What's the main idea of the passage? A. Flight in space is very dangerous B. Not everybody can go into space C. Fearful landing tests the Korean astronaut D. Yi didn't know she would be an astronaut when she was young 查看更多




A Giant Leap for China

  A few days ago, he was just Colonel(上校)Yang; few people knew his name or recognized his face.But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei’s smile was seen across the world above the magic words:“China’s first spaceman”.

  The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a. m.Last Wednesday by China’s Shenzhou Ⅴ spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times.He landed safely at 6∶23 a. m.The next day, making China the third country successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

  Yang was satisfied with his job.“I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was one of the most successful, ”He said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.Born into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1350 hours in the air.He joined the Chinese space programme 11 years later.

  While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China’s national flag and the United Nations’ flag to the people watching on TV at home.He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap.The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.

  Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that Yang took a great risk.

  He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitation(重力)on take-off and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.

  He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.

  “I eat all of my meals at the space programme’s dinning room and have never been able to take my son to kindergarten, ”he said.“I’ve never met his teachers.”

  But becoming China’s first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile.

  “When I boarded the spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited,” he said.“I decided that I had to fly it.”

  To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero.One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum(网上论坛)said, “Yang’s trip is a giant leap forward for China.”

  Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005.China also plans to develop spacewalking and a space lab.


What is the main idea of the story?

[  ]


China’s first manned flight.


A hero with great courage.


The first Chinese man in space.


How Yang Liwei became China’s first spaceman.


How long did each of Yang’s orbits take on average?

[  ]


1 hour.


1.5 hours.


6 hours.


The story didn’t mention it.


Why did the writer mention the gravitation forces on take-off and landing?

[  ]


Because it was the most dangerous part of the space flight.


Because it was a very special experience.


To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight.


To show that Yang is brave.


Why did the writer use “giant leap” in the title?

[  ]


Because the space flight marked China’s great progress in the field of space exploration.


Because Neil Armstrong said it was a “giant leap” for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.


Because the space flight was a huge success.


Both A and B.


This passage is most likely to appear in __________.

[  ]






science magazines




  A few days ago, he was just Colonel(上校)Yang; few people knew his name or recognized his face.But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei’s smile was seen across the world above the magic words:“China’s first spaceman”.

  The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a.m.last Wednesday by China’s Shenzhou V spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times.He landed safely at 6∶23 a.m.the next day, making China the third country to successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.

  Yang was satisfied with his job.“I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was one of the most successful,”he said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.

  Born into an ordinary family in Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987, spending 1,350 hours in the air.He joined the Chinese space programme 11 years later.

  While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China’s national flag and the United Nation’s flag to the people watching on TV at home.He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before taking a 3-hour nap.The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that Yang took a great risk.

  He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitational forces(重力)on takeoff and landing were strong enough to force tears from his eyes.He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.“I eat all of my meals at the space programme’s dining room and have never been able to take my son to kindergarten,”he said.“I’ve never met his teachers.”But becoming China’s first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile.

  “When I boarded the spacecraft for the first time, I couldn’t help feeling excited”, he said.“I decided that I had to fly it.”

  To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero.One visitor to a Xinhua News Agency Online Forum(新华社网上论坛)said:“Yang’s trip is a giant leap forward for China.”Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005.China also plans to develop space walking and a space lab.

  (From 21st Century, China Daily)


How long did each of Yang’s orbits take on average?

[  ]


1 hour


1.5 hours


6 hours


14 hours


Why did the writer mention the gravitational forces on takeoff and landing?

[  ]


Because it was the most dangerous part of the flight.


Because it was a very special experience.


To show how much training he had for the flight.


To show that Yang is brave.


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The space flight showed China did better in space exploration than the US.


It is reported that Yang Liwei will do a space walk in the year 2005.


It is impossible for Yang Liwei to walk around in his first space exploration.


At the age of 28, Mr Yang Liwei became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force.


What is the main idea of the story?

[  ]


China’s first manned space flight.


A hero with great courage.


The first Chinese man in space.


How Yang Liwei became China’s first spaceman.


                                                             A Giant Leap for China
     A few days ago, he was just Colonel(上校) Yang; few people knew his name or recognized his face. But
last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei's smile was seen
across the world above the magic words:"China's first spaceman".
     The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space at 9 a.m. Last Wednesday by China's Shenzhou Ⅴ
spacecraft, which orbited the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 a.m. The next day, making China the
third country successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the US.
     Yang was satisfied with his job."I have seen many landing scenes before on video, and I think ours was
one of the most successful," He said on a special plane to Beijing after landing. Born into an ordinary family in
Liaoning Province, he became a pilot in the Chinese Air Force in 1987,spending 1350 hours in the air. He joined
the Chinese space programme 11 years later.
     While in space, Yang recorded everything he saw as well as showing China's national flag and the United
Nations' flag to the people watching on TV at home. He also ate a meal of diced chicken and fried rice, before
taking a 3-hour nap. The whole project went according to plan, but space exploration is not as easy as it seems.
     Anyone who saw the destruction of the US space shuttle Columbia in February this year will know that
Yang took a great risk.
     He experienced extremely high temperatures, while the gravitation (重力) on take-off and landing were
strong enough to force tears from his eyes.
     He has spent five years training to become a spaceman.
      "I eat all of my meals at the space programme's dinning room and have never been able to take my son to
kindergarten," he said."I've never met his teachers."
     But becoming China's first spaceman has made all the effort worthwhile. "When I boarded the spacecraft
for the first time,I couldn't help feeling excited," he said."I decided that I had to fly it."
     To Chinese people, Yang is now a hero. One visitor to a Xinhua news agency online forum(网上论坛)said,
"Yang's trip is a giant leap forward for China."
     Officials say the next Shenzhou will be launched by 2005.China also plans to develop spacewalking and a
space lab.
1. What is the main idea of the story?
A. China's first manned flight.
B. A hero with great courage.
C. The first Chinese man in space.
D. How Yang Liwei became China's first spaceman.
2. How long did each of Yang's orbits take on average?
A. 1 hour.       
B. 1.5 hours.
C. 6 hours.      
D. The story didn't mention it.
3. Why did the writer mention the gravitation forces on take-off and landing?
A. Because it was the most dangerous part of the space flight
B. Because it was a very special experience.
C. To stress how much training he had to do to prepare for the flight.
D. To show that Yang is brave. 
4. Why did the writer use "giant leap" in the title?
A. Because the space flight marked China's great progress in the field of space exploration.
B. Because Neil Armstrong said it was a"giant leap" for mankind when he first set foot on the moon.
C. Because the space flight was a huge success.
D. Both A and B.
5.This passage is most likely to appear in________.
A. newspaper       
B. textbook
C. science magazines       
D. biographies(传记)


Yi So-yeon, an engineer from Seoul, returned to Earth on Saturday after 11 days aboard the International Space Station (ISS), along with Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and US astronaut Peggy Whitson.

A technical problem turned a routine (常规) return to Earth into a sharper than usual descent (下降) that tested the group members' stamina and courage. They landed in the Kazakh steppes ( 大草原)  about 420km  (260 miles) wide of their target.

“During the descent there was some kind of fire outside the Soyuz capsule because we were going through the atmosphere,” Yi said.

“At first I was afraid, but the two other guys looked okay, so I tried to look okay too.”

Yi smiled and joked her way through a 10-minute news briefing at Star City, the wooded Soviet era cosmonaut training centre on the edge of Moscow. However, Malenchenko and Whitson looked tired and thin after nearly six months in space. Their answers were short and Whitson needed support to balance when she walked. The 29-year-old Yi has become famous in South Korea since the take-off but she brushed this aside and said she has had little contact with friends or family since returning.

“In fact, they are the heroes right now,” Yi said, referring to Malenchenko and Whitson. “I'm just a beginner and a little ashamed to say that I am a hero.”  She did, though, relate a more light-hearted incident on the ISS.

“I sang Fly Me to the Moon” Yi said about the 1950s pop song. “It's my favorite song from university although at that time I didn't know I would be an astronaut.”

The capsule's so-called “ballistic” re-entering made the group members face twice the usual pull from the centre of the earth.  The flames Yi described may have been caused by friction (摩擦) heating the capsule as it fell through the atmosphere.

Whitson told reporters that Saturday's ballistic landing, was irregular but not an emergency.

“The Soyuz has been through its history very reliable and there has obviously been some issue in the last couple of descents which went ballistic, but I'm sure the engineers will determine what the problems are and get them fixed,” she said.

In October, a Soyuz capsule carrying Malaysia's first space tourist touched down about 200 km (125 miles) off_course in a similar ballistic landing caused by a technical problem.

The Soyuz is the world's longest-serving manned space capsule.  An early version of the craft, the Vostok, carried the first person into space in 1961.

Whitson, 48, has become the American with the longest amount of time in space with 377 days.

1. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Flight in space is very dangerous

B. Not everybody can go into space

C. Fearful landing tests the Korean astronaut

D. Yi didn't know she would be an astronaut when she was young

2. The reason why Yi So-yeon felt afraid at first was that ________.

A. a fire was caused by the friction

B. she had no such experience before

C. she was not brave enough

D. the other two didn't help her

3. From the passage, we can learn that ________.

A. Yi So-yeon, a space tourist came from South Korea

B. Whitson became energetic when they landed on earth

C. the two other guys were not afraid during the descent

D. the Soyuz, an unmanned space capsule, had a long history

4. The underlined phrase in this passage means ________.

A. out of work            B. out of control  

C. in the wrong direction   D. in danger

5. We can conclude from this passage that ________.

A. experience is very important for astronauts to ensure safety

B. Yi So-yeon will never return to the space station

C. people are not willing to experience the space flight

D. we should draw a lesson from the accident

