A. probable B. possible C. likely D. able 查看更多



 The weather being rainy, the school sports meet is ________ to be put off.

       A. likely                       B. able                         C. possible                    D. probable


It’s nearly eight o’clock, and the manager ______walk in at any moment.

A.is possible to

B.is probable to

C.is likely to

D.is able to



It's nearly eleven o'clock and mother is ____ to walk in at any moment.        
[     ]
A. possible  
B. probable    
C. likely          
D. able



  Future studies, also known as futurology(未来学)or foresight, involves the study of the past and present to make educated guesses about the future.The data gathered from these studies can be used to predict possible or probable future events or situations.It can also be used to design a way to reach preferable future conditions.

  Many people believe that history is cyclical, or that certain circumstances will be seen again and again.This is the principle that future studies are based on.Searching history and present times for patterns can allow future forecasters a way to predict the future.A lot of future studies use cause and effect.For example, if a government is being unjust or is unpopular with the citizens of that country, the current government is either changed or overthrown.This has been hundreds of times throughout history, will probably be a pattern seen a hundred times more.

  There are numerous applications for future studies.One possible application is as a way to predict future fashion and design fads(时尚).The fashion market typically needs to work 18 months in advance, allowing the designers time to design, advertise, and manufacture the future styles.The stock market is another area where futurology is used.Determining which companies are likely to become successful, and which ones are heading for bancruptcy, requires the ability to use future studies correctly.

  Some say that future studies can not predict long-term events and trends in the way that it could a decade ago.Global changes in technology, communication, and marketing have resulted in scenarios(情况)that no one could have predicted.Change is happening at a faster pace than ever before in history.It will be difficult to foresee future trends because of these changes.New future studies professionals will need to be able to consider these new trends carefully before creating their predictions.


The author starts the article by ________.

[  ]


telling a story


offering figures


making comparisons


providing a definition


According to the passage, the basis of futurology is ________.

[  ]


cause and effect


that history is cyclical


how people see the past


studying history for patterns


What is mainly discussed in Para.3?

[  ]


The practical use of future studies.


The development of future studies.


How to learn future studies effectively.


How to predict future events correctly.


According to the last paragraph, some people believe that it is ________.

[  ]


necessary to predict future changes in the world


impossible and unnecessary to predict the future


now more difficult to predict the future than before


wise now to use the old way to predict the future




  Although term “global warming” has become increasingly familiar to the general public, a recent survey carried out by the Chinchilla Institute for Environmental Studies clearly demonstrates(体现)that the full implications of the term are far from understood. As long as public awareness remains so low. the political measures required to deal with the potentially disastrous(损失惨重的)consequences are unlikely to come about.

  Over 80 percent of the people interviewed in the Chinchilla Survey were unable to indicate any of the effects of a worldwide rise in temperature. Even more disturbing was the very small proportion of people interviewed(7.4 percent)who felt that their lives would be directly affected by global warming during the next 20 years.

  This indifference is in sharp contrast to the concerns voiced by the team of professional who conducted the survey. Team leader Professor Ernest Wong stated that we should all expect to experience significant lifestyle changes as a result of the effects of global warming. In detailing the likely effects. Professor Wong emphasized that the climatic changes caused by rise in global temperature of only 1 degree Centigrade would result in enormous changes.

  Primary among these changes would be the rise in sea level as a result of the melting of the polar icecaps. The consequent 30-centimetre rise in sea levels would have disastrous consequences for low-coastal cities would entirely escape severe flooding an damage. Although considerable debate surrounds the accuracy of Professor Wong's predictions, those who share his pessimistic(悲观的)prediction insist that governments must respond to the challenge by investing in coastal defence.

  Even inland areas will not be able to avoid the consequences of global warming. Changes in the rainfall pattern are likely to result in flooding and desertification, both of which will influence agriculture throughout the world.

  In a recent interview. Professor Wong illustrated these points with dramatic effect. Chinchilla itself, a medium-sized provincial city at the center of one of the country's ricegrowing areas, would, he claimed, be profoundly affected. Although, given its height and inland location, the city would not suffer from coastal flooding, the possible reduction in the rainfall would endanger the region's economy.

  In concluding his interview, professor Wong left his audience in no doubt the urgency of the problem. “Unless we plan for the future, we will not at the necessary mobilization of forces at local, regional, national, and international level that are essential to face this issue-the issue of the 21st century.”

1.Who is well aware of the consequences of global warming?

[  ]

A.The government.
B.The public.
C.The experts.
D.Both A and C.

2.Global warming would affect ________.

[  ]

B.people's life
C.sea level
D.all of the above

3.Professor Wong called for ________.

[  ]

A.awareness at all levels to effectively face global warming

B.people's efforts to stop global warming

C.dams being built along the coasts

D.people to change their lifestyle right away

4.This article is probable a(n)________.

[  ]

A.newspaper report or magazine article

B.forward for a research book

C.financial report of a certain department


