get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 除去 查看更多




get along进行,相处  get back回来,找回  get down记下来,打下来

get over克服  get on上(火车,公共汽车等),相处,进行

get off下(火车,公共汽车等)起飞,不惩罚  get rid of消灭,摆脱,除掉

get out拔出,洗掉,传出去  get up 起床,起身  get to到达

get round传开  get in touch with和…取得联系

(1)He ________ the watch he had lost.

(2)She spoke so fast that I couldn’t ________ what she said.

(3)On the way to school, I saw Xiao Li ________ Bus No.1.

(4)You won’t ________ so easily next time.

(5)________ the rope, and I’ll try my best to pull you out.

(6)At what time do you ________ every day?

(7)How are you ________ with your work?

(8)We will find ways to ________ the difficulties.

(9)Only in this way can you ________ your headache.

(10)Write to us when you ________ Shanghai.

(11)The story has ________, and everyone knows about it.

(12)When you arrive, you may ________ a friend of mine- Linda.

