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I was in the queue for the supermarket checkout(付款台) earlier today.All of the checkouts were    36  , and the woman behind me was not happy! Every word that came from her mouth was a(n)    37  ! She wasn’t happy with the number of checkouts      38   ; she wasn’t happy with the amount of shopping some people had in their baskets; she wasn’t happy because this supermarket didn’t have a stand where she    39   scan her own shopping.
I listened to her    40  looking around as I loaded my stuff onto the conveyor belt (传送带).I didn’t want    41   to do with that kind of attitude, and if ever I’d felt like letting someone go     42    of me, it wouldn’t be such a woman!
But then I    43  back.Standing beside the woman was a five-year-old girl,    44   her granddaughter.The girl’s part of the shopping    45  of some comic books.
I couldn’t    46  it.I pushed my shopping back to the end of the conveyor belt,     47   a space.“After you,” I said to the woman and the girl, and    48   them to a big    49   .The woman was delighted, and even    50   to complain ---- until she was walking away.
So,  51  bother having helped? It was because that little girl was probably taking in her granny’s complaint like a sponge(海绵).She was learning how to    52   situations like that by listening to her granny.I’d seen that I could interrupt that complaining, and put a smile and some   53   into the middle of it.
We can all complain; we can all react    54   , but it doesn’t have to be like that.And, even if only for a few     55    , I wanted to leave that little soul with just a glimpse of another way.

A.busyB.big C.freeD.empty
A.quarrel B.argumentC.praiseD.complaint
A.opened B.closedC.leftD.hired
A.face withB.put with
A.actively B.correctlyC.negativelyD.patiently



I was in the queue for the supermarket checkout(付款台) earlier today.All of the checkouts were    36   , and the woman behind me was not happy! Every word that came from her mouth was a(n)    37   ! She wasn’t happy with the number of checkouts      38    ; she wasn’t happy with the amount of shopping some people had in their baskets; she wasn’t happy because this supermarket didn’t have a stand where she    39    scan her own shopping.

    I listened to her    40   looking around as I loaded my stuff onto the conveyor belt (传送带).I didn’t want    41    to do with that kind of attitude, and if ever I’d felt like letting someone go     42     of me, it wouldn’t be such a woman!

But then I    43   back.Standing beside the woman was a five-year-old girl,    44    her granddaughter.The girl’s part of the shopping    45   of some comic books.

I couldn’t    46   it.I pushed my shopping back to the end of the conveyor belt,     47    a space.“After you,” I said to the woman and the girl, and    48    them to a big     49    .The woman was delighted, and even    50    to complain ---- until she was walking away.

So,   51   bother having helped? It was because that little girl was probably taking in her granny’s complaint like a sponge(海绵).She was learning how to    52    situations like that by listening to her granny.I’d seen that I could interrupt that complaining, and put a smile and some   53    into the middle of it.

We can all complain; we can all react    54    , but it doesn’t have to be like that.And, even if only for a few     55     , I wanted to leave that little soul with just a glimpse of another way.

A.busy     B.big        D.empty

A.quarrel B.argument        C.praise     D.complaint

A.opened B.closed   C.left        D.hired

A.would         B.need      C.could     D.must

A.beyond       B.without         C.with

A.something          B.nothing         C.everything           D.anything

A.ahead  B.behind   C.beside   D.back

A.went   B.glanced         C.focused  D.jumped

A.merely        B.surely           C.possibly        D.luckily

A.contained B.included   C.consisted       D.made

A.think      C.believe         D.forget

A.taking   B.leaving      C.bringing         D.occupying

A.returned  B.pleased    C.treated          D.served    B.meal      C.joke

A.thanked  B.paid         C.checked        D.forgot         B.what      C.why            D.who

A.face with B.put with with with

A.truth        B.kindness       C.courage

A.actively  B.correctly   C.negatively    D.patiently

A.hours    B.chances    C.years    D.seconds


I was in the queue for the supermarket checkout(付款台) earlier today.All of the checkouts were    46   , and the woman behind me was not happy! Every word that came from her mouth was a(n)    47   ! She wasn’t happy with the number of checkouts      48    ; she wasn’t happy with the amount of shopping some people had in their baskets; she wasn’t happy because this supermarket didn’t have a stand where she    49    scan her own shopping.

       I listened to her    50   looking around as I loaded(装) my stuff onto the conveyor belt (传送带).I didn’t want    51    to do with that kind of attitude, and if ever I’d felt like letting someone go     52     of me, it wouldn’t be such a woman!

       But then I    53   back.Standing beside the woman was a five-year-old girl,    54    her granddaughter.The girl’s part of the shopping    55    some comic books.

       I couldn’t    56   it.I pushed my shopping back to the end of the conveyor belt,     57    a space.“After you,” I said to the woman and the girl, and    58    them to a big     59    .The woman was delighted, and even   60    to complain ---- until she was walking away.

       So,   61   bother(麻烦,费事) having helped? It was because that little girl was probably taking in her granny’s complaint like a sponge(海绵).She was learning how to    62    situations like that by listening to her granny.I’d seen that I could interrupt that complaining, and put a smile and some   63    into the middle of it.We can all complain; we can all react    64    , but it doesn’t have to be like that.And, even if only for a few     65     , I wanted to leave that little soul with just a glimpse of another way.

A.busy          B.big             D.empty

A.cry           B.argument        C.shout          D.complaint

A.opened        B.closed          C.left            D.done

A.would         B.need          C.could           D.must

A.beyond       B.without         C.with 

A.something   B.nothing        C.everything           D.anything

A.ahead         B.behind       C.beside          D.back

A.went          B.looked         C.turned          D.jumped

A.only          B.surely           C.possibly        D.luckily       B.included        C.conclude       D.made

A.think          C.believe         D.forget

A.taking      B.leaving         C.bringing         D.keeping

A.returned     B.pleased         C.treated          D.served       B.meal           C.joke  

A.thanked     B.paid         C.checked        D.forgot         B.what          C.why            D.who

A.face           C.handle          D.improve

A.truth        B.kindness       C.courage

A.actively    B.correctly       C.negatively    D.patiently

A.hours     B.chances         C.years           D.seconds



On the night of my birthday, I went to the nearest drug store to buy vitamins.        it was my birthday, I was feeling        and a bit lonesome. Maybe I        my dad who had passed away four years ago. I just wanted him to be        me that day. On my way to the drug store, I was        .Once I arrived there, I cleaned my cheek up from the tears and tried to smile when I        the vitamin my mom wanted to buy. While I was waiting, I looked        the building and my eyes caught a glimpse of a(n)        next to the door. She was with her kid, a cute little boy. They were sitting on the street and that kid just wore a(n)       T-shirt. I realized it was        yet. I felt sorry for them. When I paid for my       , I glanced at them and started to have an        . “Why don’t I donate some of my        ? It’s my birthday,” I thought to myself. I had to        something with another that day. Yeah, I decided, I have to do that. I went home in a hurry. I was so        to look for some of my smaller clothes.

At home, I told my mom what I had        and told her my idea. My mom        me and helped me look for some clothes. I        returned to the drug store. There, I didn't hand the clothing over myself. I wanted it to be a        to that kid. So I asked someone to hand the clothes       , then I left that place. But once I went, I heard someone yell "thank you" and I hoped it was for me.

   On the road, my heart was overwhelmed with a lot of happiness and warmth. I felt glad that I could share something on my birthday and that was a big gift for me.

1.A. Even though               B. As if                 C. Now that           D. Only if

2.A. delighted                   B. depressed         C. excited             D. scared

3.A. forgot                         B. lost                 C. needed            D. missed

4.A. for                           B. against              C. beside             D. without

5.A. smiling                      B. crying               C. running              D. singing

6.A. checked                  B. fetched            C. dropped       D. ordered

7.A. at                            B. into                C. around        D. for

8.A. performer                  B. beggar              C. actress        D. policewoman

9.A. beautiful                   B. expensive          C. old           D. new

10.A. warm                    B. cold               C. cool          D. hot

11.A. cream                 B. coffee             C. magazines     D. vitamins

12.A. aim          B. activity             C. idea          D. opinion

13.A. toys                     B. books              C. bags          D. clothes

14.A. discuss                B. share               C. compare       D. change[

15.A. excited               B. tired                C. angry         D. sorry

16.A. heard                 B. done               C. experienced    D. suggested

17.A. disappointed          B. refused            C. blamed        D. supported

18.A. hurriedly              B. sadly               C. aimlessly      D. slowly

19.A. reward               B. present            C. prize          D. secret

20.A. over                  B. up                 C. out           D. down


