根据课文内容完成下面语法填空.注意单词拼写和词语用法: The tale was set in London in 1903. Henry, 1 American, was rescued in the sea by accident. 2 in London and having no money on him, he 3 in London streets, 4 . He was spot by two rich brothers and invited to step into a house. Henry was given an 5 with money in it and asked not to open it until two p. m. With the envelope in hand, Henry entered a 6 . He ordered some food. After 7 (eat) Henry opened the letter and found 8 was a million pound banknote. The owner and the waiter 9 . They couldn't believe Henry 10 was in rags could be so rich. The owner thanked Henry for his coming to his little eating place and even asked Henry to forget the meal bill. 答案:1. an 2. Lost 3. was wandering 4. hungry 5. envelope 6. restaurant 7. eating 8. it 9. were shocked 10. who 查看更多



     1_____ the morning of 19th January I went snorkeling. 2_____ (see) such extraordinary beauty, I thought
every cell in my body woke up and 3_____ was like discovering a whole new dimension of life. During the trip,
I first became aware of the vivid colors 4_____ (围绕) me and the fantastic corals, in and around 5_____ all
kinds of elegant fish 6_____ (be) swimming among them. 7_____ there are still something 8_____ made me
feel 9_____ (害怕). For example, I didn't want to get close to the eel, the giant clam and the grey reef sharks,
for they made me scared to death 10_____ a moment.

