(be) inferior to(=less good in quality or value) 比-差; superior to比- 好 查看更多



  "Wild animals seem to have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami(海啸),adding weight to the notion they possess a‘sixth sense’for disasters," experts said.

  Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed hundreds of thousands of people along the coast of Indian Ocean island seemingly missed the wild beasts, with no dead animals found.

  "No elephants are dead, not even a dead hare or rabbit.I think animals can sense disasters.They have a sixth sense.They know when things are happening," H.D.Ratnayake, deputy director of Sri Lanka’s Wildlife Department, said.

  The waves washed floodwaters up to 3 km(2 miles)inland at Yala National Park in the ravaged southeast, Sri Lanka’s biggest wildlife reserve and home to hundreds of wild elephants and several leopards."There has been a lot of evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.But it has not been proven,"said Matthew van Lierop, an animal behaviour specialist at Johannesburg Zoo.

  "There have been no specific studies because you can’t really test it in a lab or field setting," he said.

  Other authorities(权威)agreed with this judgment.

  "Wildlife seem to be able to pick up certain phenomenon, especially birds.There are many reports of birds detecting coming disasters," said Clive Walker, who has written several books on African wildlife.

  Animals certainly rely on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger such as predators(食肉动物).

  The notion of an animal "sixth sense"-or some other mythical power-is an enduring one which the evidence on Sri Lanka’s battered coast is likely to add to.

  The Romans saw owls(猫头鹰)as omens of coming disasters and many ancient cultures viewed elephants as sacred(神圣的)animals endowed with special powers.

  The tsunami was triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean.It killed tens of thousands of people in Asia and East Africa.


It can be infer from the first paragraph that ________.

[  ]


after the Indian Ocean tsunami scientists are sure of an animal "sixth sense"


before the Indian Ocean tsunami scientists didn’t believe in an animal "sixth sense"


before the Indian Ocean tsunami scientists had some idea of an animal "sixth sense"


the Indian Ocean tsunami has offered the only proof for an animal "sixth sense"


The author quoted Clive Walker’s words to ________.

[  ]


throw doubt on an animal "sixth sense"


show the different opinions between Sri Lankan wildlife officials and the authorities


show that authorities know better than animal behaviour specialists


add proof to an animal "sixth sense"


Which of the following does not belong to an animal "sixth sense"?

[  ]


Elephants avoiding the coming Indian Ocean tsunami.


Dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.


Birds detecting coming disasters.


Animals relying on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger.


The underlined word in the passage probably means ________.

[  ]










       File-sharing occurs whenever one individual sends a file to another. The only way to even try to limit this process is to monitor all communication between ordinary people. Despite the crackdown on Napster, Kazaa and other peer-to-peer(对等网络) services over the past decade, the volume of file-sharing has grown exponentially. Even if the authorities closed down all other possibilities, people could still send copyrighted files as attachments to e-mails or through private networks. If people start doing that, should we give the government the right to monitor all mail and all encrypted(加密) networks? Whenever there are ways of communicating in private, they will be used to share copyrighted material. If you want to stop people doing this, you must remove the right to communicate in private. There is no other option. Society has to make a choice.
The world is at a crossroads. The internet and new information technologies are so powerful that no matter what we do, society will change. But the direction has not been decided.
The internet it still in its infancy, but already we see fantastic things appearing as if by magic. Take Linux, the free computer operating system, or Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. But where technology opens up new possibilities, our intellectual property laws do their best to restrict them. Linux is held back by patents, the rest of the examples by copyright. The public increasingly recognizes the need for reform.
Our manifesto(声明) is to reform copyright laws and gradually abolish(废除) the patent system. We oppose mass surveillance (监视)and censorship(审查制度) on the net, as in the rest of society. We intend to devote all our time and energy to protecting the basal civil liberties on the net and elsewhere.
Political decisions taken over the next five years are likely to set the course we take into the information society, and will affect the lives of millions for many years into the future. The information revolution is happening here and now. It is up to us to decide what future we want.
41. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Over the past decade, the volume of file-sharing has increased doubly.
B. Over the past decade, other peer-to-peer(对等网络) services have been beaten down.
C. Copyright laws should be reformed.
D. File-sharing occurs unless a file is sent on the Internet.
42. In the opinion of the writer, the government ________.
A. has to make a choice
B. should stop people sharing the copyrighted files
C. shouldn't stop people sharing the copyrighted files
D. should monitor all the mail and all encrypted (加密) networks
43. The author's main purpose in writing the passage is____________.
A. to have the basal citizen's freedom on the net and elsewhere
B. to establish the patent system
C. to abolish copyright laws
D. to reform computer operating system
44. The underlined word “restrict” in Paragraph 3 most probably means__________.
A. remove           B. limit               C. close                D. reform
45. We can infer from the passage_______________.
A. A new information revolution will be coming.
B. People won't share copyrighted material on the net
C. People can share the free encyclopedia
D. The future of the Internet will rely on the government


Plants can’t communicate by moving or making sounds, as most animals do. Instead, plants Produce volatile compounds, chemicals that easily change from a liquid to a gas. A flower’s sweet smell, for example, comes from volatile compounds that the plant produces to attract insects such as Bugs and bees.

Plants can also detect volatile compounds produced by other plants. A tree under attack by Hungry insets, for instance, may give off volatile compounds that let other trees know about the Attack. In response, the other trees may send off chemicals to keep the bugs away ——or even  Chemicals that attract the bugs’ natural enemies.

Now scientists have created a quick way to understand what plants are saying: a chemical Sensor(传感器)called an electronic nose. The “e-nose” can tell compounds that crop plants make When they’re attacked Scientists say the e-nose could help quickly detect whether plants are being Eaten by insects. But today the only way to detect such insects is to visually inspect individual Plants. This is a challenging task for managers of greenhouses, enclosed gardens than can house Thousands of plants.

The research team worked with an e-nose than recognizes volatile compounds. Inside the device, 13 sensors chemically react with volatile compounds Based on these interactions, the e-nose gives off electronic signals that the scientists analyze using computer software.

To test the nose, the team presented it with healthy leaves from cucumber, pepper and tomato plants, all common greenhouse crops. Then scientists collected samples of air around damaged leaves from each type of crop, These plants had been damaged by insects, or by scientists who made holes in the leaves with a hole punch(打孔器). The e-nose, it turns out, could identify healthy cucumber, pepper and tomato plants based on The volatile compounds they produce, It could also identify tomato leaves that had been damaged. But even more impressive, the device could tell which type of damage ---- by insects or with a hole Punch ---- had been done to the tomato leaves.

With some fine-tuning, a device like the e-nose could one day be used in greenhouses to quickly spot harmful bugs, the researchers say. A device like this could also be used to identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and ready to pick and eat, says Natalia Dudareva, a biochemist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. who studies smells of flowers and plants. Hopefully, scientists believe, the device could bring large benefits to greenhouse managers in the near future.

We learn from the text that plants communicate with each other by____.

A. making some sounds        B. waving their leaves

C. producing some chemicals   D. sending out electronic signals

What did the scientists do to find out if the e-nose worked?

A. They presented it with all common crops.

B. They fixed 13 sensors inside the device.

C. They collected different damaged leaves.

D. They made tests on damaged and healthy leaves.

According to the writer, the most amazing thing about the e-nose is that it can___.

A. pick out ripe fruits

B. spot the insects quickly

C. distinguish different damages to the leaves

D. recognize unhealthy tomato leaves

We can infer from the last paragraph that the e-nose_____.

A. is unable to tell the smell of flowers

B. is not yet used in greenhouses

C. is designed by scientists at Purdue

D. is helpful in killing harmful insects


As kids, my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods. “The woods” was our part-time address, destination, purpose, and excuse. If I went to a friend’s house and found him not at home, his mother might say, “Oh, he’s out in the woods,” with a tone of airy acceptance. It’s similar to the tone people sometimes use nowadays to tell me that someone I’m looking for is on the golf course or at the gym, or even “away from his desk.” For us ten-year-olds, “being out in the woods” was just an excuse to do whatever we feel like for a while.
We sometimes told ourselves that what we were doing in the woods was exploring (探险). Exploring was a more popular idea back then than it is today. History seemed to be mostly about explorers. Our explorations, though, seemed to have less system than the historic kind: something usually came up along the way. Say we stayed in the woods, throwing rocks, shooting frogs, picking blackberries, digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Italian burial mound.
Often we got “lost” and had to climb a tree to find out where we were. If you read a story in which someone does that successfully, be skeptical: the topmost branches are usually too skinny to hold weight, and we could never climb high enough to see anything except other trees. There were four or five trees that we visited regularly — tall beeches, easy to climb and comfortable to sit in.
It was in a tree, too, that our days of fooling around in the woods came to an end. By then some of us has reached seventh grade and had begun the rough ride of adolescence (青春期). In March, the month when we usually took to the woods again after winter, two friends and I set out to go exploring. We climbed a tree, and all of a sudden it occurred to all three of us at the same time that we really were rather big to be up in a tree. Soon there would be the spring dances on Friday evenings in the high school cafeteria.
48. The author and his fiends were often out in the woods to ______.
A. spend their free time               B. play golf and other sports
C. keep away from their parents        D. escape from doing their schoolwork
49. What can we infer from paragraph 2?
A. The activities in the woods were well planned.
B. Human history is not the result of exploration.
C. The author explored in the woods aimlessly.
D. Exploration should be a systematic activity.
50. The underlined word “skeptical” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. calm                 B. doubtful            C. serious              D. optimistic
51. From the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.
A. they usually didn’t go to the woods in winter
B. the author and his friends are of the same age
C. all high school students would go dancing on Friday evenings
D. they stopped going to the woods because they were adults now
52. How does the author feel about his childhood?
A. Happy but short.                                   B. Lonely but memorable.
C. Boring and meaningless.                 D. Long and unforgettable.


Many years ago, there was a story of a school teacher—Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.
Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother’s perfume.
Teddy said, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to.” After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and maths. Instead, she began to teach children.
Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boy’s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.
Six years went by before she got a letter from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. He went to college. Mrs. Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D.(医学博士).
The story doesn’t end there. On his wedding day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.”
Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you."
【小题1】What first impression did Teddy give Mrs. Thompson?

C.Hewas dirty and not easy-going.
【小题2】According to the first paragraph, which is true between Teddy and his teacher?
A.Mrs. Thompson had a dislike of Teddy at first.
B.Mrs. Thompson didn’t play well with him.
C.Mrs. Thompson loved him all the time.
D.Mrs. Thompson told Teddy not to tell a lie.
【小题3】Why did Teddy become one of the smartest children in the class?
A.Mrs. Thompson paid little attention to him.
B.Mrs. Thompson gave him encouragement more often
C.Teddy was cleverer than before.
D.Teddy got on well with other students.
【小题4】Why did Teddy invite Mrs. Thompson to his wedding?
A.Teddy kept in touch with her all the time.
B.Teddy thanked her for her help and encouragement.
C.Teddy was treated by the teacher like her son.
D.She had taught him how to judge people.
【小题5】From the passage, we can infer that ______.
A.we should love our teacher
B.we shouldn’t tell a lie in any way
C.knowledge can’t be important
D.motherlycare can really make a difference

