be fed up with(=be unhappy, tired about sth. dull) 厌烦, 腻了 查看更多




be fed up with, object to, get through, take in, in terms of

Though he _________________ the plan, he could not work out a better one.

I tried to telephone you but couldn’t _________________.

Take care not to be _________________ by those who praise you to your face.

_______________ money, he’s quite rich, but not in the light of happiness.

My roommate is always complaining. I _____________ him.



be fed up with, object to, get through, take in, in terms of

93.     Though he _________________ the plan, he could not work out a better one.

94.     I tried to telephone you but couldn’t _________________.

95.     Take care not to be _________________ by those who praise you to your face.

96.     _______________ money, he’s quite rich, but not in the light of happiness.

97.     My roommate is always complaining. I _____________ him.




There was a huge battle between the warriors(武士)of Greece and the people of Troy. Prince Paris from Troy had stolen away the Greek queen; Helen. The Greek warriors set sail for Troy to fight for their queen.  

The battle outside Troy lasted for ten years. The men were fed up and wanted to return to their homes. Athene, goddess of war gave Ulysses the idea for a plan to end the war. They built a big wooden horse which they put in the middle of their encampment(营地). Next they pretended to give up their camp. In reality many soldiers hid inside the wooden horse.

Once they thought the camp had been abandoned the Trojans went out to check. They needed to know if the war was really over. They walked through the abandoned encampment and eventually found the wooden horse. They could not decide what it was. Some wanted to take it  into the city, others thought that it was a gift to Zeus and feared touching or moving it in case they upset Zeus.  

Some Trojans decided to take it back into the city. They called a large group of troops, attached ropes and pulled it into the city.

A huge celebration started. The city was free from war for the first time in nine years. Everybody feasted, drank and danced until eventually the merriment(欢闹)was over and they all went to sleep.

This was the moment that the wooden horse opened a big flap(盖口)hidden underneath. Out crept Ulysses and all of his men. They killed the sleeping troops, rescued Queen Helen, met up with the rest of their army and set sail for home.

The story of the return journey is told in The Odyssey, a collection of poems piecing together the bits of the story from the many different places where the story took place.

Greece and the people of Troy were at war because________________.

A. they have different views and beliefs

B. Prince Paris from Troy wanted to control Greek

C. they were war-like countries

D. the Greek warriors fought against Troy for their queen stolen away

What does the underlined phrase “(be)fed up” probably mean?

A. very bored   B. very happy  C. very sad   D. very interested

Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?

A. The battle outside Troy lasted for ten years.

B. It was Ulysses that thought up the idea for a plan to end the war

C. The Trojans fell into a trap set by Ulysses and all of his men

D. The Greek warriors saved Queen Helen and head home successfully

What can we learn from the story?

A. Keep a clear brain or you’ll be cheated by something pretending

B. Failure is a common thing in the war

C. strategy(策略) is not an important factor in the war.

D. Victory cannot be gained by cheat and pretence.

Which of the followings can serve as the best title for the passage?

A. The Trojan Horse    B. A Smart Plan  C. The Trojan War  D. Rescuing Queen Helen


rely on     in other words     be fed up with     take place  be likely to     
 pull out      in consequence  pull through      on average      go up
1.China's first lunar satellite       be launched in April.
2.You can       Peter to do whatever he promises.
3.Fire will       if the gases hydrogen and oxygen are mixed and lighted.
4.National income would       next year by 8.6 percent.
5.London has       7.6 hours of sunshine per day during May.
6.The patient eventually      after having had a close brush with death.
7.The train        at noon.
8.From now on you needn't work here      .,you are fired.
9.There were no buses in the countryside;       we had to walk.
10.He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he        them now.


Li Lei, who was busy preparing a report, couldn't ________ the loud noise, so he kept all the windows shut all day long.

[  ] up with fed up with

C.put up with

D.keep up with

