugly                           C.fat                             D.gorgeous
49.A.Happily                 B.Fortunately                 C.Eventually                  D.Helplessly honor of sight of          means of      case of
51.A.cried                     B.shouted                      C.smiled                        D.laughed
52.A.thanks                   B.jokes                         C.nuisances                   D.worries
53.A.forgave          B.hated              C.beat                D.contacted
54.A.letter                     B.warning                                      D.quote
55.A.destroying              B.respecting                   C.worshiping                 D.promoting

