dispose of (=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉 查看更多




Tibet lies high in the mountains, where there are few trees for fuel and the ground is too hard to dig a grave. Therefore, for centuries, one of the most common ways for Tibetans to dispose of dead bodies has been by sky burials. Basically, this means allowing vultures(秃鹰)to eat the corpses.

In many cultures, allowing animals to eat the bodies of relatives would show a lack of respect for them. But Tibetan views on dead bodies are different. Tibetans believe that the body is simply a container for the spirit, and it is only the spirit that is important.

After a Tibetan dies, the body is not touched for three days. The spirit is allowed to leave peacefully. Lengthy prayers are said for the spirit, and then the body is taken for sky burial.

Sky burials take place outside temples, with monks in attendance. People might travel for days with the dead to reach an auspicious(吉利的)temple. In the whole of Tibet there are only three temples that are considered particularly auspicious.

The burial itself takes place quickly, with little ceremony. First the body is stripped naked and placed on holy stones. It is then cut into small pieces and the bones are broken. When everything has been made easy to digest, the monks say prayers for the deceased and move back. Vultures flock to the remains, and within a short time, there is nothing left.

Tibetans believe that ___________________ the body will be returned to the mountains and the spirit will be allowed to fly free.

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 5 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Only three temples are considered very auspicious throughout the Tibet.


3.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Do you agree with this kind of burial? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.




In today’s throw away society, dealing with the city’s growing mountain of waste is an inereasing challenge for the city countil(市议会)。
Recently. Edinburgh is faced with the problem of dssposing of(处理)about250,000
Million tons of waster a year . Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner---largely through encouraging tecycling---its aging facilities such as the Powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it.
The European Union(EU) has issued a new policy, regulating how such mountains of waster are to hr disposed of. The five councils (Edinburgh. East Lothian. West Lothian. Midlethian and Borders) face fine around $18million a year from 2013 it they don’t inerease recycling levels and rely less on landfill. With this in mind, the coumlls got together with the idea of building a lage incinerator plant (垃圾焚烧厂)to burn half of the waste produced in their districts. But the plan fell apart after the change of target levels by a new UK government waste policy which required that no more than 25% of the city’s waste should be disposed of in this way by 2025.
After the plan was abandoned, a private company which already transported millions of tons of the city’s wast by train to a landfill site near Dunbar, offered an alternative soution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near Portobello.
Since Powderhall is supposed to close in 2015, it seemed necessary for the members of the Edinburgh Council to accept the suggestion. But soon they turned it down—after 700 local objections reached them—because it would have meant hundreds of lorries a day making loud noise through heavily populated areas.
That still leaves eth council with a problem. By 2013,only50%of 1995 levels of waste will benllewed to be sent to landfill. Even if recveling large are met, there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up. Due build an Edinburgh and Midlothian councils have now decided to work together to build an ineinerator plant as time to find a solution is fast running out.
【小题1】The main way of handling waste in a green manmer in Edinburgh is       .

【小题2】The five councils worked out a plan to build an incinerator plant to       .
A.reduce the roast of burying waste
B.meets the EU requirements
C.speed up waste recycling
D.tempter landfill sites
【小题3】The city council of Edinburgh rejected the suggestion to open a huge landfill site near Portobello because     .
A.a name from a private company
B.the comelier was not interested in it
C.it was not supports by EU
D.the local poodle was waist it
【小题4】What is the final dream an Edinburgh and Midlothian Country?
A.To open a new landfill nearby
B.To close the powder hall landfill in 2015
C.To set up a plan for burning waste
D.To persuade people to deduce their waste.


Every human being,  36 what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is  37 dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the  38 problem — how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which utilizes  39 body heat, but the heat given off by such objects  40 light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well  41 no conventional fuel is needed  42 the campus’ six buildings comfortable.
Some parts of most modern buildings — theatres and offices  43 classrooms — are more than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned  44 in winter. The technique of  45 heat and redistributing it is  46 “heat recover”. A few modern buildings recover  47 , but the university’s system is the first to recover heat  48 some buildings and re-use it in  49 . Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers. The  50 a student studies, the more heat his body  51 . Male students emit more heat than 52 students, and the larger a student, the more heat he  53 . It is tempting to  54 that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a  55 , over-weight male genius.

A.thoughB.no matterC.howeverD.in spite of
A.how toB.howC.whatD.what to
A.bothB.not onlyC.as well asD.neither
A.for exampleB.likeC.ofD.as
A.makeB.to be madeC.to makeD.making
A.includingB.as well asC.withD.as well
A.savingB.being savedC.disposingD.being disposed
A.the otherB.otherC.othersD.the others
A.hardB.hardestC.harderD.more hard
A.takes inB.gives offC.gives inD.takes out
【小题20】A. easy-going   . fun-making  C.hard-working  D. good-for-nothing


Researchers at the University of Bedforshire have developed a new technique for powering electronic device(装置). The system, developed by Professor Ben Allen at the Centre for Wireless Research, uses radio(无线电) waves as power.
Believed to be a world first, the team claims it could eventually eliminate (or get rid of )the need for conventional batteries. The university has now filed a patent application to secure the only rights to the technique.
Professor Allen and his team have created a system to use medium wave frequencies to replace batteries in small everyday devices like clocks and remote controls.
The new technique uses the “waste” energy of radio waves and has been developed as part of the university’s research into “power harvesting”. Professor Allen said that as radio waves have energy―like light waves, sound waves or wind waves―then, in theory, these waves could be used to create power.
“The emerging(新兴的)area of power harvesting technology promises to reduce our reliance on conventional batteries,” he said. “It’s really exciting way of taking power from sources other than what we would normally think of.”
The team is now waiting for the results of the patent application to secure recognition of the technique. Professor Allen said that the team’s achievements had all been done in their “spare time”. “Our next stage is to try and raise some real funds so that we can take this work forward and make a working prototype(模型)and maybe partner up with the right people and take this to a full product in due course,” he said.
“Power harvesting has a really important part in our future, because, just in this country, we dispose of somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 tonnes of batteries in landfill(垃圾填理)sites every single year-that is toxic chemicals going into the ground.”
He added that development of the product could also be “commercially beneficial”. “The market for this is several billion pounds. We’ve seen market predictions for 2020 which have these kinds of figures, so there’s a lot of commercial potential in this area,” he said.
Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Bedfordshire, Professor Carsten Maple, said, “This type of work is a reflection of the university’s growing reputation and experience in conducting innovative(创新的)research.”
【小题1】From the text we know the new technique for powering electronic devices_____.

A.can be applied to all electronic devices.
B.uses radio waves to create power.
C.has replaced conventional batteries.
D.produces many toxic chemicals.
【小题2】According to Professor Allen, power harvesting technology______.
A.makes every use of radio waves.
B.takes power from usual sources.
C.reduces our dependency on conventional batteries.
D.aims at huge commercial benefits.
【小题3】What can we learn about Professor Allen and his team from the text?
A.They have made use of radio waves in their daily life.
B.They have raised a big fund to support their research.
C.They have gained a patent for their new technology.
D.They mainly did their research in their spare time.
【小题4】What is Professor Carsten Maple’s attitude toward the new technique?
【小题5】What is the text mainly about?
A.A new technique to create power.
B.A crisis concerning conventional batteries.
C.Some special sources of power.
D.The development of power harvesting.


Nuclear energy has always been controversial. But since the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Fukushima (Japan) last year the issue is back in the headlines. And the world is divided— some countries are planning more nuclear plants, while others have promised to shut theirs down.
After Fukushima, Germany decided to switch off all its nuclear plants by 2022. Switzerland and Italy are also phasing out nuclear power. But France and the United States remain staunch supporters of atomic energy. In fact, almost 80% of France’s electricity comes from nuclear power, the highest percentage in the world. And in the US, the Obama administration said it “continues to support the expansion of nuclear power, despite the crisis in Japan.”
Nuclear supporters claim nuclear power can help the environment. Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power doesn’t create greenhouse gases. So, pro-nuclear countries argue that nuclear power allows them to generate energy without contributing to climate change. Britain’s chief scientific adviser (John Beddington) supports this view. He recently said that the world doesn’t have the luxury of ignoring nuclear energy.
Nuclear power is also relatively cheap. Renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro and wind power may be clean, but they’re expensive; and right now, they require a lot of investment. This higher cost of using “green energy” is usually passed onto the consumer. So, while many people may prefer their energy to come from a renewable source, not so many are prepared to pay higher energy bills. This is of particular concern while the world economy is in such bad shape.
The main argument against nuclear energy is that it isn’t safe. For a start, nuclear waste is very difficult to dispose of, and remains toxic to humans for thousands of years. And even before Fukushima, there were several high-profile nuclear disasters. The most famous is probably the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, in the Ukraine. The radiation from the meltdown spread all over Europe, affecting thousands.
The nuclear energy issue is very complex. And it doesn’t look like it’ll be resolved anytime soon. As a Japanese commentator recently said, “it’s been a bad year for the ‘nuclear village’, but I don’t think they’re down and out yet.” The battle continues.
【小题1】Which of the following may NOT be the advantage of nuclear energy over other energy sources?

A.Nuclear energy doesn’t produce any greenhouse gases.
B.Nuclear energy can help prevent the climate damage.
C.Nuclear energy is more environmental-friendly than other green energy sources.
D.Nuclear energy can save the consumers some money, compared to other renewable energies.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “this” refer to in paragraph 4?
A.The fact that many people prefer to use the green energy sources while unwilling to pay higher bill.
B.The cost of using renewable sources
C.The fact that the nuclear power is cheaper.
D.The investment of renewable energy sources
【小题3】We can learn from the last paragraph that _______.
A.the Japanese commentator is positive about the future of nuclear energy
B.the nuclear energy issue will be soon settled
C.a battle will break out in the future
D.Japan is considering to build a nuclear village in the future
【小题4】What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To highlight the danger of using nuclear energy.
B.To introduce some serious nuclear disasters.
C.To show the argument between nuclear supporters and protesters.
D.To give some advice on how to use nuclear energy safely.

