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More Americans are Googling themselves ------ and many are checking out their friends, co-workers and romantic interests, too.

In a report Sunday, the Pew Internet and American Life Project said 47 percent of U.S. adult Internet users have looked for information about themselves through Google or another search engine.

That is more than twice the 22 percent of users who did in 2002, but Pew senior research specialist Mary Madden was surprised the growth wasn't higher.

"Yes it's doubled, but many Internet users have never done this simple act of plugging their name with search engines," she said.

Americans under 50 and those with more education and income were more likely to self-Google because their jobs demand a certain online persona.

Meanwhile, Pew found that 53 percent of adult Internet users admit looking up information about someone else, not including celebrities.

Often, it's to find someone they have lost touch with. But looking up information about friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbors also was common.

Although men and women equally searched for online information about themselves, women were slightly more likely to look up information about someone they are dating.

In many cases, the search is done to find someone's contact information. But a third of those who have conducted searches on others have looked for public records, such as bankruptcies(破产) and divorce (离婚)proceedings. A similar number have searched for someone else's photo.

Few Internet users say they Google themselves regularly —— about three-quarters of self-searchers say they have done so only once or twice. And most who have done so consider what they find accurate.

Pew also found that teens were more likely than adults to restrict who can see their information at an online hangout(常去之处) like Facebook or News Corp's MySpace.

1.The number of American adult Internet users______ Mary Madden.





2.What does “ they” refer to in the seventh paragraph?

A.common people



D.53 percent adult Internet users

3.How many people have checked others’ photos?

A.One- fifth


C.One- third

D.A half

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Learn to Google Yourself

B.Googling Oneself Is Popular

C.New Performance Online

D.Don’t Google Yourself Online



The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a discouraging thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history show, hasn’t meant economic freedom.

Employment became widespread when the enclosures(圈地运动)of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by taking them away from the use of the land, and thus from the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people’s homes. Later, as transport improved, first by rail and then by road, people traveled longer distances to their place of employment until, eventually, many people’s work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they lived.

Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. In pre-industrial times, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community. Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and family to his wife. Tax and benefit regulations still assume this norm(准则)today, and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between sexes.

It was not only women whose work status suffered. As employment became the dominant form of work, young people and old people were kept out — a problem now, as more teenagers disappointed and annoyed at school and more retired people want to live active lives.

All this may now have to change. The time has certainly come to switch some efforts and resources away from the utopian(乌托邦)goal of creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs.

1. From the passage we can learn that ____. have existed since human came into being

B.the industrial age brought jobs to everyone

C.the industrial age brought the work patterns most people’s work has taken the future more and more people could get jobs as the industry is developing

2.Before the enclosures of the 17th and 18th, people lived mainly on ____.

A.paid work

B.unpaid work

C.taxes and benefits

3.Before the industrial age women played ____.

A.more important roles in making a life

B.less important roles in making a life

C.roles as weak as after in raising their children

D.roles as important as men in supporting a family

4. From the passage we can infer that ____.

A.creating jobs for all must be changed

B.enough jobs must be created by our society

C.more and more jobs are being created

D.industrial age has made many people unable to live without full-time jobs



Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children (MGHfC) have invented a new term that describes dangers associated with cigarette smoke: third-hand smoke. Study results published in January, 2009 discuss how third-hand smoke is especially dangerous for children.

Have you ever walked into a room that had the smell of cigarette smoke, regardless of the fact that a fan was moving the air and no one was smoking at the time? This is what researchers are calling third-hand smoke — and it represents the poisonous deposits (存积物) that are left behind long after a cigarette is put out. 

Cigarette smoke contains gases and small particles that are deposited on every surface it comes in contact with, for example, the smoker’s hair and clothing, or the environment the cigarette was smoked in. It’s dangerous for young children who may crawl on polluted surfaces. Third-hand smoke is a serious health risk for our kids, especially those who live in the homes of smokers.

Jonathan Winickoff, lead author of the study, explains, “When you come into contact with your baby, even if you’re not smoking at the time, he or she comes in contact with those poisons. And if you breast-feed, the poisons will transfer to your baby in your breast milk.” Winickoff adds however, that nursing a baby if you’re a smoker is still a better choice than bottle-feeding.

Researchers involved in the study also surveyed more than 1,500 families in an effort to learn about adult attitudes regarding the danger third-hand smoke represents to their children and how that might affect smoking in the home.

Approximately 95 percent of nonsmokers and 84 percent of smokers believe that secondhand smoke is dangerous for children.

On the issue of whether third-hand smoke threatens the health of children, 65 percent of nonsmokers and 43 percent of smokers felt that third-hand smoke harms kids. When asked about rules regarding smoking in the home, approximately 88 percent of nonsmokers said they don’t allow smoking, while only 27 percent of smokers forbid smoking in the home.

However, both non-smokers and smokers who felt that third-hand smoking was harmful to children’s health were more inclined to (倾向于) restrict smoking in their homes.

1.The study led by Jonathan Winickoff focused on _______.

A.bad influences long after a cigarette is smoked

B.third-hand smoke and secondhand smoke

C.the bad effects of smoking on common people

D.the terrible smell of cigarette smoke

2.How does the text explain what third-hand smoke is?

A.By telling results of a survey.

B.By giving statistics.

C.By making comparisons.

D.By giving an example.

3.The following measures to prevent the effect of third-hand smoke are effective except _______. 

A.keeping kids out of room when you smoke the house to get rid of poisons

C.making yourself clean before contacting kids

D.trying to forbid smoking in home



Do you know soon eleven biggest food and drink companies of the nations will adopt new rules to limit advertising to children under the age of 12, a move that restricts ads for products such as McDonald’s Happy Meals and the use of popular cartoon characters.

The companies announced their new rules ahead of a Federal Trade Commission hearing on Wednesday that steps up pressure on the companies to help solve the growing child obesity problem through more responsible marketing. The self-given rules include promises by seven companies who will no longer use licensed characters, such as those made popular through movies or TV shows, to advertise online or in print media unless they’re promoting their healthier products. Four other companies said they do not advertise at all to children under 12.

“I think this is a very good step forward. It’s not the end of the journey but it’s a good way down the road,” said Margo Wootan, Nutrition Policy Director at the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Since the FTC first publicly raised the issue in 2005, many of the companies have started selling products with better nutrition in mind. The companies hope their self-regulation efforts — organized through the Council of Better Business Bureaus — will fend off any new and more strict federal regulation.

Parents are happy to see new rules that restrict the use of cartoon characters such as Shrek, Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob SquarePants. “It catches their eyes when you’re shopping,” said Josephine Thomas, a mother of three boys who lives in Manhattan. “As soon as they see a Shrek or Mickey Mouse, they automatically look at that and they don’t see what they really need. That’s one of the biggest problems when you go shopping.” That’s one reason the food companies have said they will now only use licensed characters to advertise their “better for you” products.

1.The reason why the food and drink companies will take action is that they want to___________

A.promote sales across the country

B.limit advertising to children under the age of 12 increasing demands from kids

D.adapt to the new federal regulations

2.What can we learn from the text that the seven companies ____.

A.may still use cartoon characters in advertising

B.are going to stop advertising to children under 12

C.Would like to continue the cooperation with entertainment media

D.will make food and drink specially for fat kids

3.What of the following can best describe the underlined words “fend off”?

A.prevent ... from happening

B.draw up or work out attention to

D.give a warm welcome to

4.What does Josephine Thomas advise in the last paragraph? spend too much on unhealthy food

B.parents are strict about their kids’ food choice

C.“better for you” products are popular with kids with cartoon characters mislead kids



         Social rules or laws on marriage vary widely between countries.Some countries, still do not have a legal minimum age for marriage, which makes child macriages are very common, there.
In the Western Christian countries, a 13 -year -old is still considered a child.Even getting married in one* s late teens is not usually encouraged because married life is likely to interfere with a young woman' s education and consequently restrict opportunities in later life.And there are also physical dangers in giving birth so young.  
In Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan, the age of puberty(青春期)at around 13 or 14 is the legal age for marriage, but in Turkey it is 15, and in Egypt and Tunisia, 18 the same minimum age as in many Western countries.It is argued that by allowing, earlier marriages, Islamic law is promoting stable relationships, while Western laws are encouraging promiscuity among young people.
In many countries, the trends of urbanization and education for girls have seen a drop in the number of child brides.However, early marriages continue to occur in poor rural areas.In India, for example, the legal age of marriage for a girl is 18 and to a boy, 21.Yet, according to government statistics, 18 percent of ten to fourteen-year old girls in the poor, rural state of Rajasthan in the northwest of the country are married.It is clear, then, that child marriages are connected with poverty, lack of education, rural customs as well as religion.So there don't tend to be any child marriages in urban or rich areas.
57.The underlined word "promiscuity" in the third paragraph means ____.
A.permanent partnership                  B.firm partnership
C.diverse relationship                     D.single relationship
58.According to the text, which of these women are married lastest?
A.Women from less educated background.  
B.Women from poor rural areas.
C.Women from Islamic countries.            
eri from cities.
59.Child marriages are NOT related to ____ according to the passage. communication                B.rural customs
C.poverty and lack of education           D.religious beliefs
60.According to the passage, getting married early leads to all of the following EXCEPT____.
A.reducing a young woman's education    
B.limiting a young woman's chances
C.causing baby death                    
D.doing harm to a young woman's health

