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Gorillas are born with an international sign language of gestures that they use to communicate,says a new study from the University of St Andrews in Scotland.

From beating their chests to putting objects on their heads,shaking their arms,and even bouncing on all fours,the animals use more than 100 gestures to communicate with each other

Professor Richard Byrne,a psychiatrist involved in the research,says it was hard to figure out the meanings of the gestures.

“We don't really know what the animals are thinking. Often the gestures have more than one meaning,depending on the context,”says Byrne.

The study showed that the gorillas did not learn the ges­tures from each other,as had been expected,but performed them instinctively (本能地).

“Everyone had assumed different groups of gorillas would learn different gestures,”he says. “But that's not what we found. The more sites we went to ,the more we saw the same gestures being used. They seem to be naturally equipped with a pretty complex system of communication.”

The study also found that gestures were performed with close attention to the potential audience,so that silent sig­nals,for example, were only given when other apes could see them. Other gestures,such as the "disco arm shake" were only ever seen directed towards humans.

Byrne believes that the findings may explain how the human language developed.

“There has always been speculation(猜测)that the origins of the human language might lie in gestures,”he says.

“Many researchers have therefore studied the gestural communication of the great apes for clues to the evolution­ary origins of human gestures,”he adds.

Several studies have shown that great apes are capable of imitating gestures. However,the scientists found that what appeared to be copies of human actions were actually gestures the apes were already able to make themselves. They're “reusing” gestures from their own repertoire,not learning new ones.

64.According to the passage,Richard Byrne's research has found      .

A. different groups of gorillas would learn different gestures

B. gorillas know the sign language from birth

C. how gorillas learn from each other

D. gorillas develop a variety of languages when growing up

65.Why can't the researchers really know the meanings of gorilla gestures?

A. Because gorillas possess the ability of making many kinds of gestures.

B. Because they haven't made deep research into the animal.

C. Because a gorilla gesture may have different meanings.

D. Because gorillas can't exactly express their thoughts.

66.If a gorilla wants to make a silent gesture towards another gorilla,he      .

A. needs to know how many other gorillas are watching him

B. needs to make noise first in order to draw attention

C. will first make sure his gesture can be seen

D. will first consider whether he can carry out his gesture

67.According to the passage,many scientists study the sign language of great apes in order to      .

A. find the origins of the human language

B. find ways for people to communicate with apes

C. learn how animals communicate

D. discover the meanings of animal gestures



Edinburgh Zoo makes plans to bring a pair of giant pandas from China to Scotland. Representa-tives from Edinburgh Zoo have recently retumed from China, where they signed a letter ofintent(意向书) making a promise to bring giant pandas to the zoo.
It has been suggested that the breeding pair should be rented to the Royal Zoological Society ofScotland ( RZSS) for 10 years and it is hoped they would give birth to babies dunng that time. Edin-burgh Zoo would be the eighth zoo in the West to care for the species if the project goes ahead.
Zoo chiefs said that looking after the endangered animals could benefit conservation.David Windmill, chief of RZSS, said, "It is an opportunity to work on a global level with other consc'na-tionists to gain a better understanding of the giant panda, the threats they face, and what we can do to ensure their survival."
At present, there are currendy only around l, 500 giant pandas in the wild.RZSS has been working on the project for almost a year, and hopes to have giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo by 2011, the year of the society's centenary.
Mr.Windmill said that the*project has received strong support from the UK and Scottish Gov- emments and that this must continue if the zoo is to reach an agreement with the Chinese. As part of the p.roposed agreement with the Chinese government, Edinburgh Zoo will cooperate on research pro-jects benefiting conservation in the wild.
RZSS will also provide considerable money to support giant panda conservation projects in the wild. Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central China and feed almost wholly on bam- boo, which makes up 99% of the their diet.
61.What result did zoo representatives get from China?
A.A breeding pair is on loan to RZSS for ten years.
B.China promised to sell two giant pandas before 2011.
C.They sig:ned a letter of intent about giant pandas to be loaned to Edinburgh Zoo.
D.China promised to offer the money but not.the experts for research into giant pandas.
62.If Edinburgh Zoo can borrow giant pandas, what will happen?
A.RZSS will celebrate its centenarv in 2011.
B.Scotland will be the eighth country to have giant pandas.
C.RZSS will have a better understanding of living habits of giant pandas.
D.Edinburgh Zoo will be the eighth zoo to have Chinese pandas in the world.
63.The underlined part "the project" in Paragraph 4 refers to “______ ”
A.the celebration of RZSS's centenary
B.introducing giant pandas to RZSS's collection
C.the Royal Zoological Societ)r of Scotland itself
D.borrowing giant pandas from China for conservation
64.At present what seems to be the key factor for giant pandas to successfully go to Edinburgh Zoo?
A.RZSS's attitude.
B.The Chinese govemment's attitude.
C.Edinburgh Zoo's support.,
D.The Scottish government' attitude.
65.The best title for this passage would be "______"
A.Edinburgh Zoo expects giant pandas from China
B.Edinburgh Zoo does research into giant pandas
C.Scot_land supports giant panda conservation
D.Giant pandas live happily at Edinburgh Zoo


Gorillas are born with an international sign language of gestures that they use to communicate,says a new study from the University of St Andrews in Scotland.
From beating their chests to putting objects on their heads,shaking their arms,and even bouncing on all fours,the animals use more than 100 gestures to communicate with each other
Professor Richard Byrne,a psychiatrist involved in the research,says it was hard to figure out the meanings of the gestures.
“We don't really know what the animals are thinking. Often the gestures have more than one meaning,depending on the context,”says Byrne.
The study showed that the gorillas did not learn the ges­tures from each other,as had been expected,but performed them instinctively (本能地).
“Everyone had assumed different groups of gorillas would learn different gestures,”he says. “But that's not what we found. The more sites we went to ,the more we saw the same gestures being used. They seem to be naturally equipped with a pretty complex system of communication.”
The study also found that gestures were performed with close attention to the potential audience,so that silent sig­nals,for example, were only given when other apes could see them. Other gestures,such as the "disco arm shake" were only ever seen directed towards humans.
Byrne believes that the findings may explain how the human language developed.
“There has always been speculation(猜测)that the origins of the human language might lie in gestures,”he says.
“Many researchers have therefore studied the gestural communication of the great apes for clues to the evolution­ary origins of human gestures,”he adds.
Several studies have shown that great apes are capable of imitating gestures. However,the scientists found that what appeared to be copies of human actions were actually gestures the apes were already able to make themselves. They're “reusing” gestures from their own repertoire,not learning new ones.
64.According to the passage,Richard Byrne's research has found      .
A. different groups of gorillas would learn different gestures
B. gorillas know the sign language from birth
C. how gorillas learn from each other
D. gorillas develop a variety of languages when growing up
65.Why can't the researchers really know the meanings of gorilla gestures?
A. Because gorillas possess the ability of making many kinds of gestures.
B. Because they haven't made deep research into the animal.
C. Because a gorilla gesture may have different meanings.
D. Because gorillas can't exactly express their thoughts.
66.If a gorilla wants to make a silent gesture towards another gorilla,he      .
A. needs to know how many other gorillas are watching him
B. needs to make noise first in order to draw attention
C. will first make sure his gesture can be seen
D. will first consider whether he can carry out his gesture
67.According to the passage,many scientists study the sign language of great apes in order to      .
A. find the origins of the human language
B. find ways for people to communicate with apes
C. learn how animals communicate
D. discover the meanings of animal gestures



       Edinburgh Zoo makes plans to bring a pair of giant pandas from China to Scotland.Representa-tives from Edinburgh Zoo have recently retumed from China, where they signed a letter ofintent(意向书) making a promise to bring giant pandas to the zoo.

       It has been suggested that the breeding pair should be rented to the Royal Zoological Society ofScotland ( RZSS) for 10 years and it is hoped they would give birth to babies dunng that time.Edin-burgh Zoo would be the eighth zoo in the West to care for the species if the project goes ahead.

       Zoo chiefs said that looking after the endangered animals could benefit conservation.David Windmill, chief of RZSS, said, "It is an opportunity to work on a global level with other consc'na-tionists to gain a better understanding of the giant panda, the threats they face, and what we can do to ensure their survival."

       At present, there are currendy only around l, 500 giant pandas in the wild.RZSS has been working on the project for almost a year, and hopes to have giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo by 2011, the year of the society's centenary.

       Mr.Windmill said that the*project has received strong support from the UK and Scottish Gov- emments and that this must continue if the zoo is to reach an agreement with the Chinese.As part of the p.roposed agreement with the Chinese government, Edinburgh Zoo will cooperate on research pro-jects benefiting conservation in the wild.

       RZSS will also provide considerable money to support giant panda conservation projects in the wild.Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central China and feed almost wholly on bam- boo, which makes up 99% of the their diet.


1.What result did zoo representatives get from China?

       A.A breeding pair is on loan to RZSS for ten years.

       B.China promised to sell two giant pandas before 2011.

       C.They sig:ned a letter of intent about giant pandas to be loaned to Edinburgh Zoo.

       D.China promised to offer the money but not.the experts for research into giant pandas.

2.If Edinburgh Zoo can borrow giant pandas, what will happen?

       A.RZSS will celebrate its centenarv in 2011.

       B.Scotland will be the eighth country to have giant pandas.

       C.RZSS will have a better understanding of living habits of giant pandas.

       D.Edinburgh Zoo will be the eighth zoo to have Chinese pandas in the world.

3.The underlined part "the project" in Paragraph 4 refers to “                

       A.the celebration of RZSS's centenary

       B.introducing giant pandas to RZSS's collection

       C.the Royal Zoological Societ)r of Scotland itself

       D.borrowing giant pandas from China for conservation

4.At present what seems to be the key factor for giant pandas to successfully go to Edinburgh Zoo?

       A.RZSS's attitude.

       B.The Chinese govemment's attitude.

       C.Edinburgh Zoo's support.,

       D.The Scottish government' attitude.

5.The best title for this passage would be "                    "

       A.Edinburgh Zoo expects giant pandas from China

       B.Edinburgh Zoo does research into giant pandas

       C.Scot_land supports giant panda conservation

       D.Giant pandas live happily at Edinburgh Zoo




Edinburgh Zoo makes plans to bring a pair of giant pandas from China to Scotland. Representa-tives from Edinburgh Zoo have recently retumed from China, where they signed a letter ofintent(意向书) making a promise to bring giant pandas to the zoo.

It has been suggested that the breeding pair should be rented to the Royal Zoological Society ofScotland ( RZSS) for 10 years and it is hoped they would give birth to babies dunng that time. Edin-burgh Zoo would be the eighth zoo in the West to care for the species if the project goes ahead.

Zoo chiefs said that looking after the endangered animals could benefit conservation.David Windmill, chief of RZSS, said, "It is an opportunity to work on a global level with other consc'na-tionists to gain a better understanding of the giant panda, the threats they face, and what we can do to ensure their survival."

At present, there are currendy only around l, 500 giant pandas in the wild.RZSS has been working on the project for almost a year, and hopes to have giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo by 2011, the year of the society's centenary.

Mr.Windmill said that the*project has received strong support from the UK and Scottish Gov- emments and that this must continue if the zoo is to reach an agreement with the Chinese. As part of the p.roposed agreement with the Chinese government, Edinburgh Zoo will cooperate on research pro-jects benefiting conservation in the wild.

RZSS will also provide considerable money to support giant panda conservation projects in the wild. Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central China and feed almost wholly on bam- boo, which makes up 99% of the their diet.

61.What result did zoo representatives get from China?

A.A breeding pair is on loan to RZSS for ten years.

B.China promised to sell two giant pandas before 2011.

C.They sig:ned a letter of intent about giant pandas to be loaned to Edinburgh Zoo.

D.China promised to offer the money but not.the experts for research into giant pandas.

62.If Edinburgh Zoo can borrow giant pandas, what will happen?

A.RZSS will celebrate its centenarv in 2011.

B.Scotland will be the eighth country to have giant pandas.

C.RZSS will have a better understanding of living habits of giant pandas.

D.Edinburgh Zoo will be the eighth zoo to have Chinese pandas in the world.

63.The underlined part "the project" in Paragraph 4 refers to “______ ”

A.the celebration of RZSS's centenary

B.introducing giant pandas to RZSS's collection

C.the Royal Zoological Societ)r of Scotland itself

D.borrowing giant pandas from China for conservation

64.At present what seems to be the key factor for giant pandas to successfully go to Edinburgh Zoo?

A.RZSS's attitude.

B.The Chinese govemment's attitude.

C.Edinburgh Zoo's support.,

D.The Scottish government' attitude.

65.The best title for this passage would be "______"

A.Edinburgh Zoo expects giant pandas from China

B.Edinburgh Zoo does research into giant pandas

C.Scot_land supports giant panda conservation

D.Giant pandas live happily at Edinburgh Zoo

