9% hold the opinion that museums should only be free for certain special groups, such as students, soldiers and the disabled. Besides, the times that entrance is provided free for the groups should be strictly regulated. However, 17.2% believe that, to keep the museums functioning well, museums should charge visitors an entrance fee. In addition, to attract more visitors, museums, should try to figure out visitors’ expectations and offer better service instead of free entrance Passage 86 (江苏省泰兴市2010届高三开学调研测试) 2008年的全球金融危机使得中国的求职市场愈加激烈.就业形势愈加严峻.假如你是某大学2009年应届毕业生.针对目前大学生面临就业的严峻形势.你班同学展开了讨论.请你根据以上提示及下面表格中的内容.介绍本次讨论情况并谈谈自己的看法. 70%的同学 不要期望太高的收入.及早就业.减轻家庭负担, 到西部.农村等地区.寻找更多的发展机会. 20%的同学 继续深造或去职校学习实用技能.为今后择业做好准备. 10%的同学 自己创业 你的看法 (请联系自己的观点拟定内容.两至三点) 注意: 查看更多



     I am not one who is frightened easily, but I must admit that one night I saw a figure th at really struck
terror into my heart.
     I   1   it was a cold moon - lit night when I was walking home. It was the first night of my whole life that
I had been outside   2    at such a late time. There were   3    few people on the road at night. Even during the
day, the road was used by only some. On that night, it seemed even   4  . While I was walking, I could hear
some   5   made by creatures that love the night world. I moved really fast towards home. It was   6   because
I was hungry. More importantly, I was eager to get back home for warmth. All of a sudden, I   7   an old lady
in a short distance away. Her   8   was covered with a white cloth. She was   9   to me, I think.
      I was a bit  10  . I wanted to know  11  she was there at that time of the late night. I stopped walking for
a while. As I  12   there, stories about ghosts (鬼) began to come to my mind one after  13 . I was soon   14  
 fear and started to run as fast as I could. When I reached home I could  15 speak. 
     The next day, however, I   16   that place again to make sure that the woman was not a ghost but indeed a
real person. But I could find no footprints there  17   a banana plant. I realized then that it was the banana plant
with its leaves moving in the gentle wind that  18   like a woman waving her hand. I had indeed made a fool of
myself; but after the  19  night's experience, this  20  was small relief to me.
(     )1. A. realized        
(     )2. A. alone          
(     )3. A. never          
(     )4. A. busier          
(     )5. A. noises          
(     )6. A. completely      
(     )7. A. made sense of  
(     )8. A. waist          
(     )9. A. smiling        
(     )10. A. mysterious    
(     )11. A. why            
(     )12. A. lay            
(     )13. A. another        
(     )14. A. addicted to    
(     )15. A. clearly        
(     )16. A. traveled      
(     )17. A. over          
(     )18. A. felt          
(     )19. A. previous      
(     )20. A. invention      
B. recognized       
B. asleep           
B. often           
B. noisier         
B. quarrels         
B. mainly           
B. caught sight of  
B. leg             
B. waiting         
B. cautious         
B. when             
B. sat             
B. other           
B. filled with     
B. easily           
B. visited         
B. without         
B. looked          
B. next             
B. achievement   
C. remembered    
C. awake          
C. seldom        
C. quieter        
C. songs          
C. obviously      
C. got ahead of  
C. head          
C. whispering    
C. conscious      
C. what          
C. stood          
C. others        
C. far from      
C. hardly        
C. appreciated    
C. than          
C. smelt          
C. last          
C. contribution 
D. reminded               
D. lonely                 
D. rarely                 
D. wider                  
D. voices                 
D. partly                 
D. took hold of           
D. hand                   
D. waving                 
D. curious                
D. how                    
D. walked                 
D. the other              
D. short of               
D. loudly                 
D. went                   
D. except                 
D. sounded                
D. following              
D. discovery            




  There is plenty for kids and teens to do in the Syracuse area during the summer, including some great educational opportunities.Here are the top four.

  Rosamond Gifford Zoo Camp

  The zoo offers separate camps for kids.The camps for kindergarteners run from 9 am to 12:30 pm, and cost $115 for zoo members and $135 for non-members.Kids entering 7 th and 8 th grades will have half a day from 1 pm to 4:30 pm.The cost is $149 for members and $160 for non-members.All camps feature numerous educational activities and animal encounters.The camps run from August 14 to August 19.Registration starts from July 10 for members and July 15 for non-members.

  Active Learning Services at Christian Brothers Academy

  From August 1 to August 5, Christian Brothers Academy will host Active Learning Services from USA Chess.Topics of learning will include Chess Camp (age 5-15), and Video Game Creation Program (age 8-15).Chess Camp promises improved chess skills through chess instructors utilizing demo(演示) boards and historic games.Half day sessions will cost $280 for the Computer Camps.A full day of Chess costs $400, and a half day of Chess followed by a half day of Computer Camps cost $430.

  Syracuse University Summer College

  From July 5 th to August 12 th, Syracuse University will host pre-college programs for high school students.The Summer College will offer a wide variety of programs including architecture, engineering and computer science, public communications, and eco-fashion.The progams are taught by the teachers of Syracuse University and include hands-on activities.The costs range from $2325 to 7624.

  The Sheldon Institute at SUNY Oswego

  The State University of New York will hold two-week educational enrichment programs for students entering grades2-4 from July 25 to August 5.Children will have a set program featuring art, science, technology, cultural appreciation and writing.Tuition for the programs is only $320 and a downloadable application is available.


If a preschool boy and his 8 th-grade brother attend the Zoo Camps, they should pay ________.

[  ]








It depends.


What do we know about the Chess Camp from the passage?

[  ]


It will last for two weeks.


Only children aged 8-15 can attend it.


Whole day sessions will cost $250 for it.


Children can learn improved chess skills through it.


Where can children attend the largest number of programs with low cost?

[  ]


Christian Brothers Academy


Rosamond Gifford Zoo


The Sheldon Institute


Syracuse University

