decent a. 像样的,体面的 查看更多




When you are doing business in Argentina, either with the government or the private enterprises, the bargains play a very important part. Interview may be the best way to do business, because telephone service is not so good in Argentina, and people prefer to have a face – to – face talk with his associate. If you insist on using phones, you may fail. And another thing is that, book your time before your business visit.

Most of the Argentines are descendants of a European, especially from Britain and Italy. People in political circles and business circles spend much time on clothing. They have good manners. So, be careful of your appearance. Gentlemen had better put on conservative business suit and have ties. Attending a formal bender and banquet, wearing deep color clothes should be good. Meanwhile, ladies should be decent, a suit or a long skirt is good. These rules are the same with the visitors from other places. Foreigners are used to judging one from his clothes. If you wear untidy, they must have an inappreciative conclusion.

Clothes are the base of their judgments. So, when you visit a company of a department, even you have a visit to your merchant, you need to wear business suit. The color of the suit is important. The grey color is unpopular, as it feels gloomy. Wearing this to have a visit, you will leave very bad impression. Another noticeable thing is, the popular packing colors are yellow, green and red, as black, purple and purple – brown must be careful.

The Argentines are like the Europeans. Beef, hotpot and pork are their favorite, and they treat baking complete animals as their traditional food. The Argentine businessmen like to invite the associates to their home. The authentic Argentine beef must be on the table. As a guest, when you have an invitation, it must be wonderful if you take some flowers or candies with you, a bottle of imported whiskey is also the best present. Never take a T – shirt or a tie. Argentines don’t like to accept these underclothes.

From May to November, it is the best time to do business. And avoid having interviews two weeks before and after Christmas Day and Easter Day. Holiday time begins in January and finishes in March, these are the right time to do business with Argentines.

1.          Doings and Taboos (禁忌) in Argentina





·To interview your business


·To make 3.              

before your business visit

·Just depend on telephone

·Pay a (n) 4.           




·To wear conservative 6.         


·To be dressed in deep color


·Have on long suits or skirt

·Wear 7.           

Colour for clothes

·Business suits are suitable

·Yellow, 8.          

  clothes makes you well – received

·To be in grey color

·To be in black, purple and purple – brown


·Beef, hotpot and pork


Not mentioned


To arrange business:

·From May to November

·From 10.         

To arrange business:

·Two weeks before and after Christmas Day and Easter Day



  Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that's only superficial.Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough.The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you’re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.

  The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.Soup then will be served(unless in Guangdong style restaurants)to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.

  Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests.In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks.This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness.It is always polite to eat the food.If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.

  People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.When you have had enough, just say so.Or you will always overeat!


What's the main difference on dinner table between China and West is ________.

[  ]


You have your own plate of food in West while in China everyone shares the dishes.


On Chinese dinner table, chopsticks replace knife and fork.


You’re treated to a formal dinner for the first time.


The host will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.


If you have a dinner in a Chinese home, in which order will the food be served in China?

a.a set of four cold dishes.

b.staple food such as rice, noodle or dumplings.

c.the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.

d.serving soup.

[  ]










According to the passage, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


Chinese think it impolite for guests to leave food in the plate.


Chinese think it polite to put food into the plated of the guests with their own chopsticks.


People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.


Chinese all think it impolite for guests to ask for a pair of knife and fork.


The sentence, in passage 2,“you should say so in good time” means ________.

[  ]


you should say so early


you should say so happily


you'd better say so


you should say so kindly.


The “public chopsticks and spoons” are used for/to ________.

[  ]


show the politeness to the guests.


share the food together


show the genuine friendship and politeness


put food into the plates of their guests


Recently I was invited to a friend’s house for supper—and had a meal I have never had before.
All the friends invited were a little  36 . It’s not that Ben is unsociable, or a bad cook, but it’s just that he never 37 more than he has to. So how come he was inviting us round for a meal? Had he bought something 38  for his friends? He greeted us at the door and showed us into his dining room where a 39 table was waiting for us. “Nothing but the 40  for my friends! ” said Ben. We all sat down and looked 41 at each other—what was he  42 ?
Ben returned with four bowls of hot soup. “It’s a 43 of carrots, potatoes and tomatoes, ”said Ben. The next 44 was also a little strange 45 we didn’t quite know what it was again. “It’s just another mixture of vegetables. ”
As we ate we chatted and finally the 46 turned back to what we were eating. “Was there a recipe(菜谱) for this, ”asked Marina, “or did you 47 it up? ”Ben put his fork down. “What I cooked 48 what I could find. ”Marina was surprised. “But you can find anything in supermarkets these days. ”“But there’s 49 choice in what you can find 50 supermarkets, ” he replied.
 51 that we had all finished the food, Ben decided to tell the truth. He had read recently that supermarkets usually 52 away 5 percent of their food every day. So Ben decided to look inside his local supermarket bins. There he found food that was slightly out of 53 , boxes of thrown-away vegetables and fruit.
So Ben had 54  provided a decent meal for his friends, and made us aware of the fact that there are many poor people who need the food, but the amount of food thrown away is enough to  55 millions of people.
36.A. excited      B. disappointed  C. surprised   D. delighted
37.A. takes        B. spends       C. uses       D. does
38.A. cheap        B. special       C. practical    D. usual
39.A. new         B. separate      C. booked     D. laid
40.A. freshest      B. most         C. best        D. least
41.A. nervously     B. carefully      C. sadly      D. happily
42.A. in for         B. up to         C. away from   D. out of
43.A. mixture       B. liquid         C. matter      D. dish
44.A. course      B. food            C. soup       D. salad
45.A. in that      B. on condition that  C. in case that   D. so that
46.A. dinner      B. idea            C. food        D. subject
47.A. pick        B. look            C. make       D. take
48.A. referred     B. depended on     C. lay in       D. resulted from
49.A. less         B. more           C. some       D. any
50.A. within       B. beyond         C. inside      D. outside
51.A. Feeling      B. Seeing          C. Realizing   D. Thinking
52.A. store        B. move           C. throw      D. hide
53.A. order        B. place           C. season     D. date
54.A. successfully   B. possibly        C. hardly     D. hopefully
55.A. enrich        B. please          C. affect     D. Feed


The concept of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all illnesses may be preventable if individuals would make sound personal health choice and do not like to see it restricted when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may concern our health. If we so desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever foods we want, and live a completely sedentary life style without any exercise. The freedom to make such personal decisions is a fundamental aspect of our society, although the wisdom of these decisions can be questioned. Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty. As one example, a teenager may know the facts relative to smoking cigarettes and health but may be pressured by friends into believing it is the socially accepted thing to do.?

A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health related behaviors, and it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual. However, the decision to adopt a particular health related behavior is usually one of personal choices. There are healthy choices and there are unhealthy choices. In discussing the morals of personal choice, Fries and Grapo drew a comparison. They suggest that to knowingly give oneself over to a behavior that has a statistical probability of shortening life is similar to attempting suicide. Thus, for those individuals who are interested in preserving both the quality and quantity of life, personal health choices should reflect those behaviors that are associated with a statistical probability of increased vitality and longevity.

68.The concept of personal choice concerning health is important because ____.

A.personal health choice helps cure most illness helps raise the level of our medical knowledge is essential to personal freedom in American society

D.wrong decisions could lead to poor health

69.To “live a completely sedentary life style”(L7,Para.1)in the passage means____. “live an inactive life” “live a decent life” “live a life with complete freedom” “live a life of vice”

70.Sound personal health choice is often difficult to make because ____. ?

A.current medical knowledge is still insufficient

B.there are many factors influencing our decisions

C.few people are willing to trade the quality of life for the quantity of life

D.people are usually influenced by the behavior of their friends




Here is an unusual story: a diamond ring was recently found in an egg. The magician, Liu Qian, discovered it, in front of an audience of millions at CCTV`s Spring Festival Gala. Liu`s magic tricks have made the centuries-old art of magic fashionable (时髦的)once again, and made him the hottest magician in China.

         As a seasoned (老练的) young magician from Taiwan, Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows. Countries he has performed in include the United States, Japan, South Korea and the UK.

         Witnessing (目击)something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of people`s love for magic.

         Liu is known for his interaction(互动) with his audiences. He has a special understanding of performing skills.

         “It is actually thinking , rather than one`s performing skills, that is more important to achieve a successful magic show. We think carefully about how to design the shows creatively,to make them appear more attractive.” Liu said.

         Liu Qian`s success dates back to his childhood. Born in 1976 in Taiwan, he found himself attracted to a magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old. At the age of 12, he won Taiwan`s Youth Contest, which was judged by the great American magician, David Copperfield.

         Yet, Liu never planned on becoming a professional magician. He studied Japanese literature at university and only hoped to be an amateur (业余的) magician in his spare time. However, his failure to find a decent (体面的) job after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career.

         To improve his performing skills, he has performed on streets, roads and fields, for passers-by, policemen and farmers.

         “Street shows are the biggest challenge for us magicians. We have to deal with unexpected situations and tough(难对付的) crowds.” Liu said.

63.The story is about _________.

how Liu Qian became China`s hottest magician

why people love magic

what magic tricks are

what fashionable magic is

64. People love to watch magic because __________.

they can`t figure out the secret of magic

it arouses their curiosity

they love watching magicians make the impossible happen

it is a centuries-old art

65. Which of the following is the key reason that Liu Qian decided to make magic his career?

He was interested in magic when he was little

He had won Taiwan`s Youth Magic Contest

He became an amateur magician in his spare time

He couldn`t find a decent job after graduation

66. From the story, we know that________.

      A. Liu Qian competed in many magic competitions

B. Liu Qian often invites audiences to be in his magic shows

C. Liu Qian performs on streets in order to increase his fame 

D. Liu Qian does street shows to make money

