A. useful B. harmful C. available D. necessary 查看更多



Before the 20th century the horse supplied day to day transportation(运输) in the USA.

Trains were used for long distance transportation.

Today the car is the most   1   sort of transportation in all of the   2  .It has completely taken the place of the horse as a   3  of  everyday transportation. The Americans use their cars for nearly 90   4   all their   5  .Most Americans are   6   to buy cars. The average(平均)   7   of a car was 2050 in 1950,2740 in 1960 and up to 4750 in 1975. During this period, American carmakers   8   improving their products. As a   9  ,the income of the average family   10   from 1950 to 1970   11   than the price of cars.  12  ,buying a new car takes a smaller part of a family’s   13   income today. In 1951, it   14   8.1 months of an average family’s income to buy a new car. In 1962,a new car   15   6.43 months of a family’s income. By 1975,it   16   took 4.75 months’ income.  17  ,the 1975 cars were technically   18   than those of the previous(先前的)   19  .

That’s why cars are so   20   in the USA.

1.A.useful           B.valuable           C.cheap              D.popular

2.A.United States      B.world             C.year              D.continent

3.A.development       B.journey            C.sign              D.means

4.A.percent           B.years               C.miles             D.dollars

5.A.trips             B.lives              C.buissness          D.time

6.A.permitted          B.encouraged          C.anxious           D.able

7.A.value            B.cost              C.price             D.money

8.A.suggested         B.enjoyed             C.made up            D.started

9.A.tool              B.result              C.drive             D.producer

10.A.reduced          B.increased           C.received            D.needed

11.A.more slowly      B.smaller            C.faster              D.less

12.A.However         B.For example         C.Instead            D.For this reason

13.A.low            B.high              C.monthly            D.total

14.A.needs           B.took              C.spent              D.saved

15.A.spent            B.paid              C.cost            D.took

16.A.might            B.really              C.only            D.would

17.A.Otherwise       B.Besides         C.But             D.Finally

18.A.improved        B.better              C.lighter              D.smaller

19.A.months         B.years              C.cars            D.families

20.A.popular          B.expensive          C.cheap             D.good



I think it is a waste of time to listen to him. What he is talking about is nothing but nonsense. They are ________ to me.

A. useful     B. valuable      C. priceless     D. of no use



I was interested to read a newspaper article about a new concept in old people's homes in France. The idea is simple __1__ revolutionary—combining a residential home for the elderly with a nursery school in the same building. The children and the residents eat lunch together and __2__ activities such as music,painting,gardening,and __3__ for the pets which the residents are encouraged to keep. In the afternoons,the residents enjoy reading or telling stories to the children,and __4__ a child is feeling sad or tired,there is always somebody attending to him. There are trips out and birthday parties,too.

The __5__ are enormous for everyone concerned. The children are happy because they get a lot more individual __6__,and respond well because someone has time for them. They also learn that old people are not “different” or frightening in __7__ way. And of course,they see illness and death and learn to __8__ them. The residents are happy because they feel __9__ and needed. They are more active and more interested in life when the children are around and they take more interest in their appearance,too. And the staff are happy because they see an improvement in the __10__ and psychological health of the residents and have an army of assistants to help with the children.

1.A. or      B.so      C.nor      D.but

2.A. share     B.examine   C.control     D.engage

3.A. asking    B.sending    C.caring     D.looking

4.A. though    B.because    C.unless     D.if

5.A. advantages  B.actions    C.difficulties    D.comforts

6.A. thought    B.attention   C.rest      D.freedom

7.A. no      B.any     C.another     D.the

8.A. value     B.admit    C.accept     D.overcome

9.A. useful    B.faithful    C.powerful    D.skillful

10.A. normal    B.public    C.economic    D.physical



We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals such as tigers and lions live in   1   forests and they are called   2   animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are kept by men and they are called domestic(家养的) animals.   3   these animals are very different from each other, but we can   4   them into two big groups: those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the tiger belong to the first group. Animals like cows, elephants and horses belong to the second group.

Animals are of great   5   to human beings. Men   6   wild animals for their fur and meat. Domestic animals are even more important to men. Without them life will be very   7  . People make use of animals in many ways.

Cows and pigs are useful   8   men’s   9  . They gives 80% of   10   men eat every year. Skin of some animals can be made   11   expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and comfortable and   12   a long time. They are very welcome in cold countries. Wool, which is now   13   of the most important materials for textile(纺织) industry, comes from a special kind of sheep.   14   cows, we get milk. And we should not   15   that some domestic animals are kept for transport(运输). Many people   16   ride on horse. Arabs ride on   17   which travel in deserts for days without   18  . In some places animals are still used   19   fields.   20   is clear that men just can’t live without these animals.

1. A. ordinary           B. small                C. big          D. dark

2. A. wild           B. serious          C. terrible          D.frightening

3. A. Although        B. Of course       C.Since           D.After all

4. A. separate       B. divide            C. change        D. make

5. A. useful          B. usefully           C. useless        D. use

6. A. hunt          B. discover          C. raise        D. care for

7. A. smooth       B. difficult          C. easy         D. perfect

8. A. to            B. for                C. in           D. with

9. A. life             B. work               C. family       D. food

10. A. meal           B. meat            C. dinner       D. animals

11. A. of             B. from              C. into          D. about

12. A. last             B. cost               C. take            D. dress

13. A. any             B. another          C. some       D. one

14. A. For             B.About            C.From       D.With

15. A. forget       B. remember       C. realize       D. notice

16. A. always            B. hardly            C. still          D. just

17. A. horses       B. animals          C. bikes       D. camels

18. A. resting            B. eating              C. sleeping       D. stopping

19. A. to plough      B. to ploughing       C. ploughing     D. to be ploughed

20. A. That          B.This             C.It         D.So



Eleven-year-old Angela was attacked by a rare  21 affecting her nerve system. She was unable to walk and her movement was  22 in other ways as well. The doctors did not hold much   23 of her ever recovering from this illness. They  24 she'd spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.They said that few, if any, were able to come back to  25 after suffering from this disease .The little girl was  26 . There, lying in her hospital bed, she would swear that she was 27  going to be walking again one day.
  She was moved to a specialized  28 hospital in the San Francisco Bay area. All  29 that could be applied to her case were used. The doctors were moved by her undefeatable spirit. They taught her about imaging about seeing herself walking. If it would do 30 else, it would at least give her hope and something  31 to do in the long waking hours in her bed. Angela would work as hard as possible in physical treatments, and in exercise sessions. But she worked just as hard lying there faithfully doing her 32  , visualizing herself moving, moving, moving!
  One day, 33 she was attempting, with all her might, to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed as though something 34 happened: the bed moved! It began to move around the room! She  35 out, "Look what I'm doing! Look! Look! I can do it”. I moved! I moved!"
  Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming, too, and running to a  36 place. People were screaming, equipment was 37 and glass was breaking. You see, it was the terrible San Francisco earthquake. 38 don't tell that to Angela. She 39  that she did it.
  And now only a few years later, she's back in school, on her own  40  . No crutches, no wheelchair. You see, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can defeat a little disease, can't they?

21. A. problem     B. disease      C. accident       D. error
22. A. spread      B. avoided    C. limited       D. forced
23. A. thought      B. idea       C. opinion        D. hope
24. A . predicted     B. prepared    C. admitted       D. decided
25. A. active       B. normal      C. alive         D. simple
26. A . fearless    B. peaceful     C. patient         D. stainless
27. A. probably     B. approximately  C. sincerely        D. certainly
28. A. recovery    B. experiment   C. practice      D. exercise
29. A. schedules     B. instructions  C. supports       D. treatments
30. A. something    B. anything     C. nothing       D. everything
31. A. .admirable     B. interesting    C. optimistic      D. appropriate
32. A. training      B. imaging     C. expectation    D. performance
33. A. however      B. after       C. just        D. as
34. A. useful     B. regretful    C. surprising     D. disgusting
35. A. screamed    B. laughed    C. spoke      D. sang
36. A. beautiful    B. safe       C. dangerous    D. dirty
37. A . accelerating    B. running    C. appearing       D.falling
38. A . For       B. So       C. But         D. Or
39. A. believed    B. denied    C. realized       D. accepted
40. A. parts       B. legs     C. body            D. role

