The text suggests that . A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls B. the owl never hooted back to Neil C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred (B) There are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external result or a product that can easily be identified and measured. The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, and the foreigner who learns a new language-all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts. By contrast , the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way. The process is not the road itself, but rather the attitudes and feelings people have, their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties. In this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept. In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail at first. How we see ourselves as we try a new way of being is essential to our ability to grow. Do we see ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then we tend to take more changes and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences. Do we think we’re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe. Do we think we’re slow to adapt to change or that we’re not smart enough to deal with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all. These feelings of insecurity and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow. If we do not face and overcome these internal fears and doubts, if we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing. We become trapped inside a shell of our own making. 查看更多



Every night for a year, Neil Simons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl (猫头鹰)settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.
Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.
Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.” ks5u
Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.” w*w^w.k&s#5@u.c~o*m
(    )64. After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .
A. stop observing owls                         B. not stay up hooting again
C. not enter the back garden again          D. make no mistakes about wild owl cries
(    )65. “Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”
A. I understood                       B. everybody knew about it
C. I heard the noise                         D. no money was paid
(    )66. Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.
A. all his efforts seemed to be meaningless   B. his wife let out his secret by chance
C. garden owls hooted so differently       D. Fred had been doing the same
(    )67. The text suggests that __________.
A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls      B. the owl never hooted back to Neil
C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls   D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred



Every night for a year, Neil Simons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl (猫头鹰)settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.

Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.

Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”

Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.”

1.After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .

A. stop observing owls                   B. not stay up hooting again

C. not enter the back garden again      D. make no mistakes about wild owl cries

2.“Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”

A. I understood                          B. everybody knew about it

      C. I heard the noise                     D. no money was paid

3.Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.

A. all his efforts seemed to be meaningless  B. his wife let out his secret by chance

C. garden owls hooted so differently       D. Fred had been doing the same

4.The text suggests that __________.

A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls      B. the owl never hooted back to Neil

C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls   D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred




Every night for a year, Neil Simons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl (猫头鹰)settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.

Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.

Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”

Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.”

64. After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .

A. stop observing owls                      B. not stay up hooting again

C. not enter the back garden again          D. make no mistakes about wild owl cries

65. “Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”

A. I understood                       B. everybody knew about it

        C. I heard the noise                        D. no money was paid

66. Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.

A. all his efforts seemed to be meaningless   B. his wife let out his secret by chance

C. garden owls hooted so differently       D. Fred had been doing the same

67. The text suggests that __________.

A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls      B. the owl never hooted back to Neil

C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls   D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred


Every night for a year, Neil Simons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.

Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.

Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”

Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.”

After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .

A. stop observing owls                      B. not stay up hooting again

C. not enter the back garden again          D. make no mistakes about wild owl cries

“Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”

A. I understood                        B. everybody knew about it

     C. I heard the noise                      D. no money was paid

Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.

A. all his efforts seemed to be meaningless  

B. his wife let out his secret by chance

C. garden owls hooted so differently

D. Fred had been doing the same

The text suggests that __________.

A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls

B. the owl never hooted back to Neil

C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls

D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred


Every night for a year, Neil Simons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl (猫头鹰)settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.

Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.

Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”

Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.” w*w^w.k&s#5@u.c~o*m

(    )64. After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .

A. stop observing owls                          B. not stay up hooting again

C. not enter the back garden again           D. make no mistakes about wild owl cries

(    )65. “Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”

A. I understood                       B. everybody knew about it

        C. I heard the noise                          D. no money was paid

(    )66. Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.

A. all his efforts seemed to be meaningless   B. his wife let out his secret by chance

C. garden owls hooted so differently       D. Fred had been doing the same

(    )67. The text suggests that __________.

A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls      B. the owl never hooted back to Neil

C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls   D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred

