in turn (=successively; in order) 依次 查看更多



He is always helping people without expecting anything _____. common turn   danger return



(2013·高考湖北卷)An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered________a long lost antique Greek vase.

Aat random? Bby chance

Cin turn? Don occasion



Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century. 1 in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heart of a town.This street was 2 on both sides with many 3 businesses.Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise: clothing,furniture,hardware,groceries. 4 ,some shops offered 5 .These shops included drugstores, restaurants, shoe?repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops. 6 in the 1950s, a change began to 7 .Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street 8 too few parking places were 9 shoppers.Because the streets were crowded, merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces 10 the city limits.Open space is what their car?driving customers needed.And open space is what they got 11 the first shopping centre was built.Shopping centres, or rather malls, 12 as a collection of small new stores 13 crowded city centres. 14 by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn away from 15 areas to outlying malls.And the growing 16 of shopping centres led 17 to the building of bigger and better?stocked stores. 18 the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the 19 of one?stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks, 20 benches,fountains,and outdoor entertainment.

1.A.As early as B.Early C.Early as D.Earlier

2.A.built B.designed C.intented D.lined

3.A.varied B.various C.sorted D.mixed up

4.A.Apart from B.However C.In addition D.As well

5.A.medical care C.cosmetics

6.A.suddenly B.Abruptly C.Contrarily D.But taking place B.take taken place D.have taken place

8.A.while B.yet C.though D.and then

9.A.available for B.available to C.used by D.ready for

10.A.over B.from C.out of D.outside

11.A.when B.while C.since D.then

12.A.started B.founded C.set up D.organized

13.A.out of B.away from to D.near

14.A.Attracted B.Surprised C.Delighted D.Enjoyed

15.A.inner B.central D.downtown

16.A.distinction B.fame C.popularity D.liking

17.A.on turn turns D.further

18.A.By B.During C.In D.Towards

19.A.cheapness B.readiness C.convenience D.handiness

20.A.because of B.and C.with D.provided


At the beginning of the 20th century there were more than a million lions worldwide. Today there are less than 30,000 in the wild. The remaining lions are increasingly threatened by habitat loss, hunting and activities to protect farms and cattle.

For generations, Masai tribesmen on the large African plains in southeastern Kenya have hunted lions — to protect their farms and cattle. Today they celebrate the lions’ life.

Noah is an elder in the Masai community. “We have decided as a community of the Masai to lay down our spears, and there will be no more killing of lions in our community.” He is part of a group of Masai visiting the United States promoting (推广) the Predator Compensation Program.

Conservation International’s Frank Hawkins explains, “The Masai have been living with wildlife for many generations and it has been a conflicting ( 有冲突的) relationship in many ways. They compete with the animals for food as lions eat their cattle. We’re trying to find ways in which the wildlife will become something useful to them.” They had the Predator Compensation Fund founded in 2003. After much discussion, a group of Masai farmers agreed to protect lions. In turn, if lions or other predators kill their cattle, the Masai owner will be paid market value for the dead animals from the fund.

One man said that in the past, when a lion killed cattle, they killed it immediately. And now, after the start of the program, the Masai see the lion population growing. Since 2003, only four lions have been killed here.

1.What is the aim of the Predator Compensation Program?

A.To protect people in the wild.              B.To protect Masai’s farms.

C.To protect lions only.                     D.To protect the wildlife.

2.According to the passage, why haven’t Masai tribesmen killed many lions since 2003?

A.Because lions don’t eat their cattle any more.

B.Because they will be fined if they kill lions there.

C.Because the fund will pay for dead animals killed by lions

D.Because there are less than 30,000 lions in the wild now.

3.What do you think of the Masai ?

A.Wise.            B.Mean.            C.Generous.         D.Stupid.



This year some twenty-three hundred teen-agers (young people aged from 13-19)from all over the world will spend about ten months in U. S. homes. They will attend U. S. schools, meet U. S. teen-agers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teen-agers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.

Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George's family. In turn, George's son Mike spent a year in Fred's home in America.

Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months' study, the language began to come to him. School was completely different from what he had expected --much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.

Family life, too, was different. The father's word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual(个人). Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car. 

"Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it."

At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea. "I suppose I should criticize American schools", he says. "It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens(公民). There ought to be some middle ground between the two. "

This year _____ teen-agers will take part in the exchange programme between America and other countries. 

    A. twenty three hundred           B. thirteen hundred

    C. over three thousand            D. less than two thousand

The whole exchange programme is mainly to _____ . 

    A. help teen-agers in other countries know the real America. 

    B. send students in America to travel in Germany

    C. let students learn something about other countries

    D. have teen-agers learn new languages

Fred and Mike agreed that _____ . 

    A. American food tasted better than German food

    B. German schools were harder than American schools

    C. Americans and Germans were both friendly

    D. There were more cars on the streets in America

What is particular in American schools is that _____ . 

    A. there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings

    B. there are a lot of after-school activities

    C. students usually take fourteen subjects in all

    D. students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car

After experiencing the American school life, Mike thought _____ .

    A. a better education should include something good from both America and Germany

    B. German schools trained students to be better citizens

    C. American schools were not as good as German schools

    D. the easy life in the American school was more helpful to students

