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At IRA’s annual research conference, held each year immediately prior to the annual convention, researchers and practitioners have an opportunity to share information about research-based best practices in reading education.
The research conference is an important opportunity for educators whose primary responsibility is providing pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy
Reading research 2007 will feature four distinct lines: beginning reading, comprehension, teacher preparation, and adolescent literacy. Get program details.
The keynote speaker will be Donald J. Leu, holder of the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair of Literacy and Technology |at the University of Connecticut.
New this year, the 2007 IRA research award winners will be honored at a special Research Awards Luncheon during this conference and dissertation finalists will display their poster presentations
Prepaid registration is now open. The prepaid registration deadline is April 9,2007.
Please note: Registration for the Saturday Reading Research Conference is limited, and we encourage attendees to take advantage of the savings and convenience of registering in advance. If there is additional space available on the day of the conference, only cash or checks will be accepted on site in Toronto.
Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a closing wine and cheese reception. You can register online or by using the Convention Prepaid Registration Form from the December/January and the February/March issues of Reading Today or from the Preliminary Program, There will be no telephone registrations. Questions about registration should be directed to customerservice@ reading, org.
Please note: Separate registrations are required for the Annual Convention, the Sunday Institutes, and the Saturday Research Conference!
Other information
For information on travel and housing, visit the annual convention area.
For further information on this conference,, contact the Research and 'Policy Division, international Reading Association, 800 Barksdale Road, PO Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139, USA. E-mail; Telephone: 302-731-1600, ext. 226.
【小题1】What is this passage mainly about?

A.The registration information for IRA's annual research conference.
B.Pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy.
C.Reading Research 20C 7.
D.Convention Prepaid Registration Form.
【小题2】Which of the following is true?
A.Practitioners have no opportunity to attend the conference.
B.The 2007 conference v/ill be held at the University of Connecticut.
C.Attendees can make a phone call to register.
D.Attendees can take the separate registrations.
【小题3】What is new for 2p07 IRA annual research conference?
A.The keynote speaker will be Donald J.Leu.
B.IRA research award winners will be honored at a special-Research Awards Luncheon.
C.Attendees will visit the annual convention area.
D.Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a.closing wine and cheese reception.


At IRA’s annual research conference, held each year immediately prior to the annual convention, researchers and practitioners have an opportunity to share information about research-based best practices in reading education.

       The research conference is an important opportunity for educators whose primary responsibility is providing pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy


       Reading research 2007 will feature four distinct lines: beginning reading, comprehension, teacher preparation, and adolescent literacy. Get program details.

       The keynote speaker will be Donald J. Leu, holder of the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair of Literacy and Technology |at the University of Connecticut.

       New this year, the 2007 IRA research award winners will be honored at a special Research Awards Luncheon during this conference and dissertation finalists will display their poster presentations


       Prepaid registration is now open. The prepaid registration deadline is April 9,2007.

       Please note: Registration for the Saturday Reading Research Conference is limited, and we encourage attendees to take advantage of the savings and convenience of registering in advance. If there is additional space available on the day of the conference, only cash or checks will be accepted on site in Toronto.

       Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a closing wine and cheese reception. You can register online or by using the Convention Prepaid Registration Form from the December/January and the February/March issues of Reading Today or from the Preliminary Program, There will be no telephone registrations. Questions about registration should be directed to customerservice@ reading, org.

       Please note: Separate registrations are required for the Annual Convention, the Sunday Institutes, and the Saturday Research Conference!

Other information

       For information on travel and housing, visit the annual convention area.

       For further information on this conference,, contact the Research and 'Policy Division, international Reading Association, 800 Barksdale Road, PO Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139, USA. E-mail; Telephone: 302-731-1600, ext. 226.

1.What is this passage mainly about?

       A.The registration information for IRA's annual research conference.

       B.Pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy.

       C.Reading Research 20C 7.

       D.Convention Prepaid Registration Form.

2.Which of the following is true?

       A.Practitioners have no opportunity to attend the conference.

       B.The 2007 conference v/ill be held at the University of Connecticut.

       C.Attendees can make a phone call to register.

       D.Attendees can take the separate registrations.

3.What is new for 2p07 IRA annual research conference?

       A.The keynote speaker will be Donald J.Leu.

       B.IRA research award winners will be honored at a special-Research Awards Luncheon.

       C.Attendees will visit the annual convention area.

       D.Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a.closing wine and cheese reception.



At IRA’s annual research conference, held each year immediately prior to the annual convention, researchers and practitioners have an opportunity to share information about research-based best practices in reading education.

       The research conference is an important opportunity for educators whose primary responsibility is providing pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy


       Reading research 2007 will feature four distinct lines: beginning reading, comprehension, teacher preparation, and adolescent literacy. Get program details.

       The keynote speaker will be Donald J. Leu, holder of the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair of Literacy and Technology |at the University of Connecticut.

       New this year, the 2007 IRA research award winners will be honored at a special Research Awards Luncheon during this conference and dissertation finalists will display their poster presentations


       Prepaid registration is now open. The prepaid registration deadline is April 9,2007.

       Please note: Registration for the Saturday Reading Research Conference is limited, and we encourage attendees to take advantage of the savings and convenience of registering in advance. If there is additional space available on the day of the conference, only cash or checks will be accepted on site in Toronto.

       Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a closing wine and cheese reception. You can register online or by using the Convention Prepaid Registration Form from the December/January and the February/March issues of Reading Today or from the Preliminary Program, There will be no telephone registrations. Questions about registration should be directed to customerservice@ reading, org.

       Please note: Separate registrations are required for the Annual Convention, the Sunday Institutes, and the Saturday Research Conference!

Other information

       For information on travel and housing, visit the annual convention area.

       For further information on this conference,, contact the Research and 'Policy Division, international Reading Association, 800 Barksdale Road, PO Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139, USA. E-mail; Telephone: 302-731-1600, ext. 226.

What is this passage mainly about?

       A.The registration information for IRA's annual research conference.

       B.Pre-service and in-service education in reading and literacy.

       C.Reading Research 20C 7.

       D.Convention Prepaid Registration Form.

Which of the following is true?

       A.Practitioners have no opportunity to attend the conference.

       B.The 2007 conference v/ill be held at the University of Connecticut.

       C.Attendees can make a phone call to register.

       D.Attendees can take the separate registrations.

What is new for 2p07 IRA annual research conference?

       A.The keynote speaker will be Donald J.Leu.

       B.IRA research award winners will be honored at a special-Research Awards Luncheon.

       C.Attendees will visit the annual convention area.

       D.Conference registration includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and a.closing wine and cheese reception.



  Our Intensive English Language Summer Course runs from the 15th-26th August, 2012

  inclusive and applicants may register for a 5-day or 12-day course.

  About the Course

  For boys and girls from 12 to 16 years of a wishing to improve their English language skill

  Ideal for foreign students who are en* V it a UK secondary school

  The course may be attended on a residential(with accommodation)or day basis(without accommodation).

  Students registered for Lincoln Minister School for September 2012 are particularly recommended to attend the 2-week course.

  Programme outline

  Week 1 30 hours of lessons + 2 afternoon outings to supplement learning;

  Friday afternoon sports

  Weekend Day trip to theme parks and a relaxing day on Sunday

  Week 2 30 hours of lessons + cinema visits

  On the final Friday afternoon, there will be a barbecue lunch with games and presentation of certificates.

  What's included in the fee

  30 hours tuition per week by qualified teachers and EFL specialists

  All meals and accommodation(bedding provided)

  Outings and entrance fees, resources, completion certificate

  (Accommodation, breakfast or evening meals do not apply to day students.)


  If your child attends the residential course, they will stay in one of our 4 beautiful boarding houses.They will be looked after by our trained boarding staff in a safe and happy environment, with lots of opportunities to socialise and use the language skills they have learnt.

  How to Enrol

  To enrol in our Intensive English Language Summer Course, you will initially need to do the following:

  Fill in a booking form.

  Pay a deposit of 50% of the chosen course fees, which will ensure your child's place on the course.

  Course fees


If a student attends the day course, the fee he pays doesn't include.

[  ]


thirty hours tuition per week


outing and course entrance


breakfast, supper and accommodation


resources and completion certificate


A student who chooses the residential course has no chance to

[  ]


enjoy a barbecue lunch with games


socialize and practise English


have lessons every day during the 12 days


enjoy all meals through the course


How much should Mr.Johnson pay beforehand to guarantee a five-day residential course for his three kids?

[  ]




£1, 800.





