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71._____________the present American President Obama is a black man. (it)


72.Well, towards nightfall I found myself _____________by a strong wind.(carry)


73.Dr Yuan Longping is quite satisfied with his life. However, he doesn’t care much about _____________ (famous)


74.We were very excited at the news _____________. (win)


75.Several days later, an expert together with some assistants _____________ help in this work. (send)


76.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on _____________. (solve)


77.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried _____________on the earth and fell over. (far)


78.Only by shouting _____________ make people on the other side of the river hear him. (able)


79.His wife doesn’t like the second-hand car, _____________ is too high, and it looks ugly.(which)


80.The fine weather _____________ go for an outing next week. We all feel happy.(possible)



BEIJING - Astronomers have defended against rumors (谣言) that the terrible earthquake and the following tsunami in Japan were closely related to or even caused by the "supermoon" that will appear in the sky on Saturday.

The word "supermoon" was introduced in a report by the British newspaper Daily Mail on March 9, which said amateur scientists were warning that such an astronomical phenomenon could disturb the Earth's climate patterns and may even cause earthquakes and volcanic activity. The moon will be 356,577 kilometers from the Earth on Saturday, the closest in 19 years, and the closest point in its oval orbit coincides(一致) with a full moon, the report said.

However, Saturday's moon is not actually the closest to Earth in 19 years, Tang Haiming, an astronomer with Shanghai Astronomical Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Xinhua News Agency. A shorter distance of 356,570 km between the two bodies was reached in January 2005, and a distance of 356,566 km was seen in December 2008.

Yet some people suggest that previous supermoons have occurred prior to extreme weather events. In 1974 the phenomenon was followed by Cyclone Tracy(特雷西龙卷风) in Darwin, Australia, and in 2005 it occurred shortly before a deadly tsunami in Indonesia. Coincidentally, two fresh disasters happened in Asia right before Saturday's supermoon. The public's concern about their connection with the moon boomed after Japan's terrible earthquake and tsunami and an earthquake in Southwest China's Yunnan province that killed 25 people on March 10.

But astronomers are trying to reassure people that such rumors are merely unreasonable.

“A supermoon could cause high tides but has no direct relation with natural disasters such as earthquakes,” Liu Jie, a researcher with the China Earthquake Network Center, told China Daily on Tuesday. “We can't find any necessary connection between previous supermoons and earthquakes. And the quake in Japan occurred because the Earth's inner energy had accumulated to some extent, and it's not related to the moon. ” he said.

James Garvin, chief scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center under NASA, said in an article on NASA's website that “the effects on Earth from a supermoon are minor.”“The combination of the moon being at its closest to Earth in its orbit, and being in its 'full moon' configuration (relative to the Earth and sun), should not affect the inner energy balance of the Earth, since there are lunar tides(月潮) every day. ”

Zhu Jin, curator of the Beijing Planetarium, said“the moon moves around the earth in a certain path, so each orbit has a perigee(近地点)- its closest approach, and an apogee(最远点) - its furthest distance.”“A lunar perigee occurs once a month and there are very small differences in distances between perigees,”he said.“Those tiny differences are far from enough to cause earthquakes or eruption of a volcano,”he added.

1. What word can take the place of the underlined word “reassure” in the fifth paragraph?

A. relieve   B. command    C. inform     D. advocate

2. How many disasters are mentioned in the article?

A. three    B. four      C. five      D. six

3. What’s the real reason for the quake in Japan?

A. Because supermoon disturbed the Earth's climate patterns.

B. Because the Earth's inner energy had accumulated to some extent.

C. Because the combination of the moon being at its closest to Earth in its orbit, and being in its “full moon” configuration affected the inner energy balance of the Earth. 

D. Because God punished us for our serious pollution.

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. “Supermoon” and earthquake

B. The earthquake in Japan .

C. Experts clarify worries over “supermoon” 

D. A rumor about “supermoon”


