The next morning I’ d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship. 第二天早上.正当我感到绝望时一船发现了我. [解释] 句中when为并列连词.译为“就在这时 .表示一种未预料到或突然发生的情况.常用于讲述过去发生的事情或故事.when常用于以下句型: 1). be about to do -when- 正要做某事就-- 2). be on the point of doing-when- 正要做某事就-- 3). be doing-when- 正在做某事就在这时-- 4). had just done sth. when... 刚做完某事就-- 5). had hardly done-when- 几乎还没有做完某事就-- 例如: 1). He was about to go out when it bagan to rain. 他正要出去时天下起雨来了. 2). I’ d just finished my test paper when the bell rang. 我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了. 3). The boy was riding when he fell off his bike. 那个小孩正在骑车.就在这时.摔了下来. [练习] 翻译句子. 1) 他正要出去时天下起雨来了. 2) 我刚做完试卷下课铃就响了. 3) 那个小孩正骑着车.就在这时.摔了下来. Keys: 1). He was about to go out when it bagan to rain. 2). I’ d just finished my test paper when the bell rang. 3). The boy was riding when he fell off his bike. 查看更多




The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost ______ I was spotted by a ship.






The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost ______ I was spotted by a ship.

  A. while      B. as        C. after        D. when



 The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost ______ I was spotted by a ship.

  A. while      B. as        C. after        D. when


The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost _______ I was spotted by a ship.

A. as    B. after    C. when    D. while


   That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco, when I was walking home   1   in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater.   2   the performance night would be given in a week, I was busy learning my lines. Walking alone, I thought seriously about an idea to   3   the acting, especially to want to leave San Francisco. City life became so much for me.

Walking in the empty and   4   streets with dim road lights along tall buildings, I felt myself very   5   in such a modernized city and cold on such a winter night. I began quickening my steps to run, both to warm myself and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were out   6   a few sad – looking homeless people under blankets. On a block not far away from my apartment, I heard a sound   7   me. I turned my head by instinct (本能地), with a   8   eyesight to see someone with a knife or a gun. All I saw was the faint streetlights and the terrible night with some stars in the dark sky. I tired to run as fast as I could. Not until I reached my   9   building and unlocked the door did I realize what the noise had been. It was my   10  that had dropped to the sidewalk:

Suddenly I did not feel cold or tired   11  . I ran out of the door and back to   12   I’d heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk time and again anxiously for fifteen minutes, my wallet was nowhere. Just as I tried to   13   the search, I heard the garbage truck   14   to the sidewalk next to me. When a low voice called from the   15  , “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know   16  ? The door opened, and out jumped a small red – haired man with an aroused look in his eyes. “Is this   17   you’re looking for?” he asked, holding up a small   18  .

It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I didn’t get much sleep that night, but I got back my lost wallet. I also got back happiness and enjoyment of   19  .  20  , San Francisco couldn’t be a bad place as long as we threw our feelings into it and loved it. three        four        six         one

2.A.When                   B.As                      C.After                   D.If

3.A.give up                 B.put on                 C.begin with           D.carry out


4.A.bright                   B.crowded              C.still                     D.noisy

5.A.satisfied                B.great                   C.small                   D.warm

6.A.besides                 B.except                 C.except for  addition to

7.A.over                     B.before                 C.under                  D.behind

8.A.confused               B.bright                          D.clear                          C.apartment            D.square

10.A.wallet                  B.shoe                    C.blanket      

11.A.either         more              C.any more    longer

12.A.what                   B.where                 C.that                     D.which

13.A.continue              B.stop                    C.make        

14.A.pull off                B.pull up                 C.carry on              D.start out

15.A.inside                  B.outside                C.ground                D.far away

16.A.the wallet            B.the truck             C.this place    name

17.A.which                               C.what                   D.that

18.A.flower                          C.light                    D.square shape

19.A.performance          life      family

20.A.As a result           B.What’s more        C.In a word            D.In fact

