amount n.数合计,接近 [典例] 1). Can you really afford this amount? 你真付得起这个总数吗? 2). The cost amounted to 250. 费用共达250英镑. [重点用法] a amount of + n.[u] + v. amounts of + n.[u] + v. in amounts [作状语]大(少)量地 amount to... 共达--.合计-- [练习] 用amount的短语翻译或所给词的适当形式填空. 1). Duting the earthquake, a large amount of damage (do) in a very short time. 2). Large amounts of money rebuilding the temple. 3). At that time, mall amounts of land (use) for keeping animals. 4). Food was provided . 5). The total cost of repairs US$100. Keys: 1). was done 2). were spent 3). were used 4). in different amounts 5). amounted to 查看更多


