constant a. 不变的,恒定的 n. 常数 查看更多




My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the  21  shelter to pick out a dog to keep her  22  . Grandma decided on a little dog with a reddish-brown spot above each eye.  23  these spots, the dog was named Penny.

Grandma and Penny quickly became very  24  to each other, but that attachment grew much stronger about three years later  25  Grandma had a stroke(中风). Grandma could no longer  26  , so when she came home from the hospital, she and Penny were  27  companions.

After her stroke, it became a real  28  for Grandma to let Penny in and out because  29  was at the bottom of a flight of stairs. So a mechanism(机械装置)using a rope and pulley(滑轮)was   30  from the door to a handle at the top of the stairs. Grandma just had to pull the handle to open and close the door. If the store was   31  Penny’s favorite dog food, Grandma would make one of us  32  Penny browned beef with potatoes in it. I can remember   33  my grandmother by saying that she loved that dog better than she loved her family.

As the years passed, it was not  34  for Grandma and Penny to separate each other. If Grandma went to take her nap(打盹), Penny stayed by her side until she  35  . As Penny aged, she could no longer jump up on the bed, so she   36  on the rug (垫子)beside the bed. If Grandma went into the   37  , Penny would walk along beside her, wait outside the door and accompany her   38  to the bed or chair. Grandma never went anywhere without her   39  companion by her side.

The time came when both my grandmother’s and Penny’s   40  were failing fast. After fifteen years of loving companionship, Grandma and Penny passed away within a few hours of each other.

A.animal  B.toy D.bird    B.firm  D.friend

A.In spite of B.Because of   C.Instead of   D.In front of

A.linked  B.fastened C.attached D.tied

A.before  B.while    C.until    D.when

A.think   B.speak

A.contrary    B.content  C.confident    D.constant

A.problem B.question C.practice D.rule

A.the door    B.Grandma  C.the window   D.Penny

A.repaired    B.fixed    C.bought   D.loaded

A.    out of  B.ahead of C.away from    D.apart from    B.hand C.borrow   D.cook

A.drawing attention to    B.making use of   

    C.breaking away from   D.making fun of

A.necessary   B.possible C.important    D.convenient

A.recovered   B.awoke    C.slept    D.screamed

A.rolled  B.stood    C.waited   D.lay

A.reading room    B.bedroom D.bathroom

A.back    B.up  D.down

A.splendid    B.remote   C.faithful

A.smell   C.habit


完型填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the  36  shelter to pick out a dog to keep her  37  . Grandma decided on a little dog with a reddish-brown spot above each eye.  38  these spots, the dog was named Penny.

Grandma and Penny quickly became very 39 to each other, but that attachment grew much stronger about three years later 40  Grandma had a stroke(中风). Grandma could no longer

 41  , so when she came home from the hospital, she and Penny were  42  companions.

After her stroke, it became a real  43  for Grandma to let Penny in and out because  44  was at the bottom of a flight of stairs. So a mechanism(机械装置)using a rope and pulley(滑轮)was   45  from the door to a handle at the top of the stairs. Grandma just had to pull the handle to open and close the door. If the store was   46  Penny’s favorite dog food, Grandma would make one of us  47  Penny browned beef with potatoes in it. I can remember   48  my grandmother by saying that she loved that dog better than she loved her family.

As the years passed, it was not  49  for Grandma and Penny to separate each other. If Grandma went to take her nap(打盹), Penny stayed by her side until she  50  . As Penny aged, she could no longer jump up on the bed, so she   51  on the rug (垫子)beside the bed. If Grandma went into the   52  , Penny would walk along beside her, wait outside the door and accompany her   53  to the bed or chair. Grandma never went anywhere without her   54  companion by her side.

The time came when both my grandmother’s and Penny’s   55  were failing fast. After fifteen years of loving companionship, Grandma and Penny passed away within a few hours of each other.

A.animal  B.toy        D.bird    B.firm      D.friend

A.In spite of B.Because of   C.Instead of       D.In front of

A.linked  B.fastened     C.attached     D.tied

A.before  B.while            C.until           D.when

A.think       B.speak           D.walk

A.contrary    B.content      C.confident        D.constant

A.problem B.question     C.practice     D.rule

A.the door    B.Grandma      C.the window   D.Penny

A.repaired    B.fixed            C.bought       D.loaded

A.    out of  B.ahead of     C.away from        D.apart from        B.hand          D.cook

A.drawing attention to            B.making use of   

    C.breaking away from           D.making fun of

A.necessary   B.possible     C.important        D.convenient

A.recovered   B.awoke        C.slept            D.screamed

A.rolled  B.stood            C.waited       D.lay B.bedroom  D.bathroom

A.back        B.up           D.down

A.splendid    B.remote       C.faithful

A.smell       C.habit  




A.arise                   B.rose                    C.salesman             D.expense

      A.brand                  B.message              C.radium                D.appoint

      A.tough                  B.route                   C.nervous     


      A.culture                B.bonus                  C.abuse                  D.flu


      A.chew                  B.moustache           C.chemist               D.Christmas


You’re sitting on the train home and the person opposite you yawns(打哈欠). Suddenly, you’re yawning with him, though you’re not tired.

   This phenomenon confused scientists for years until a recent study found that people tend to sympathize with fellow humans. Supporting this claim was the discovery that those children who were unable to form normal emotional ties with others did not experience contagious(有感染力的) yawning, which showed that humans communicate regularly with out words.

   Hugo Critchley, a neuroscientist, has conducted an experiment recently, which will prove that happiness and sadness can spread like the common cold. According to Critechley, our mind and body are in constant exchange about how we’re feeling. “Emotions are closely linked with states of internal(内部的) responses,” he explained. “ There are also more visible changes in our gestures and facial expression. When we’re in a group, these signals can spread to another person. For example, there’s the obvious tendency to smile when smiled at and there are less obvious changes that reflect emotions of surprise, anger or sadness such as a change in our heart rate and blood pressure.

Hugo Critchley further explained, “Our bodies synchronies and when we like the other person, we ever copy his behavior. Next time you chat with a friend, take note of how you’re sitting— it’s pretty likely that you will be the same. Scientists believe it’s our way of telling each other that we’re partners. Through body language, humans give each other very subtle(微妙的) but clear signals that show emotions.”

So, what lessons can we learn from this? “ Spend time with happy people— otherwise your health could suffer,” said Critchley.” When we’re sad, our body goes into fight or flight mode. But when we’re happy, our body works normally and we feel relaxed and positive. So we look bright, our skin glows, we feel healthy and it affects everyone around us.”

According to Hugo Critchley, ________.

  A. emotions are as visible as facial expressions

  B. we yawn more frequently when we have a cold

  C. emotions are connected with states of internal responses

  D. the change of blood pressure is not linked with the change of emotions.

The underlined word “synchronies” in Paragraph 4 means “_____”.

  A. move slowly  B. change rapidly  C. relax temporarily  D. respond accordingly

From the passage we can learn ________.

  A. sadness is as contagious as happiness

  B. anger is less contagious than friendliness

  C. surprise is more contagious than smile

  D. surprise is the most contagious among emotions

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. Emotions have delicate influence on fellow humans.

  B. Children like copying the actions of the fellow humans.

C.Scientists are still confused about contagious yawning

D.People tend to communicate more with body language. 


One day I was doing a big clean?up when I ____ a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown coin inside.I took one look and immediately ___ a forgettable time.

In 1991I had spent five months in Nigerwith sandstorms and great heat.Its ____ and beggars were my biggest and most constant complaint.Street beggars would continually reached out their handsshouting “GiftGift

One dayI ___ for neighboring Burkina to work in a health clinic.

Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkinawe began to ____.Out of the darknessa motorbike with two men approached slowly.Without ____one of the men grabbed my daypack as the motorbike swept close by.Within secondsthe two were out of sight____ up by the night.

The bag had my passportmoneytraveler’s chequescameraan airline ticket and other things ___ to me.I was in deep trouble.

In the weeks that followedI ____guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded all ____ with suspicion.All I wanted was to leave this place.

Thenwalking through Burkina’s streetsI met with an old woman.“GiftGift” she cried.I’d had enough.I was ____ of the countryits povertyits thievesthe heatand the dust.I told her angrily“A thief stole all my money and now I can’t ____ out of your country.I cannot give you anything.”

The beggar woman listened attentively and ___ my words.Then she reached ____ the folds of her dress.

“Then I will give you a gift”she announced.Kindlyshe placed an olddark brown coin in my hand.I looked at it in ____.It was a very small amount of money? but for this womanthe coin ___ a meal.At that momentI felt a shame.In spite of the ____she was able to give me something priceless.

I saw then the ____ beauty of the people of Burkina—and appreciated deeply the quiet ____ of the poor.With the old woman’s giftI hope never to part with the coin she gave me.With one small coinshe ____ my concept completely.

1.A.cared about? Bcame across

Clooked for? Dfocused upon

2.A.presented? Bgave

Crecalled? Dreminded

3.A.traffic? Bdust

Cnoise? Dclimate

4.A.headed? Bmade

Cstood? Dcame

5.A.move? Bunload

Chide? Dpass

6.A.warning Bplanning

Cthinking? Darranging

7.A.hung? Bput

Cswallowed Dcleared

8.A.obvious? Bexpensive

Cfamiliar? Dprecious

9.A.elegantly? Bcautiously

Cdependently Dfrequently

10.A.locals? Bthieves

Cbeggars? Dmotorbikes

11.A.proud? Bconscious

Csick? Daware

12.A.get? Brun

Ccome? Drush

13.A.attended to? Blooked up

Cthought about? Dwrote down

14.A.for? Binto

Cout? Dat

15.A.order? Bvain

Ccase? Dshock

16.A.meant? Bmade

Cserved? Dsuggested

17.A.dirtiness? Bpoverty

Ckindness? Dsafety

18.A.updated? Bunfolded

Cbroken? Dunexpected

19.A.moment? Baction

Cdignity? Dlife

20.A.changed? Bdamaged

Cfound? Daccepted


