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A typical① Chinese Internet user is a young male who prefers instant messaging to e-mail, seldom makes online purchases② and favors news, music and games sites. According to a study, about two-thirds of survey participants③ use the Internet for news — often entertainment-related — or for online games. About half download music and movies.

They also tend to prefer instant messaging to e-mail, and they are depending on the Internet more frequently than before to communicate with others who have the same professions, hobbies and political interests. Online purchases still remain unpopular in China. Three-quarters of users surveyed have never bought anything over the Internet, and only 10 percent make purchases even once a month. Among those who do buy online, most pay for entertainment while others buy phone cards, or computer hardware or software.

“Many people don’t trust the quality of goods bought online,” Guo said Wednesday. “If they buy it in a store and don’t like it, they can easily bring it back.”

The survey was done in five major cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Changsha. Results do not necessarily project countrywide because Internet use in rural areas is lower than in cities. Guo describes the typical netizen④ in the five cities surveyed as young, male, richer and more highly educated. Males make up two-thirds of the Internet community, and more than 80 percent of users are under 24. Among people ages 25 to 29, 60 percent to 80 percent go online.

China has more than 100 million people online, second in the world to the United States.


① typical  adj.  典型的

② purchase   n. / v.  购买

③ participant  n. 参与者

④ netizen  n. 网民

Choose the best answers according to the above:

A typical Chinese Internet user will be the one who _________.

        A. likes to send e-mails                 B. likes to buy goods online

        C. likes to pay for entertainment          D. likes the games sites

Online purchases still remain unpopular in China mainly because _________.

        A. it is more difficult for sales returns       

B. people haven’t computers

        C. people can’t have a look at the goods     

D. goods bought online are of low quality

Which of the following words fails to describe the typical netizens in the five cities?

        A. well educated     B. richer     C. female     D. young

According to the text, which of the following shows the right relation between online people and their ages?

        A.       B.

C.       D.


“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence in an American friend’s e-mail, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect ___36___ of Chinglish.

  Obviously, it is a word―for―word literal translation of the Chinese greeting with ___37___ English grammar and structure. Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American ___38____. I was too amazed to believe her. Her words could not ___39___ me at all. So I did a ____40___ on www.google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages ___41___ “Long time no see”. This sentence has been ____42___ used in e-mails, letters, newspapers, books, and all other possible places. Though it is ____43____ informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily. ____44___, if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the ____45___ will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

   Nobody knows the ___46___ of this sentence. Some people believe that it comes from Charlie Chan movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully ____47___ a world famous Chinese detective named Charlie Chan on the wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans Chinese wisdom____48___ quoting Confucius (). “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after the first Charlie Chan movie was released, “long time no see” became a (n) ____49___ phrase in the real world ____50___ the popularity of these movies.

   Some people ____51___ America to a huge melting pot. All kinds of cultures are ____52___ in the pot, so the color and taste of them all is ____53___. Chinese Americans, though a minority ethnic group in the United States, also ____54___ to these changes! Language is usually the first thing to be ____55___ in the melting pot.


36. A. example

B. sign 

C. word

D. change

37. A. tied 

B. perfected

C. learned

D. ruined

38. A. custom 

B. greeting 

C. habit

D. proverb

39. A. persuade

B. encourage

C. convince

D. believe

40. A. job

B. research

C. survey 

D. search

41. A. containing

B. printing 

C. publishing

D. expressing

42. A. widely

B. hardly

C. seldom

D. deeply

43. A. lots of

B. plenty of 

C. most of

D. sort of

44. A. Unfortunately

B. Luckily

C. However 

D. Suddenly

45. A. hardware

B. software 

C. operator

D. speaker

46. A. use

B. origin

C. expression

D. meaning

47. A. created

B. published

C. did

D. discovered

48. A. by

B. in

C. with

D. of

49. A. ordinary 

B. rare

C. modern

D. popular

50. A. in spite of

B. as to 

C. thanks to 

D. but for

51. A. compare 

B. add

C. join

D. own

52. A. joined

B. mixed

C. finished 

D. done

53. A. improved

B. changed

C. lowered 

D. promoted

54. A. owe 

B. put

C. take 

D. contribute

55. A. influenced

B. mentioned

C. used 

D. considered


