– Lucas is . Don’t trust him. -- I cannot believe he to me by making such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my own brother. A. lying; lay; of B. lieing; lied; up C. lieing; laid; of D. lying; lied; up 查看更多



– Lucas is _________. Don’t trust him.

-- I cannot believe he ________ to me by making ______ such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

A.lying; lay; of

B.lieing; lied; up

C.lieing; laid; of

D.lying; lied; up



--- Lucas is ______. Don’t trust him.
--- I cannot believe he ______ to me by making ______ such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

  1. A.
    lying; lay; of
  2. B.
    lieing; lied; up
  3. C.
    lieing; laid; of
  4. D.
    lying; lied; up


— Lucas is _____. Don't trust him.
— I cannot believe he _____ to me by making _____ such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my
     own brother.
[     ]
A. lying; lay; of
B. lieing; lied; up
C. lieing; laid; of
D. lying; lied; up


– Lucas is _________. Don’t trust him.

-- I cannot believe he ________ to me by making ______ such a stupid excuse. I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

A. lying; lay; of                                    B. lieing; lied; up   

C. lieing; laid; of                                    D. lying; lied; up


-Lucas is ________.Don't trust him.

-I cannot believe he ________ to me by making ________ such a stupid excuse.I always consider Lucas as my own brother.

[  ]

lying; lay; of


lieing; lied; up


lieing; laid; of


lying; lied; up

