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Nicole Delian, 17, suffers from a condition that makes her sleep up to 19 hours a day and as  much as 64 days in a row. Nicole Delian is tired of sleeping.
This 17-year-old teenager from North Fayette, Pa., has a rare condition called Kleine-Levin  Syndrome -- or "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome" -- that makes her sleep 18 to 19 hours a day.
And when she does wake up, she is often so tired out that she is in a sleepwalking state and  doesn't remember doing basic things like eating, according to KDKA-TV.
Nicole's sleepwalking state has been so severe that she once slept through the holidays, awaking one day in January when she finally opened Christmas gifts alongside her family,  according to   .
"She's never really adjusted to it," her mother, Vicki Delien told the website. "She's 17 now  and it really upsets her. She's missed out on a lot."
Delien told talk show host Jeff Probst that the teen has at times slept 32 to 64 days in a row,  waking only in sleepwalking mode to eat.
Kleine-Levin Syndrome is incredibly rare, only affecting about l,000 people worldwide, and very hard to diagnose.
In Nicole's' case, it took 25 months for doctors to diagnose her, according to, and everything from a virus, to epilepsy(癫痫) to West Nile was mentioned, including, unfortunately, the possibility she was faking it for attention..
When a typical episode of Sleeping Beauty Syndrome begins, the patient becomes progressively drowsy(昏昏欲睡的) and sleeps for most of the day and night, waking only to eat or go to the bathroom, according to the Klein-Levin Syndrome Foundation website. "When awake, the patient's whole behavior is changed, often appearing “stupid" or childlike. When awake he experiences confusion, complete lack of energy, and lack of emotions."
Patients also report that everything seems out of focus, and that they are hypersensitive to noise and light. Some patients also have intense food cravings(渴望).
The Delians did not say whether Nicole has experienced these symptoms.
There is no known cure, but Nicole's family is using a combination of epilepsy and narcolepsy(发作性嗜睡病)medication to minimize the incidents to just two a year.
【小题1】What's the reflection of Nicole's sleepwalking state?

A.Being forgetful.B.Missing Christmas.
C.Sleeping around the clock.D.Being exhausted and bad-tempered.
【小题2】According to the passage, Kleine-Levin Syndrome         . not impossible for doctors to diagnose
B.affects approximately l,000 people all round the country also known as Sleeping Beauty Syndrome which only affects females
D.makes those suffering this condition sleep as much as 64 days in a row without eating
【小题3】Frorn the passage we can infer that        .
A.the disease will change the patients' behavior for good
B.the case of Nicole has been covered several times by different media
C.the.patients of this kind are more and more sleepy when the syndrome begins
D.the patients of this kind become too sensitive to being exposed to any noise and light
【小题4】According to the passage, Nicole           .
A.was once suspected of lying about her condition
B.has a good appetite for food because of the disease
C.has adapted to the condition and can well cope with it
D.will be cured of the disease by using the combined medication


If you're 70 and overweight, you may live longer
A few extra pounds might help you live longer if you're past your prime(壮年) but otherwise healthy, a new study finds.
Physicians routinely follow guidelines issued by the World Health Organization. Because weight depends on height, they use a standard measure called body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared.
Healthy weight is defined as a BMI anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9 in adults, whereas 25 to 29.9 is overweight and 30+ is obese.
The new study suggests that in the elderly, these boundaries may be too narrow. While no one is questioning that extra fat poses health risks in young and middle-aged adults, it may reduce the impact of frailty and old age, geriatrician(老年医学专家) Dr. Thomas Yoshikawa told Reuters Health.
So far, nobody knows exactly how BMI affects lifespan in older people. Some researchers speculate that it acts as an energy reserve that can help the elderly cope with illness.
For the study, Australian researchers followed more than 9,000 men and women who were between 70 and 75 years old at the beginning. The participants reported their height and weight as well as various factors related to health and lifestyle. About 33 percent of the women and 44 percent of the men were overweight.
Over 10 years, more than 2,000 of the participants died. Women who had an active life and didn't smoke were the most likely to be alive at the end of the study.
But neither health nor lifestyle could fully explain why overweight people of both sexes survived longer than their normal-weight peers, who fared no better than obese individuals. In terms of survival, the best BMI was between 26 and 27, well within the overweight range.
The new results agree with earlier research showing that fat may be beneficial in old age.
1.We can learn from the passage that_________.
A. the heavier one is, the better             
B. we shouldn’t lose weight when old
C. one should keep his weight within the recommended range
D. we shouldn’t worry about our weight if we are slightly fatter than normal when old 
2.According to the passage, if a person is 1.5 metres in height and 67.5 kg in weight, his BMI is________.
A.30            B.25           C.45         D. 28
3. What does the author want to tell us most?
A. Fatness has little to do with diseases in old age.        
B. Fatness is not always bad.
C. Fatness may be beneficial instead of harmful in old age.
D. Overweight people of both sexes survive longer than their normal-weight peers.



1. Many students feel stressed around big moments in their lives like during final exams or when applying to college. Stress can be a pretty dangerous thing, because it can cause you to become sick.. Here are some ways to cope with stress:

Laugh   Laughter is really one of the best medicines. When things get stressful, do things that make you laugh. Watch a funny movie. 2.  Chat with friends and family.

Take a Deep Breath  Breathing is a great way to reduce your stress. Taking deep breaths or doing breathing exercises may seem silly, but it do help you relax and clear up your mind.

Plan Ahead  Most students tend to study hard when test time comes close or do their homework right before it is due. However, having a plan will do a lot to decrease your stress.  3.   

Sleep  Sleep is another great tool in reducing stress. 4. You should be getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. As you know, a lack of sleep can be bad for your health.

Learn to Say “No”   5. So there are times when it is okay to say “no” to the requests of friends, families and teachers. If it is going to add too much to your stress level, just say so.

A.There are a lot of ways to deal with stress.

B.Sometimes life gets pretty stressful.

C.Read an interesting book.

D.Some stress comes from doing everything you’re asked to do.

E. It is essential that we allow our bodies to recover from daily stress.

F. Give yourself the appropriate amount of time to complete tasks, and break those tasks down into manageable portions.

G. You can lose yourself for a while in the music.



As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities, others lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "flight or fight" and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Since we can't remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.

People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because _____.

A. they regard working as their greatest enjoyment

B. they believe that work is superior to relaxation

C. they are traveling fast all the time

D. they are becoming busier with their work than ever before

According to the author, the most important character for a good manager is his _____.

A. strong will to hold out stress

B. knowing the art of relaxation

C. high sense of responsibility

D. having control over performance

Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. We can find quite a few ways to avoid stress.

B. Stress is always harmful to people's health

C. It's easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work.

D. Different people can bear different amount of stress.

In the last sentence of the passage, “do so” refers to _____.

A. "expose ourselves to stress"

B. "find ways to deal with stress"

C. "remove stress from our lives"

D. "establish links between diseases and stress"

According to the author, the right attitude toward stress is _____.

A. to avoid it                      

B. to try to cope with it

C. to regard it as a vital motivation     

D. to find some relaxation


For the past two years, 8-year-old Harli Jordean from Stoke Newington, London, has been selling marbles(弹珠).His successful marble company, Marble King, sells all things marble-related—from affordable tubs of the glass playthings to significantly expensive items like Duke of York solitaire(独粒宝石)tables—sourced, purchased and processed by the mini-CEO himself.
“I like having my own company. I like being the boss,” Harli told The Mirror.
With profits now in the thousands, “the world's youngest CEO” has had to get his mother and older brothers to help him meet the growing demand.
Harli launched Marble King after swapping(交换)marbles at school led to schoolchildren depleting(削减) his marble collection. Yes, he literally(确切地)“lost his marbles.” Harli and his mother, Tina, turned to the Internet to find replacements.
Harli saw an empty space online: the marbles he wanted were hard to find. Within months, Harli had his own marble-selling website and orders started pouring in.
Tina says her son's obsession(迷恋) with marbles started when he was just 6.
“His obsession became so big we started calling him the Marble King, so when he wanted to set up a website it was the natural name for it,” she told The Sun.
“I never thought it would become so popular—we are struggling to cope with the number of orders at times.”
The 8-year-old boy has his sights set on expanding his business and launching his own brand of marbles.
“Sometimes his ideas are so grand we have to scale them back a bit. But his dream is still to own Britain's biggest marble shop and open stores around the world.” Tina told The Daily Mail.
“At the minute he is annoying me by asking about creating his won Marble King marbles, so that could well be the next step for him.”
【小题1】Why did Harli's marble company become popular as soon as he launched it?

A.Because it was run by “the world's youngest CEO”.
B.Because it filled the gaps of marble business.
C.Because Harli was fascinated with marble collection.
D.Because his mother and brothers helped him a lot.
【小题2】How many mass media are mentioned in the passage?
【小题3】Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined expression “scale back”?
A.make smallerB.carry outC.turn downD.frighten away
【小题4】What message do the last two paragraphs carry?
A.Conflicts often occur between Harli Jordean and his family.
B.Harli's mother and brothers are worried about Marble King's future.
C.Marble King marbles will be more popular with marble fans around the world.
D.The “Marble King” has great ambitions for his Marble King Company.

