be consistent with(=be in agreement with)与-一致. be consistent in一贯的 , 查看更多




第四部分: 书面表达(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节  填空 ( 共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

阅读短文,根据所读内容在文后76--85的空格里填上适当的单词或短语, 并将答案转写到答题卡上。注意:每空不超过3个单词。

In many English homes four meals are served; they are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. These are the meals that are served in the homes of people who are well to do.

       Breakfast may be served any time for seven to nine. It consist of porridge, bacon and eggs (boiled or fried), butter toast or bread-and-butter with marmalade (酸果酱). Instead of bacon and eggs, fish may be served. Either tea or coffee is drunk at breakfast.

       Lunch comes at about one o’clock. It generally consists of cold meat (left over from yesterday’s dinner), potatoes, and salad. After that there is bread or biscuits and cheese. Most people drink water at lunchtime; some drink beer or wine. It is not the custom to drink the spirits (烈性酒) like whisky or brandy even wealthy homes in the middle of the day.

       Afternoon tea, taken between four and five, is the most informal meal of the day. If you are a friend of the family you may drop in for tea without an invitation or telling them that you are coming. Each person has a cup and saucer, a spoon and a small plate for bread-and-butter and cake. By the way, do not help yourself to cake first; bread-and-butter first, and then cake if there is any. Another piece of advice: do not put more than one piece of bread or cake on your plate at the same time.

       Dinner is the most substantial (丰盛的) meal of the day and is a very formal meal. Many people even wear special clothes for dinner, so if you are asked out of dinner you must find out whether you are expected to wear a dinner suit; for you would feel very embarrassed if, when you go there, you were the only person in ordinary clothes. Dinner is generally served at about half past seven. All the members of the family sit down together and are on their best behavior. The head of the family sits at one end of the table; his wife sits at the other. If there is a guest, he generally sits in the place of honor, which is at the right of lady of the house. If there are several guests the most important is asked to sit there. During the meal conservation is carried on, you should try to get into the conversation with the person on your right or left, but you should not try to talk to someone who is a long way from you.

                              Title: 76._______________________














  7 to 9 a.m.

Porridge, bacon & eggs, etc










Cold meat, potatoes, salad, bread, biscuits & cheese








4 to 5 p.m.







85. __________








Most formal



There is that great idea that in an information and knowledge based economy, the most important thing for companies is attracting and holding outstanding talented guys.Obviously I will not say that is not important, but in my opinion a successful and groundbreaking company cannot be built just from the collection of high talented people, as a great sports team can't be constructed only by the collection of great players.

It is more important to build teams of people that achieve the goals according to the company's organizational vision.It is necessary to create organizations where everybody (with outstanding talent or not) can develop their best personal capabilities and that these capacities are addressed to achieve the corporate goals and mission.The company efforts must be addressed to design an organizational system that produces and uses talent from everyone in the company.

Trying to get the best from our people through corporate team building policies, establishing a concrete corporate culture and values, making our company a place where people want to work because it is a good place to stay and develop their capacities, is the best way to compete in the knowledge economy.That will keep us out of the obligation to constantly seek for the "best players" and entering in the retribution auctions(拍卖).

We have to take into account that, nowadays, the real talented and creative people, like to work or engage themselves in projects where they can develop their capacities, they can be involved in the organizational goals and vision, and where they are treated with respect and dignity.Definitively, they want to be happy doing their jobs.And we have to build organizations where they can find that.


.The underlined word that in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.

    A.information and knowledge      B.the great idea

    C.the collection of talented people D.attracting and holding talented people


.In the author’s opinion, a good company should consist of ________.

    A.only outstanding people        B.both talented and common people

    C.only common people              D.more talented people than common people[来源:Zxxk.Com]


The most important thing a successful company should do is ________.

    A.constantly seek for talented people

    B.employ people with different abilities

    C.make the company a place where employees are glad to devote themselves to work

    D.make the company a place where employees can get the best pay and great respect


According to Paragraph 3, the company can get the best from its employees in the following ways EXCEPT ________.

    A.making corporate team building rules

    B.forming corporate culture and values

    C.encouraging them to develop their abilities

    D.competing in the knowledge economy




There is that great idea that in an information and knowledge based economy, the most important thing for companies is attracting and holding outstanding talented guys. Obviously I will not say that is not important, but in my opinion a successful and groundbreaking company cannot be built just from the collection of high talented people, as a great sports team can't be constructed only by the collection of great players.

It is more important to build teams of people that achieve the goals according to the company's organizational vision. It is necessary to create organizations where everybody (with outstanding talent or not) can develop their best personal capabilities and that these capacities are addressed to achieve the corporate goals and mission. The company efforts must be addressed to design an organizational system that produces and uses talent from everyone in the company.

Trying to get the best from our people through corporate team building policies, establishing a concrete corporate culture and values, making our company a place where people want to work because it is a good place to stay and develop their capacities, is the best way to compete in the knowledge economy. That will keep us out of the obligation to constantly seek for the "best players" and entering in the retribution auctions(拍卖).

We have to take into account that, nowadays, the real talented and creative people, like to work or engage themselves in projects where they can develop their capacities, they can be involved in the organizational goals and vision, and where they are treated with respect and dignity. Definitively, they want to be happy doing their jobs. And we have to build organizations where they can find that.


The underlined word that in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.

  A. information and knowledge                       B. the great idea

  C. the collection of talented people              D. attracting and holding talented people


In the author’s opinion, a good company should consist of ________.

  A. only outstanding people                                B. both talented and common people

  C. only common people                                       D. more talented people than common people


The most important thing a successful company should do is ________.

  A. constantly seek for talented people

  B. employ people with different abilities

  C. make the company a place where employees are glad to devote themselves to work

  D. make the company a place where employees can get the best pay and great respect


According to Paragraph 3, the company can get the best from its employees in the following ways EXCEPT ________.

  A. making corporate team building rules            

B. forming corporate culture and values

  C. encouraging them to develop their abilities  

D. competing in the knowledge economy


 How is the text organized?

(1)—Paragraph 1     (2)—Paragraph 2              (3)—Paragraph 3              (4)—Paragraph 4

    A. (1)→(2)→(3)→(4)                                                 B. (1)(2)→(3)(4)

          ↗(2)                               (1)↘


    C. (1)→(3)                                                                       D.  (2)→(4)

          ↘(4)                               (3)↗




Imagine you’re at a party full of strangers. You’re nervous. Who are these people? How do you start a conversation? Fortunately, you’ve got a thing that sends out energy at tiny chips in everyone’s name tag. The chips send back name, job, hobbies, and the time available for meeting-whatever. Making new friends becomes simple.

         This hasn’t quite happened in real life. But the world is already experiencing a revolution using RFID technology.

         An RFID tag with a tiny chip can be fixed in a product, under your pet’s skin, even under your own skin. Passive RFID tags have no energy source-batteries because they do not need it. The energy comes from the reader, a scanning device, that sends out energy (for example, radio waves) that starts up the tag immediately.

         Such a tag carries information specific to that object, and the data can be updated. Already, RFID technology is used for recognizing each car or truck on the road and it might appear in your passport. Doctors can put a tiny chip under the skin that will help locate and obtain a patient’s medical records. At a nightclub in Paris or in New York the same chip gets you into the VIP (very important person) section and pays for the bill with the wave of an arm.

         Take a step back:10 or 12 years ago, you would have heard about the coming age of computing. One example always seemed to surface: Your refrigerator would know when you needed to buy more milk. The concept was that computer chips could be put   everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary life simpler.

         RFID tags are a small part of this phenomenon. “The world is going to be a loosely coupled set of individual small devices, connected wirelessly,” predicts Dr.J.Reich. Human right supporters are nervous about the possibilities of such technology. It goes too far tracking school kids through RFID tags, they say. We imagine a world in which a beer company could find out not only when you bought a beer but also when you drank it. And how many beers. Accompanied by how many biscuits.

         When Marconi invented radio, he thought it would be used for ship-to-shore communication, not for pop music. Who knows how RFID and related technologies will be used in the future. Here’s a wild guess: Not for buying milk.

1. The article is intended to         .

         A. warn people of the possible risks in adopting RFID technology

         B. explain the benefits brought about by RFID technology

         C. convince people of the uses of RFID technology

         D. predict the applications of RFID technology

2. We know from the passage that with the help of RFID tags, people________.

         A. will have no trouble getting data about others

         B. will have more energy for conversation

         C. will have more time to make friends

         D. won’t feel shy at parties any longer

3. Passive RFID tags chiefly consist of _______.

         A. scanning devices                                               B. radio waves

         C. batteries                                                                       D. chips

4. Why are some people worried about RFID technology?

         A. Because children will be tracked by strangers.

         B. Because market competition will become more fierce.

         C. Because their private lives will be greatly affected.

         D. Because customers will be forced to buy more products.

5. The last paragraph implies that RFID technology________.

         A. will not be used for such matters as buying milk

         B. will be widely used, including for buying milk

         C. will be limited to communication uses

         D. will probably be used for pop music



Homestay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.   

What to Expect

    The host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.

Accommodation Zones

        Homestays are located in London mainly in Zones 2, 3 and 4 of the transport system.   Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential (居住的). Zones 3 and 4 often offer larger accommodation in a less crowded area. It is very convenient to travel in London by Underground.

Meal Plans Available

*  Continental Breakfast

*  Breakfast and Dinner

*  Breakfast, Packed Lunch and Dinner

        It's important to note that few English families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal (谷物类食品), bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by desert, fruit and coffee.


        If you wish to invite a friend over to visit, you must first ask your host's permission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion of their privacy.

Self-Catering Accommodation in Private Homes

        Accommodation on a room-only basis includes shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room. This kind of accommodation offers an independent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student. However, it does not provide the same family atmosphere as an ordinary homestay and may not benefit those who need to practise English at home quite as much.

1. The passage is probably written for ________.

A. host willing to receive foreign students

B. foreigners hoping to build British culture

C. travelers planning to visit families in London

D. English learners applying to live in English homes

2. Which of the following will the host provide?

A. Room cleaning.    B. Medical care.

C. Free transport.     D. Physical training.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A. Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2.

B. The business centre of London is in Zone 1.

C. Hosts dislike traveling to the city centre.

D. Accommodation in the city centre is not provided.

4.According to the passage, what does continental Breakfast include?

A. Dessert and coffee   B. Fruit and vegetables.

C. bread and fruit juice  D. Cereal and cold meat.

5.Why do some people choose self-catering accommodation?

A. To experience a warmer family atmosphere.

B. To enrich their knowledge of English.

C. To entertain friends as they like.

D. To enjoy much more freedom.


