5.What does the man suggest? A.Going dancing. B.Going to a club. C.Going to a restaurant. 查看更多






1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A film.

B.A painting.

C.An artist.

2.How was the woman's journey?




3.Where is the man now?

A.In Washington.

B.In New York.

C.In Boston.

4.What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Doctor and patient.

5.What does the man want to do with his coins?

A.Take a bus.

B.Make a call.

C.Help the woman.




6.Where is the woman standing that the man talked of?

A.In a street.

B.On a roof.

C.In a tree.

7.What does the woman probably do?

A.A teacher.

B.A policewoman.

C.A student.


8.Where are the two speakers probably now?

A.In an office.

B.In a bar.

C.In the woman's house.

9.What does Mary think of her boss?

A.Thirsty for work.

B.Easy to deal with.

C.Active in everything.

10.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.


11.What is the woman's problem?

A.She didn't pass the math exam.

B.She is looking for a proper place to study.

C.She doesn't get along well with her roommates.

12.Why can't the woman use the classroom?

A.It is closed for repairs.

B.It is a little far.

C.Some club is having a meeting there.

13.Where will the woman probably go?

A.To the city library.

B.To the man's house.

C.To the reading room.


14.When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

15.What does the man suggest doing?

A.Listening to the music.

B.Going dancing.

C.Going to a cinema.

16.What can we know from the conversation?

A.The woman agrees to go with the man at last.

B.The man doesn't like light jazz.

C.The food in the Club Blue Note is expensive.


17.How many friends did Bill gather?




18.Who asked for the lowest price?

A.The first friend of Bill's.


C.The last friend of Bill's.

19.Which of the following words can best describe Bill?




20.What can we know from the talk?

A.Bill was good at selling things.

B.Bill bought a vase at his price at last.

C.Bill's friends bought a vase for him.




1Where are the speakers probably?

AIn the kitchen

BOn the sports ground

CIn the library

2What happened to the man this morning?

AHe was late

BHe got fired

CHis clock was broken

3How will the man get there?

ABy bus

BOn foot

CBy car

4What has the woman just done?

AShe has had a meal

BShe has bought something

CShe has just had something posted

5What was the weather like during the mans stay in India?






6Where does the conversation most probably take place?

AAt the greengrocer’s

BIn the street

CIn a clothes shop

7How did the man manage to improve his cooking?

AHe learned it from the woman

BHe learned it from cook books

CHe learned it from cooking teachers

8What does the woman decide to do at the end of the conversation?

ATo attend cooking classes

BTo learn from each other

CTo learn from cook books


9When does the conversation take place?

AIn the morning

BIn the afternoon

CIn the evening

10What does the woman suggest first?

AGoing to a club

BGoing dancing

CGoing to a cinema

11What can we learn from the conversation?

AThe speakers will go out

BThe woman feels a little cold

CThe woman doesn’t agree with the man


12When should the two women have met?

AAt 200

BAt 230

CAt 300

13Where did the two women actually meet?

AAt the main entrance in front

BAt the east entrance on 14th street

CIn the women’s clothing department

14What did the woman buy?

AA sweater

BA blouse

CA skirt


15What is one of the great problems of the school system in England?

AThere’re too many teachers

BThere’re large classes

CThere’re enough students

16How many students in a class would be very nice?

AOnly twenty

BOnly twenty-five

COnly thirty

17What does the woman think the students can get from education?

AHow useful they are when they graduate from school

BHow important they feel when they study many subjects

CHow much they enjoy it and how much it means to them


18What does the news from Sydney tell us?

AThe students planted trees

BThe students helped the litter control

CThe students had little control over the event

19What did the students at the Gold Coast show?

ATheir watercolor paintings

BTheir homework

CTheir photos

20What makes the school cleaners angry with the government?

ALow pay

BLong work hours

CLittle respect

