want sth badly = need sth badly 迫切希望得到- 查看更多



When you go shopping,you are given at least one plastic bag to carry what you’ve bought.They are so common that we don’t often give them a second thought.But the beginning of the end may have come for the plastic bag.

A small town in Tasmania,an island off the south coast of mainland Australia,is making itself an environmental role model (模范) by becoming the country’s first plastic­bag­free town.

Since April 28,Coles Bay’s population of 175 and its tourist shoppers have been using reusable paper or cloth bags to carry their shopping.

Coles Bay sits on the edge of the beautiful Freycinet national park.Around 180,000 tourists pass through the town and the park every year.

Ben Kearney,a local businessman who supports the bag ban,said it would cut the amount of waste and prevent damage to native wildlife who try to eat the plastic.

“Most of the business here comes from the tourism and that’s all based on the environment,so people were pretty supportive.”he said.

Every year Australians use more than 6 million plastic bags.More than half of these come from supermarkets.Since_it_takes_years_for_the_bags_to_biodegrade_(生物分解)tens_of_millions_end_up_polluting_the_environment.They kill about 100,000 seabirds and animals,which mistake the bags for food,every year.

Only in the past few months have major Australian supermarkets begun cutting down on their use of plastic bags.Environmental groups are pushing for a plastic bag fee (费) like that in Ireland.There,since plastic bags cost 10 pence (about 1 yuan) each,their use has been cut by 90 percent.

Pollution caused by plastic bags is a big headache for countries all over the world.As early as 1999,Beijing said that only plastic bags of certain thickness could be used.This was to encourage them to be used again and again.In China’s capital alone,an average of 6 million plastic bags are used every single day.

36.What’s meant by“the beginning of the end may have come for the plastic bag”in the first paragraph?

A.It’s possible for the war against plastic bag use to have been started.

B.It’s likely that plastic bag use has been stopped.

C.It won’t be long before an end is put to plastic bag use.

D.Once started,plastic bag use will never end.

37.We can know from the passage that Coles Bay________.

A.is a small coastal city

B. is a place where you can see far more visitors than natives

C. was the first to offer plastic bags to shoppers free of charge

D.is a place where reusable plastic bags are used

38.According to Ben Kearney,the natives welcome the change in bag use because they________.

A.need to make money

B.are short of energy supply

C.don’t want to waste money

D.want to do something good for mankind

39.Judging from the underlined sentence in the Paragraph 7,“end up doing sth.” means“________”.

A.stop doing sth.                                     B.begin doing sth.

C.do sth.as a result                                  D.disappear while doing sth.

40.Which country or area is more polluted by plastic bags than the others?

A.Ireland.                                              B.Mainland Australia.

C.Coles Bay.                                          D.Beijing.


Some diaries from Jackie Chan’s blog
January 4, 2009
Lately I’ve been busy in Beijing having meetings to discuss my new movie. I also attended John Wu’s ceremony(典礼)of his new movie, Red Cliff, which took two years to complete. I’m good friends with the director John Wu and the main actor Tony Leung.
January 5, 2009
Today I went to record a television program for Beijing TV called Volunteers Across China. This TV program is a large-scale reality show that is based on the idea that “good people reap good rewards” and it hopes to encourage people to be more aware and help the “good people” who are in difficult situations.
January 6, 2009
I’m very pleased to announce that my Jackie Chan automobile website is set up and officially operating! I hope that through this automotive website, I can get in touch with more people who want to buy cars.
January 7, 2009
Today, I went to record a song called Zhongguo Nian. This song was written by Chang Shilei. I sing this song together with Tan Jing. Chang Shilei is a naturally talented musician. He also has an interesting habit. His piano is placed next to his bed. When he wakes up, he plays the piano until he’s tired, and then he lies down on his bed to sleep.
January 9, 2009
Today I met with the producer and director of Longwei Xiaozi ,and I also brought along my friend’s daughter for a screen test. Although my friend’s daughter grew up in China, her English is very good and it just happened by chance that this movie needs a young actress for a part, so I took her along to audition(试演).
【小题1】What might be the best title for this passage?

A.My new movie.B.My busy life.
C.My good friend.D.My favorite song.
【小题2】 The TV program Volunteers Across China tries to
A.find some rich people who are able to help the poor.
B.encourage people to look after the young.
C.ask people to help “good people” who are in trouble.
D.make China more and more famous all over the word.
【小题3】The underlined word “announce” in the third paragraph means
A.tell sb sth officially
B.tell sb what you think
C.tell sb to do sth
D.say that sth must happen
【小题4】With whom does the author sing the song Zhongguo Nian ?
A.John Wu.B.Tony Leung.C.Chang Shilei.D.Tan Jing.
【小题5】What can we infer from the text?
A.It took the author two years to finish the movie Red Cliff.
B.People who are in trouble can ask Beijing TV for help.
C.Chang Shilei is a famous actor who is good at playing the piano.
D.Longwei Xiaozi needs a young actress for a part who can speak English well.



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1.Where can you experience the latest way of teaching languages?

A. International Language Center.

B. TAFE International.

C. Club Francais

D. Global Language Learning Center.

2. The underlined word “picturesque” is closest in meaning to ____.

A. modern

B. traditional

C. beautiful

D. industrial

3.Which of the following is true of Club Francais?

A. Adults Normal Course lasts about eight weeks.

B. Adults Normal Course is intended for beginners.

C. Adults Crash Course can be attended in the afternoon.

D. You should pay $50 an hour if you attend High School Crash Course.

4.In which column of a newspaper can you most probably find this text?

A. News.   B. Knowledge   C. Advertisement   D. Health.



Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 45–48.
root1 /ru:t/ n [C]
1 ?PLANT? the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground and gets water form the soil: Be careful not to damage the roots when repotting.| tree roots —see picture at germinate
2 ?CAUSE OF A PROBLEM? the main cause of a problem: Money is the root of all evil.| be/lie at the root of (="be" the cause of a problem) Often allergies are at the root of a lot of the problems.| get to the root of (="find" out the cause of a problem) | root cause (="the" main reason for a problem)
3 ?OF A CUSTOM/TRADITION? roots the origins of a custom or tradition that has continued for a long time: has its roots in Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
4 ?OF AN IDEA/BELIEF? the main part of an idea or belief which all the other parts come from: be/lie at the root of Foucault is challenging the very root of 20th century liberalism.
5 ?FAMILY CONNECTION? sb’s roots your con- nection with a place because you were born there, or your family used to live there: Naita has come to Ghana in search of her roots.
6 put down roots if you put down roots somewhere, you start to feel that this place is your home and to have relationships with the people there
7 ?TOOTH/HAIR ETC? the part of a tooth, hair etc that fixes it to the rest of your body
8 take root a) if an idea takes root, people begin to accept or believe it: The concepts of democracy and free trade are finally beginning to take root.b) if a plant takes root, it starts to grow where you have planted it
9 have a (good) root round informal especially BrE to search for something by moving other things around
10 root and branch if you destroy something root and branch, you get rid of it completely and permanently because it is bad
11 ?LANGUAGE? technical the basic part of a word which shows its main meaning, to which other parts can be added: The suffix ‘ness’ can be added to the root ‘cold’ to form the word ‘coldness’.—compare stem1 (4)
12 ?MATHEMATICS? technical a number that when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, equals the number that you have: 2 is the fourth root of 16.
—see also cube root, square root, grass roots
root2 v
1 ?SEARCH? [I always + adv/prep] to search for something by moving things around: [+ through/in/ around] “Hang on a second,” said Leila, rooting through her handbag for a pen.| [+ for] pigs rooting for food
2 ?PLANT? a) [I] to grow roots: New shrubs will root easily in summer.b) [T usually passive] to fix a plant firmly by its roots: The bush was too firmly rooted in the hard earth to dig up easily.| root itself Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.—see also deeply rooted (deeply (5))
3 be rooted in to have developed from something and be strongly influenced by it: policies that are rooted in Marxist economic theory
4 be rooted to the spot to be so shocked, surprised, or frightened that you cannot move
root for sb phr v [T] informal 1 to give support and encouragement to someone in a competition, test or difficult situation, because you want them to succeed: Good luck – we’ll all be rooting for you! 2 especially AmE to support a sports team or player by shouting and cheering: We’ll all be rooting for the Dallas Cowboys in the Superbowl.
root sth ? out phr v [T] 1 to find out where a particular kind of problem exists and get rid of it: Racism cannot be rooted out without strong government action.2 informal to find something by searching for it: I’ll try and root out something suitable for you to wear.
root sth ? up phr v [T] to dig or pull a plant up with its roots
1.What’s meaning of the word “roots” in the sentence “Many Americans have roots in Europe.”?
A.The underground part of a plant.    B.One’s connection with a place.
C.The origins of a custom or tradition.   D.The main cause of a problem.
2.What’s the fourth root of 81?
A.27. B.9.   C.6.   D.3.
3.Which phrase can complete the sentence “Do you think it is possible to ____ crime?”
A.root for           B.root out           C.root up            D.root through
4.In which of the following situations can we use the phrase “be rooted to the spot”?
A.A bush is so firmly rooted in the ground that it is difficult to pull it up.
B.A football fan got excited when his favorite football team scored a goal.
C.A girl became too scared to walk when she caught sight of a long snake.
D.A man is unable to walk because he was caught in a car accident years ago.



Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions 45–48.

root1 /ru:t/ n [C]

1 ►PLANT◄ the part of a plant or tree that grows under the ground and gets water form the soil: Be careful not to damage the roots when repotting.| tree roots —see picture at germinate

2 ►CAUSE OF A PROBLEM◄ the main cause of a problem: Money is the root of all evil.| be/lie at the root of (=be the cause of a problem) Often allergies are at the root of a lot of the problems.| get to the root of (=find out the cause of a problem) | root cause (=the main reason for a problem)

3 ►OF A CUSTOM/TRADITION◄ roots the origins of a custom or tradition that has continued for a long time: has its roots in Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.

4 ►OF AN IDEA/BELIEF◄ the main part of an idea or belief which all the other parts come from: be/lie at the root of Foucault is challenging the very root of 20th century liberalism.

5 ►FAMILY CONNECTION◄ sb’s roots your con- nection with a place because you were born there, or your family used to live there: Naita has come to Ghana in search of her roots.

6 put down roots if you put down roots somewhere, you start to feel that this place is your home and to have relationships with the people there

7 ►TOOTH/HAIR ETC◄ the part of a tooth, hair etc that fixes it to the rest of your body

8 take root a) if an idea takes root, people begin to accept or believe it: The concepts of democracy and free trade are finally beginning to take root.b) if a plant takes root, it starts to grow where you have planted it

9 have a (good) root round informal especially BrE to search for something by moving other things around

10 root and branch if you destroy something root and branch, you get rid of it completely and permanently because it is bad

11 ►LANGUAGE◄ technical the basic part of a word which shows its main meaning, to which other parts can be added: The suffix ‘ness’ can be added to the root ‘cold’ to form the word ‘coldness’.—compare stem1 (4)

12 ►MATHEMATICS◄ technical a number that when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, equals the number that you have: 2 is the fourth root of 16.

         —see also cube root, square root, grass roots

root2 v

1 ►SEARCH◄ [I always + adv/prep] to search for something by moving things around: [+ through/in/ around] “Hang on a second,” said Leila, rooting through her handbag for a pen.| [+ for] pigs rooting for food

2 ►PLANT◄ a) [I] to grow roots: New shrubs will root easily in summer.b) [T usually passive] to fix a plant firmly by its roots: The bush was too firmly rooted in the hard earth to dig up easily.| root itself Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.—see also deeply rooted (deeply (5))

3 be rooted in to have developed from something and be strongly influenced by it: policies that are rooted in Marxist economic theory

4 be rooted to the spot to be so shocked, surprised, or frightened that you cannot move

         root for sb phr v [T] informal 1 to give support and encouragement to someone in a competition, test or difficult situation, because you want them to succeed: Good luck – we’ll all be rooting for you! 2 especially AmE to support a sports team or player by shouting and cheering: We’ll all be rooting for the Dallas Cowboys in the Superbowl.

         root sth ↔ out phr v [T] 1 to find out where a particular kind of problem exists and get rid of it: Racism cannot be rooted out without strong government action.2 informal to find something by searching for it: I’ll try and root out something suitable for you to wear.

         root sth ↔ up phr v [T] to dig or pull a plant up with its roots

1.What’s meaning of the word “roots” in the sentence “Many Americans have roots in Europe.”?

         A.The underground part of a plant.       B.One’s connection with a place.

         C.The origins of a custom or tradition.      D.The main cause of a problem.

2.What’s the fourth root of 81?

         A.27.  B.9.    C.6.    D.3.

3.Which phrase can complete the sentence “Do you think it is possible to ____ crime?”

         A.root for                B.root out               C.root up                D.root through

4.In which of the following situations can we use the phrase “be rooted to the spot”?

         A.A bush is so firmly rooted in the ground that it is difficult to pull it up.

         B.A football fan got excited when his favorite football team scored a goal.

         C.A girl became too scared to walk when she caught sight of a long snake.

         D.A man is unable to walk because he was caught in a car accident years ago.


