By the1940s工had grown as large as a room, and I wondered if I would grow any larger! 到20世纪40年代.我已经长到一个大房间那么大.我不知道我会不会继续长大. [解释] 1). as large as...“有--大 .后面常加数词.例如: This playground is as large as 500squaremeters. 这个操场有500平方米那么大. 2). I wondered if..“我不知道是否-- .是一个常见句式.常用于口语.表示一种委婉或客气的语气.例如: I wondered if you would mind giving me a hand. [练习] 中译英 1). 我也不知道他们能不能准时到. 2). 那个男子的体重比他重一倍. Keys: 1). I wonder whether they will arrive on time. 2). That man is twice as heavy as him. 查看更多



I spent two months with an American family last year when I studied in America. It is said,“The best house is in the USA, the best wife is in Japan, and the best food is in China.” So I took 16 and pleasure to 17?_“the best food” for my American family.Each day,regardless of my poor skill of cooking,I performed(表演)my play in 18_ way:changing the dishes’ color,the meat’s type or the soup’s style(风味).Thus,my American friends could discover the19_of eating Chinese food. Because of my“ 20_” job,I was often rewarded(奖励)by their21_of appreciation (感激)such as “very tasty”,“excellent”, etc.

  But the joke was here: yesterday , I cooked Sichuan-style22_for dinner.I was23_at my achievement(成就).

  When all the family members arrived at the table,they first looked24_at the fish,then looked at me.“Why do all the fish have their25_?” they asked,“It’s horrible!”

  Horrible or beautiful?I don’t know.But I 26_know that fish heads are delicious. The 27_is the best part of fish;in 28_only the respectable(受敬重的)guest can have the special 29_of enjoying it.

  Another 30_thing is:the American friends often said to me“31_”as they 32_fruits or other things.According to Chinese tradition(传统),I would simply smile in answer to their kindness 33_actually helping myself to any of the food.34_,I said “help yourself” to them whenever I brought home fruits.Dear me,no matter how much or how often I brought home food,as long as it was nice to their taste,they35_hesitated(犹豫)to use their hands to “help themselves” until all was finished.

16. A. worry      B. attention     C. delight    D. pride(自豪)

17. A. buy       B. fetch       C. cook      D. leave

18. A. their      B. a new       C. the same    D. a simple

19. A. way       B. joy        C. trouble    D. importance

20. A. hard       B. daily       C. good      D. new

21. A. expressions   B. sentence    C. doing     D. smile

22. A. meat       B. fish       C. soup      D. egg   

23. A. praised     B. pleased      C. bad      D. surprise

24. A. pleasedly    B. excitedly     C. surprisedly  D. worriedly

25. A. bones      B. flesh(肉)     C. tails     D. heads

26. A. do        B. will       C. want to    D. should

27. A. tail       B. head       C. soup      D. flesh

28. A. fact       B. China       C. USA      D. the West

29. A. honour      B. seat       C. table     D. plate

30. A. real       B. exciting     C. interesting  D. easy

31. A. please help us            B. excuse me

    C. help yourself             D. eat them please

32. A. brought home             B. wanted

    C. were buying              D. were eating

33. A. not       B. but not      C. without    D. nor

34. A. At last     B. Above all     C. After all   D. In return

35. A. usually      B. often       C. never     D. had


I spent two months with an American family last year when I studied in America. It is said,“The best house is in the USA, the best wife is in Japan, and the best food is in China.” So I took 16 and pleasure to 17?_“the best food” for my American family.Each day,regardless of my poor skill of cooking,I performed(表演)my play in 18_ way:changing the dishes’ color,the meat’s type or the soup’s style(风味).Thus,my American friends could discover the19_of eating Chinese food. Because of my“ 20_” job,I was often rewarded(奖励)by their21_of appreciation (感激)such as “very tasty”,“excellent”, etc.

  But the joke was here: yesterday , I cooked Sichuan-style22_for dinner.I was23_at my achievement(成就).

  When all the family members arrived at the table,they first looked24_at the fish,then looked at me.“Why do all the fish have their25_?” they asked,“It’s horrible!”

  Horrible or beautiful?I don’t know.But I 26_know that fish heads are delicious. The 27_is the best part of fish;in 28_only the respectable(受敬重的)guest can have the special 29_of enjoying it.

  Another 30_thing is:the American friends often said to me“31_”as they 32_fruits or other things.According to Chinese tradition(传统),I would simply smile in answer to their kindness 33_actually helping myself to any of the food.34_,I said “help yourself” to them whenever I brought home fruits.Dear me,no matter how much or how often I brought home food,as long as it was nice to their taste,they35_hesitated(犹豫)to use their hands to “help themselves” until all was finished.

16. A. worry      B. attention     C. delight    D. pride(自豪)

17. A. buy       B. fetch       C. cook      D. leave

18. A. their      B. a new       C. the same    D. a simple

19. A. way       B. joy        C. trouble    D. importance

20. A. hard       B. daily       C. good      D. new

21. A. expressions   B. sentence    C. doing     D. smile

22. A. meat       B. fish       C. soup      D. egg   

23. A. praised     B. pleased      C. bad      D. surprise

24. A. pleasedly    B. excitedly     C. surprisedly  D. worriedly

25. A. bones      B. flesh(肉)     C. tails     D. heads

26. A. do        B. will       C. want to    D. should

27. A. tail       B. head       C. soup      D. flesh

28. A. fact       B. China       C. USA      D. the West

29. A. honour      B. seat       C. table     D. plate

30. A. real       B. exciting     C. interesting  D. easy

31. A. please help us            B. excuse me

    C. help yourself             D. eat them please

32. A. brought home             B. wanted

    C. were buying              D. were eating

33. A. not       B. but not      C. without    D. nor

34. A. At last     B. Above all     C. After all   D. In return

35. A. usually      B. often       C. never     D. had




   Sometime today--perhaps several times--Dick Winter will think about the19-year-old who saved his life.

   Because of this young man, Winter enjoys things like friendships, colours and laughter every day.

   The young man saved Winter's life by signing an organ donor card (器官损献卡).

   “I can't say thank you enough,” Winter said yesterday at a news conference making the tenth anniversary of the Multi Organ Transplant program at Toronto General Hospital.

    What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life is only that he died in a car accident and that his family was willing to honour his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation.

    His liver (肝脏) went to Winter, who was dying from liver trouble. “Not a day goes by that I don't think of what a painful thing it must have been for them.” Winter said yesterday.

    “They are very, very special people.”

   Winter, 63, is fitter now than he was 10 years ago, when he got the transplant. He has five medals from the 1995 World Transplant Games in swimming and hopes to collect some next year in Japan.

  “At one time, we were probably strange people in the eyes of other people. Now it's expected you should be able to go back and do everything you did before, only better.”

   The biggest change for Winter, however, isn't that he has become a competitive athlete. The biggest change is how deeply he appreciates every little thing about his life now.

   “I have no time for arguments,” said Winter.

   “You change everything. Material things don't mean as much. Friendships mean a lot.”

    Also at yesterday's news conference was Dr. Gray Levy, Winter's doctor.

    Levy said he has bitter-sweet feelings when he looks at Winter and hears of his athletic exploits.

   Levy knows that for every recipient (接受者) like Winter, there are several others who die even though they could be saved because there aren't enough donated organs.

  “For every Mr Winter. We have five to 10 people that will never be given the chance that Mr. Winter was given.” Levy said.

   Levy said greater public awareness and more resources are needed.He noted that in Spain and the United States, hospitals receive $10,000 per donor to cover the costs of the operating room, doctors, nurses and teams to work with the donor's families.

(1)Which of the following is true about the 19-year-old? ________.

[  ]

A.He died of liver trouble

B.He got wounded in a battle

C.He was willing to donate his organs

D.He became a recipient of a prize

(2)What do we learn about Dick Winter? ________.

[  ]

A.He is becoming less competitive now

B.He is always thinking about his early life

C.He knows all about the young man and his family

D.He values friendships more than material things

(3)Dr. Levy would agree that ________.

[  ]

A.Spanish hospitals have more favorable conditions for organ transplant

B.the Canadian public have realized the importance of organ donation

C.Spanish hospitals received more money from the donors

D.Canadian hospitals now have enough donated organs

(4)What's tbe author's purpose in writing this article?______.

A.The public should give more support to organ transplant

B.Transplant patients are thankful for the help they receive

C.Transplant can change a patient stile greatly

D.It is not easy to get organs for transplant




   Sometime today--perhaps several times--Dick Winter will think about the19-year-old who saved his life.

   Because of this young man, Winter enjoys things like friendships, colours and laughter every day.

   The young man saved Winter's life by signing an organ donor card (器官损献卡).

   “I can't say thank you enough,” Winter said yesterday at a news conference making the tenth anniversary of the Multi Organ Transplant program at Toronto General Hospital.

    What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life is only that he died in a car accident and that his family was willing to honour his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation.

    His liver (肝脏) went to Winter, who was dying from liver trouble. “Not a day goes by that I don't think of what a painful thing it must have been for them.” Winter said yesterday.

    “They are very, very special people.”

   Winter, 63, is fitter now than he was 10 years ago, when he got the transplant. He has five medals from the 1995 World Transplant Games in swimming and hopes to collect some next year in Japan.

  “At one time, we were probably strange people in the eyes of other people. Now it's expected you should be able to go back and do everything you did before, only better.”

   The biggest change for Winter, however, isn't that he has become a competitive athlete. The biggest change is how deeply he appreciates every little thing about his life now.

   “I have no time for arguments,” said Winter.

   “You change everything. Material things don't mean as much. Friendships mean a lot.”

    Also at yesterday's news conference was Dr. Gray Levy, Winter's doctor.

    Levy said he has bitter-sweet feelings when he looks at Winter and hears of his athletic exploits.

   Levy knows that for every recipient (接受者) like Winter, there are several others who die even though they could be saved because there aren't enough donated organs.

  “For every Mr Winter. We have five to 10 people that will never be given the chance that Mr. Winter was given.” Levy said.

   Levy said greater public awareness and more resources are needed.He noted that in Spain and the United States, hospitals receive $10,000 per donor to cover the costs of the operating room, doctors, nurses and teams to work with the donor's families.

(1)Which of the following is true about the 19-year-old? ________.

[  ]

A.He died of liver trouble

B.He got wounded in a battle

C.He was willing to donate his organs

D.He became a recipient of a prize

(2)What do we learn about Dick Winter? ________.

[  ]

A.He is becoming less competitive now

B.He is always thinking about his early life

C.He knows all about the young man and his family

D.He values friendships more than material things

(3)Dr. Levy would agree that ________.

[  ]

A.Spanish hospitals have more favorable conditions for organ transplant

B.the Canadian public have realized the importance of organ donation

C.Spanish hospitals received more money from the donors

D.Canadian hospitals now have enough donated organs

(4)What's tbe author's purpose in writing this article?______.

A.The public should give more support to organ transplant

B.Transplant patients are thankful for the help they receive

C.Transplant can change a patient stile greatly

D.It is not easy to get organs for transplant

