take a chance = take chances冒险.碰运气 [典例] He took a big chance when he made the investment. 当时他投资时是冒了大风险的. [短语归纳] chance短语: have a good chance/no chance/not much chance of sth/ to do sth/ that....大有希望/没有可能/没什麽希望做某事 by chance: by accident: accidentally: unintentionally 偶然地,意外地,非有意地 the chances are ...: it is likely that... 很可能-- give sb. a chance 给某人一个机会 a chance of lifetime千载难逢的机会 [练习] 用chance短语填空. 1). The guide book didn’ t mention there being any hotels, but we decided to . 2). You should never when driving a car. 3). What are the chances his coming? 4). 很可能她要来. 5). 我遇见她完全是偶然的. Keys: 1). take a chance 2). take chances 3). of 4). The chances are that / It’ s likely that she’ ll be coming. 5). I met her quite by chance. 查看更多



     Guangdong people are famous for their passion for Yum Cha(饮茶), a Cantonese term which literally
means "drinking tea". And the tradition of drinking morning tea is the most special   1  of Guangdong's tea
culture, and also an important part of daily life for many locals.
     Now let's take you to a Guangdong tea restaurant to   2   the authentic(真正的) Yum Cha morning tea.
It's seven o'clock in the morning. In the subway station in Guangzhou, capital of south China's Guangdong
Province, commuters(往返者) are on their   3   to work or school. Some are carrying their breakfast
because they have no time to eat at home.
     But Tao Tao Ju Restaurant in downtown Guangzhou is full of grey-haired   4   people who are leisurely   5   their breakfast. They are sitting around   6  , chatting, drinking tea or reading a newspaper. Some
people will stay here for three to four hours. Actually many young people still enjoy the   7   time of drinking tea and eating dim sums(点心), they are just too   8   to enjoy them during the morning. So many restaurants in Guangdong also begin to   9   afternoon and night tea, which attracts numerous young 10   every day.
Twenty-eight-year-old Sun, who is one of them, said. "I often come here at night. My friend has come to
Guangzhou for a tour. So today I will   11   her with morning tea. But I   12   come here with my husband
and son at 10 p.m. to have 13   tea. We are not used to going to bed early."
     As time goes by, people's   14   of Yum Cha is changing. Teahouses and restaurants are working to
  15   to the new competitive environment. These changes may offer a glimpse into the lives of the people
of Guangdong.
(     )1.  A. characteristic
(     )2.  A. feel         
(     )3.  A. car          
(     )4.  A. happy        
(     )5.  A. enjoying      
(     )6.  A. rooms        
(     )7.  A. free          
(     )8.  A. late          
(     )9.  A. supply        
(     )10.  A. customers    
(     )11.  A. entertain    
(     )12.  A. never       
(     )13.  A. afternoon    
(     )14.  A. style       
(     )15.  A. add         
B. behavior
B. taste    
B. train    
B. elderly  
B. drinking
B. restaurants
B. spare    
B. early    
B. serve     
B. students  
B. provide  
B. seldom   
B. morning  
B. habits    
B. suit      
C. role    
C. make    
C. bus    
C. lazy    
C. carrying
C. tables    
C. leisure
C. happy   
C. sell    
C. couples
C. cheat    
C. sometimes
C. evening
C. way    
C. adapt    
D. form        
D. eat          
D. way          
D. friendly    
D. beginning  
D. desks        
D. unforgotten  
D. busy        
D. drink        
D. friends    
D. send        
D. usually    
D. night      
D. custom      
D. match        

