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  The president: Let me answer the knowledge economy question first. And let me answer by telling you what I have tried to do in the United States. I have tried to produce a situation in America in which the doors of universities and colleges are open to every young person who has sufficient academic achievement (足够的文化程度) to get in, that there are no financial burden (经济负担) of any kind. And we have not completely achieved it, but have made a great deal of progress.

  Now, why would I do that? Because I believe that the more advanced an economy becomes, the more important it is to have a higher and higher percentage (百分比) of people with a university education. Let me tell you how important it is in the United States. We count our peopleevery 10 years we do a census and we count the number of the American people and we get all kinds of information on them. In the 1990 Census, younger Americans who had a college degree were very likely to get good jobs and have their incomes grow. Younger Americans who had two years of more of university education were likely to get good jobs and have their incomes grow. Younger Americans who didn't go to university at all were likely to get jobs where their incomes went down and were much more likely to be unemployed.

  And the more advanced China's economy becomes, the more that will be true of China, the more you will need very large numbers of people getting university education and technical education. So I think it is very, very important.

1.The answer was probably given by ________.

[  ]

A.the US President visiting China

B.the Chinese President visiting the United States

C.the US President at an international conference

D.the US President visiting Japan

2.The President mainly talked about ________.

[  ]

A.the university education in the United States

B.the university education in China

C.the difference in university education between the United States and China

D.the importance of university education in the development of

3.According to the Resident, when economy develops ________.

[  ]

A.more people will get university education

B.more people with university education are needed

C.more people will get good jobs

D.more people will have their pay raised

4.The underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably means ________ in Chinese.

[  ]


5.In which of the following year will a census be done (or was done) in the United States?

[  ]




  Simon and Garfunkel once famously sang “I am a rock, I am an island”.It's a great song, but is simply isn't true! For whatever reason, we all seem afraid to ask for help, even from those closest to us, regardless of whether we need or deserve it.There's something in our society than seems to dictate that we have to do it all by ourselves-either the views that we'll be seen as weak, or just simply pride.

  This, however, doesn't seem to be true of successful people.They haven't bought into the fallacy that asking for help is wrong.They know the truth that great things are achieved when people cooperate.

  We all have different skills, knowledge and experiences.Each person you know is a whole new set of untapped(未使用的)reference material and expertise.So if you want to get hold of it and use it, all you have to do is ask them.People are rarely unwilling to assist-it's in our nature to be part of communities.

  A good example I sometimes use in seminars is to pick a delegate at random and ask him how many people he knows in total.The usual answer is somewhere between 200 and 500.For the sake of this illustration, let's select the lower figure and call it 200.Then I ask the person how many people each of those people knows.On the assumption that they have similar-sized corc; es.they almost certainly know at least 200 people each.On this basis, the people within one degree of separation(1度分割理论:朋友的朋友形成一个小世界)for a person who knows 200 people comes to 40, 000-can you imagine the size of that experience and knowledge pool?

  Looking as it this way, giving your friends, family and colleagues the opportunity to help you open your resource bank to thousands of people.That's a whole army of potential volunteers all waiting to be praised!

  So, next time you need help, don't suffer in silence.Pick up the phone or mention it to a friend.You'll be pleasantly amazed at what you can achieve together.


Based on this text successful people often have spirit of ________.

[  ]






making efforts


taking risks


According to the examples in the fourth paragraph, we can learn that ________.

[  ]


a friend is easier lost than found


where there is a will, there is a way


all things are difficult before they are easy


when everybody ads fuel, the flames rise high


What does the phrase “resource bank” mentioned in Paragraph 5 mean?

[  ]


Help and wisdom from others.


The computer data resources.


Chances to know more people.


Your ability to help others.


Which can best describe the ending of the text?

[  ]










Rats that eat high levels of a natural sugar known as fructose(果糖) seem to age faster than other rats--and the same could be true for people who eat too much sweet junk food, Israeli researchers said Monday.
  Fructose, found naturally in honey and fruit, is used widely in foods ranging from soft drinks to yogurt(酸奶). But while its sweet taste is popular, the sugar could cause wrinkles and health problems, the researchers said. Dr. Moshe Werman and Boaz Levi of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology fed large amounts of fructose to laboratory rats. Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, they said the fructose-fed rats showed changes in the collagen(胶原蛋白)of their skin and bones.
  Collagen, a fibrous protein found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage, basically holds the body together. The loss of collagen is what causes loose skin and deep wrinkles in older people.
  The process affected, Werman's team said, is known as "cross linking". "Too much cross-linking reduces flexibility(弹性) and makes the skin stiff and rigid, and these are the conditions that encourage wrinkled skin," Werman said in a statement. He said the same could be true of people, although this has not been shown. "Americans are eating more and more processed foods, such as carbonated drinks, baked goods, canned fruits, jams and dairy products that contain fructose,than Asian people," Werman said. Other studies have shown that high fructose intake can affect how the body handles glucose and increases insulin resistance——which can both be important measures of the tendency toward diabetes(糖尿病).  

The rats Werman worked with were fed much more than the average adult person might eat in a day, which is standard in such experiments. The rats were fed 12.5 grams of fructose per kg (2.2 pounds) of weight every day for a year. To compare, a person weighing 154 pounds (70kg) who drinks a quart (liter) of cola consumes about 60 grams of fructose, or 0.8 grams per kg of body weight.

60.If people eat too much fructose, they may have the following signs EXCEPT________.

A. loose skin     B. deep wrinkles     C. a sweet tooth      D. aging faster

61.According to the passage, diabetes is diagnosed (诊断) mainly by measuring________.

  A. the amount of fructose eaten         B. the loss of collagen

  C. the cross linking                  D. glucose and insulin resistance

62. What can we infer from the passage? ________

A. Americans are easier to have diabetes than Asians.

  B. Diabetes can only be controlled, not cured.

  C. People eating too much fructose must have health problems.

  D. It’s abnormal to feed more fructose to the rats than an adult in the experiment.


Hidden in our subconsciousness (意识) is a perfect mental picture. We see ourselves on a long trip that goes across the continent. We are traveling by train. Out of the windows, we think in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at a crossing, of cattle feeding on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, or row upon row of corn and wheat, of flat lands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hills, of city skylines and village halls.

But uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw (拚图玩具) puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles(通道) ,condemning the minutes for loitering-waiting, waiting, waiting for the station.

‘‘When we reach the station, that will be it!” we cry, “When I'm 38.” “When I buy a new 450SL Mercdes Benz!” “When I put the last kid through co llege.” “When I have paid off!” “When I get a promotion.” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever after! " Sooner or later, we must realize there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.

“Relish (appreciate) the moment" is a good motto, actually it isn't the burdens of today that drive man mad. It is the regret over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.

So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.


 Why does the author describe the mental picture?

A. To lead us into a perfect world.          B. To let people enjoy the scenery.

C. To introduce an actual trip of his.  D. To compare it to our life's journey.


 How do people feel when they’re on their trip?

A. Puzzled.           B. Happy.         C. Relaxed.           D. Impatient.


What does the author mean by "Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today" in Paragraph 4?

A. Regret and fear are responsible for the loss of today.

B. We must be careful of the two thieves: regret and fear.

C. Regret and fear stop us from enjoying our present life.

D. We’re frequently challenged by the two : regret and fear.


 Why does the author write the passage?

A. To teach us a good lesson.       B. To tell us the right attitude to life.

C. To advise us to forget our worries.      D. To stop us wandering along the aisles.



What do those countries have in common? People are killing each other or drive others out of their homes. Why is this happening? Very simple, in each of these, one group of people believes another group is different from them and dangerous to them. It has been thus through history. How different are humans from each other?

  We come in different colors: red, black, white, yellow and brown; we have a variety of political systems, social systems, religious views or none at all; We are different in mind, have different educational systems, different economic classes. We speak different languages, and have different customs and dresses.

  If we were to break each of these further, we would have quite a long list of qualities and characteristics that make humans appears to be different from each other. I say they appear to be different, because most of what have been listed stand for what we see or hear, not what is true of human. Man is man everywhere. It is only where he lives, when he lives there, with whom he lives there, and al the others that have effect on how he lives, that is, what he believes, what he wears, his customs, his language and so on. These are man-made facts that each group develops over tome, living together, facing the same problems, needing and desiring the same things. They are his culture. The truth is that we are much more same than different. If you wear one type of clothing and I wear another, we both wear some kind of clothing. Our culture demands it. If you speak one language and I another, we both speak so that others will understand us; we must communicate with each other. Nothing is gained by giving too many differences, but much is lost. If we understood our differences as the ones of culture, then we could make our world more peaceful.

  Differences does not mean better or worse, right or wrong. It means only that differences have been made by society. Differences produce variety of thoughts, work out human problems peacefully.

1. Which of the following is the best tile for this passage?

 A. Differences.  B. Humans   C. Cultures.   D. Customs.

2.People in those countries fight each other because______

 A. They have different colors.

 B. They have different customs and dresses.

 C. They have different education systems.

 D. They think that others are different and harmful.

3.If you pay much attention to differences, ________.

 A. we will get something.

 B. we will produce problem.

 C. we will develop further.

 D. Nothing will be lost.

4. From this passage it can be inferred that ________.

 A. Our world would be more peaceful if we understand and communicate with each other.

 B. People don’t know how differences are caused.

 C. It is only differences that can solve man’s problems.

 D. Man is man everywhere but not woman.


