Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a supermarket. B. In an office. C. In a railway station. 查看更多





1.Where are the two speakers?

A.Up the stairs.

B.In a building.

C.In the secretary’s office.

2.Why did the man get a ticket?

A.He sped.

B.He ran a red light.

C.He parked at the wrong place.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.She can’t see the computer now.

B.She is eager to see the computer.

C.She wants the man to see the computer first.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Customer and waitress.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Boss and secretary.

5.What do we know from this conversation?

A.The woman is applying(申请)for a job.

B.The woman is asking for a promotion(提升).

C.The woman is being interviewed by a reporter.



6.Who is on holiday?

A.Doctor Watson.

B.Doctor Jones.

C.Doctor Brown.

7.Who gave the man a medical treatment?

A.No one.

B.The nurse.

C.Doctor Watson.

8.How many doctors have been mentioned in the conversation?





9.What does the woman ask the photographer to do?

A.She asks him to take a photo of her mother.

B.She asks him to take a photo of himself.

C.She asks him to take a photo of herself.

10.How much does one copy cost?

A.Eighteen dollars.

B.Three dollars.

C.Five dollars.

11.How does the photographer take her picture?

A.He asks her to stand there and say “cheese”.

B.He asks her to sit on the chair and say “cheese”.

C.He asks her to sit down and keep silent.


12.What are they discussing?

A.What to have for lunch.

B.Where to go for lunch.

C.When to have lunch.

13.What can we learn about the man?

A.He usually doesn’t eat fast food.

B.He often eats in a restaurant near his home.

C.He can’t afford an expensive lunch that day.

14.Where are they probably going right after this conversation?

A.A supermarket.

B.A fast-food place.

C.A French restaurant.


15.What’s the relationship between the woman and the man?

A.Teacher and student.


C.Mother and son.

16.Why didn’t the man come to the class?

A.He had been writing reports all day long.

B.He was too tired to go out.

C.He nearly lost his confidence.

17.What can we know about the man?

A.He is probably from an English-speaking country.

B.He is interested in learning foreign languages.

C.He had studied German before he came.


18.How old is the tree “Tane Mahuta” now according to the passage?




19.When will the tree be dead according to the words by Stephen King?

A.The end of 21st century.

B.The end of 20th century.

C.The end of 22nd century.

20.What has caused the tree to die?

A.The top of the tree has become thinner and thinner.

B.The conditions of the root of the tree have become worse and worse.

C.The thin top, bad root and people’s touch.





1.How farther should the two speakers need to go?

A.Two more miles.

B.Another mile.

C.Three more miles.

2.When will the lecture begin?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 8∶15.

C.At 7∶45.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.She will go to the party today.

B.She wants to go tomorrow evening.

C.She won't go to the party today.

4.Where is the conversation most likely to take place?

A.At a department store.

B.In a club.

C.In the zoo.

5.How much does the man have to pay if he wants to buy just one today?







6.Where are the two speakers?

A.In the office.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At home

7.What's wrong with the woman?

A.She can't sleep well.

B.She has a fever.

C.She can't work any more.


8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Employee and employer.

B.Visitor and native.

C.Traveler and hotelkeeper.

9.What can the man get from the youth hostels?


B.Bed and breakfast

C.Bed, breakfast and newspaper.

10.What's the man likely to do?

A.Look for information in the paper.

B.Walk around the streets.

C.Sign to be a member for the youth hostels.


11.What are the two speakers talking about?


B.Going to the university.

C.Women's role in the society

12.Why didn't grandma go to the university when she was young?

A.Because her family was poor.

B.Because it was improper for her to do so.

C.Because she got married.

13.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman's mother has lost her job.

B.The woman's father has no job.

C.The woman's grandma had no job.


14.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a classroom.

B.On TV.

C.At a meeting.

15.What is the man?

A.A futurologist.

B.A programmer.

C.A reporter.

16.What will happen by the middle of this century?

A.Digital technology will begin to change our life.

B.More than three billion people will use the Internet.

C.We will be working and shopping on line.


17.Why did the speaker ask the people to leave the building?

A.Because something explosive was found in the building.

B.Because a fire broke out in the building.

C.Because actors and actresses refused to play the last act.

18.What were people asked to do to the elderly and disabled people?

A.To leave them where they were.

B.To hold them firmly.

C.To give any help if necessary.

19.What should one do when he sees something strange?

A.Remove it.

B.Inform one attendant.

C.Go away at once.

20.Where was this announcement made?

A.In a theater.

B.In a supermarket.

C.At an airport.





1.Where is the man's mother now?

A.At home.

B.In a hospital.

C.At a bus stop.

2.Where is the man going first?

A.To the Healey Supermarket.

B.To the airport.

C.To Canada.

3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a clothing store

B.In a restaurant

C.In a bookstore

4.What are the two speakers talking about?




5.Why is the woman preparing so much food?

A.It's the man's birthday.

B.The woman wants to thank the man.

C.The man can eat a lot.




6.Where did the man meet Claudia?

A.On the Internet.

B.At a music store.

C.At a class discussion

7.What is the relationship between the man and Claudia?

A.Web friends.

B.Close friends.

C.Boy friend and girl friend.

8.What does the woman suggest about greeting Claudia?

A.Arriving on time.

B.Using her family name.

C.Bringing her some flowers


9.Where are probably the speakers?

A.In a theatre.

B.At a store.

C.In a street.

10.What does the man want to buy?




11.Which is next to the theatre?

A.A hotel

B.The City Hall.

C.The post office.


12.Why is the man surfing the Internet?

A.To get major news.

B.To learn English.

C.To get information.

13.What does the man prefer?




14.When does the conversation probably take place?

A.On February 28.

B.On March 30.

C.On April 6.


15.How is the man going to Sun College?

A.By bike.

B.On foot.

C.By car.

16.How far is it from Main Street to Water Square?

A.A few yards.

B.2 blocks away.

C.20 minutes' walk.

17.Where will the man have to ask the way again?

A.At Rain Avenue.

B.At Mass Hospital

C.At the Farmers' Bank.


18.Where does the speaker most probably make the speech?

A.At a party.

B.At a reception.

C.At a conference.

19.What is Mr.Brown?

A.A businessman.

B.An assistant manager.

C.A government official.

20.Why are Mr.Brown and his party coming to England?

A.To part from his friends.

B.To pay an informal visit.

C.To seek new cooperation.





1、What’s the woman’s telephone number?




2、What does the man mean?

A.He does not want to help the woman.

B.He does not know how to help the woman.

C.He is too busy to help the woman.

3、What can we know from the conversation?

A.The desk lamp is in good condition.

B.The desk lamp can be fixed on time.

C.The man cannot fix the desk lamp.

4、What will Ken do?

A.Go to the party.

B.Go to the cinema.

C.Stay at home.

5、Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.At a handbag shop.

B.At a supermarket.

C.At a lost-and-found office.




6、Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a photography class.

B.At a bus station.

C.At an office.

7、What should the woman do tomorrow morning?

A.Send the letters.

B.Type the letters.

C.Read the letters.


8、Why is the woman so angry?

A.The boy bought an expensive umbrella.

B.The boy did not buy a new umbrella.

C.The boy lost an umbrella again.

9、What is the boy going to do?

A.Fetch his cellphone for his mother.

B.Tell his mother about his study.

C.Go to his room to study.


10、When does the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.

B.At noon.

C.In the evening.

11、What is wrong with Mary’s daughter?

A.She has a high fever.

B.She has a bad cold.

C.She has a bad cough.

12、What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Look after her daughter Susan at the hospital.

B.Watch over her baby at her home.

C.Go to the hospital with her.


13、What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Customer and assistant.

14、Who is Karen?

A.Nancy’s sister.

B.Nancy’s daughter.

C.Nancy’s friend.

15、Where is the girl living now?

A.In Scotland.

B.In England.

C.In America.

16、What does the girl’s father do now?

A.He is a professor.

B.He is a businessman.

C.He is a French teacher.


17、What is the weather in the West Coast like?




18、What is the weather in the East Coast like?




19、Which place will most likely have 1 to2 feet of snow?



C.The Sierras.

20、What was the highest temperature recorded on Monday?

A.35 degrees.

B.83 degrees.

C.48 degrees.





1.What is the woman going to do?

A.Check the paper for mistakes.

B.Write an article for the paper.

C.Read a book.

2.What does the shop-assistant mean?

A.The woman can buy two bookcases for $9.90 each.

B.One bookcase will cost her $7.50 if she buys two or $9.90 if she only buys one.

C.A bookcase costs $15.00.

3.Why can’t the man give directions?

A.He doesn’t know the woman well.

B.He has never taken the bus before.

C.He is not familiar with the area.

4.How much is the change?




5.What happened in 1969?

A.Men planned to go to the moon.

B.Men first landed on the moon.

C.The first woman landed on the moon.




6.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?



C.Husband and wife.

7.What is the topic of this conversation?

A.Wedding anniversary.



8.How long has the woman been married?

A.Fifteen years.

B.Twenty-five years.

C.Ten years.


9.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the office.

B.In the supermarket.

C.In the taxi.

10.What are they talking about?

A.The dirty car.

B.The heavy traffic.

C.The weather.

11.How much does the woman pay?

A.Eighty-five cents.

B.One dollar.

C.One dollar and fifteen cents.


12.What are they talking about?

A.An exam.

B.The boy’s English.

C.A football match.

13.What do you learn from the dialogue?

A.The girl is very good at English.

B.The girl likes football better than the boy.

C.The boy didn’t do well in the exam.

14.What do you know about the boy?

A.He isn’t as good at football as at English.

B.He is interested in football.

C.He doesn’t like to watch TV.


15.Where are the man and his friends?

A.In a hotel.

B.In their house.

C.At a restaurant.

16.What were they doing?

A.Signing a contract.

B.Having a party.

C.Drinking coffee.

17.What does his neighbour have to do the next morning?

A.Get up early.

B.Sign an important contract.

C.Complain to the assistant manager.


18.When did the fire happen?

A.August 2nd

B.October 2nd.

C.September 2nd.

19.Where did the fire start?

A.In Pepys’ house.

B.In the king’s house.

C.In a baker’s house

20.How many houses were burned down?




