After pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that is something I truly want to do and it is worthwhile. 查看更多



Have you ever heard the story of the four-minute mile? For years people believed that it is impossible for a human being to  【1】 a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it  【2】 in 1954.Within one year, 37 runners  【3】 the belief barrier.And the year after that, 300 other runners did the same thing.
What happens if you put an animal in a  【4】? Any animal, big or small, will swim its way through.What happens when someone, who does not know how to swim, falls in deep waters? You  【5】.If an animal who has not learned swimming could  【6】 by swimming, why not you? Because you believe you will drown while the animal does not.
These  【7】 show the power of beliefs.There is no other more  【8】 force in directing human behavior than belief.Our beliefs have the power to  【9】 and to destroy.
In a way it is our beliefs that determine how much we’ll be able to  【10】 our potential.So pay attention to some of your  【11】.Do you believe you are weak in mathematics? Do you believe that other people dislike you?Do you believe life is full of  【12】
Belief is not  【13】, however.It’s nothing but the generalization of a past incident.As a kid, if a dog bit you, you believed all dogs to be 【14】.To change certain behavior, identify the beliefs associated with it.Change those beliefs and a new pattern is  【15】 created.

【小题1】 B.walkC.swimD.jog


Have you ever heard the story of the four-minute mile? For years people believed that it is impossible for a human being to  1  a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it  2  in 1954.Within one year, 37 runners  3  the belief barrier.And the year after that, 300 other runners did the same thing.

    What happens if you put an animal in a  4 ? Any animal, big or small, will swim its way through.What happens when someone, who does not know how to swim, falls in deep waters? You  5 .If an animal who has not learned swimming could  6  by swimming, why not you? Because you believe you will drown while the animal does not.

    These  7  show the power of beliefs.There is no other more  8  force in directing human behavior than belief.Our beliefs have the power to  9  and to destroy.

    In a way it is our beliefs that determine how much we’ll be able to  10  our potential.So pay attention to some of your  11 .Do you believe you are weak in mathematics? Do you believe that other people dislike you?Do you believe life is full of  12

    Belief is not  13 , however.It’s nothing but the generalization of a past incident.As a kid, if a dog bit you, you believed all dogs to be  14 .To change certain behavior, identify the beliefs associated with it.Change those beliefs and a new pattern is  15  created.                        B.walk                    C.swim                   D.jog

2.A.right                    B.wrong                  C.fake                    D.true

3.A.broke                     B.built                   C.faced                  D.lowered

4.A.cage                       B.desert                     C.forest                D.pond

5.A.drown                    B.swim                   C.float                       D.sink

6.A.struggle                B.escape                 C.drown                 D.leave

7.A.samples                B.cases                       C.situations         D.periods

8.A.terrible                     B.reasonable              C.considerable      D.powerful

9.A.damage                 B.provide               C.create                D.withdraw              B.realize                         D.perform

11.A.problems             B.beliefs               C.possibilities          D.subjects

12.A.surprises                 B.choices                C.problems             D.possibilities

13.A.beautiful                 B.changeable          C.strong                D.mysterious                    B.rude                   C.merciless           D.dangerous

15.A.occasionally       B.immediately         C.accidentally           D.automatically



III. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
"As sure as you're alive now, Peter Rabbit, some day I will catch you," shouted Reddy Fox, as he put his black nose in the hole between the roots of the Big Hickory-tree which grows close to the Smiling Pool. "It is lucky for you that you were not one jump farther away from this hole."
Peter, safe inside that hole, didn't have a word to say, or, if he did, he didn't have breath enough to say it. It was quite true that if he had been one jump farther from that hole, Reddy Fox would have caught him. As it was, the hairs on Peter's funny white tail actually had tickled Reddy's back as Peter ran wildly through the root-bound entrance to that hole. It had been the narrowest escape Peter had had for a long, long time. You see, Reddy Fox had surprised Peter eating sweet clover (苜蓿) on the bank of the Smiling Pond, and it had been a lucky thing for Peter that that hole, dug long ago by Johnny Chuck's grandfather, had been right where it was. Also, it was a lucky thing that old Mr. Chuck had been wise enough to make the entrance between the roots of that tree in such a way that it could not be dug any larger.
Reddy Fox was too shrewd (机灵的) to waste any time trying to dig it larger. He knew there wasn't room enough for him to get between those roots. So, after trying to make Peter as uncomfortable as possible by telling him what he, Reddy, would do to him when he did catch him, Reddy walked across the Green Meadows. Peter remained where he was for a long time. When he was quite sure that it was safe to do so, he crawled out and hurried to the Old Orchard. He felt that that would be the safest place for him, because there were ever so many hiding places in the old stone wall along the edge of it.
56. Where is Peter Rabbit hiding?
A. On the bank of a pond                       B. In a hole      
C. In a tall tree                                             D. Behind a room
57. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the story?
A. Reddy Fox might find rabbit hairs on him.
B. Old Mr. Chuck took advantage of the roots to dig the hole.
C. The hole could be made larger.
D. Reddy almost caught Peter this time.
58. Why did Peter Rabbit wait so long before leaving?
A. Because Reddy was trying to get him.   
B. Because it was cold outside.
C. Because his grandfather would help him dig a large hole.
D. Because the Old Orchard was not so safe as this hole.


Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors. When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese ___16___ at my face, but I pushed them aside. My mom believed I would learn when I was ready. But the ___17___ never came.

On a Chinese New Year’s Eve, my uncle spoke to me in Chinese, but all I could do was ___18___ at him, confused, scratching my head. “Still can’t speak Chinese?” He ___19___me, “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown.”

“Hey, this is America, not China. I’ll get some right now with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for ___20___.

“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,” she said, handing over a $20 bill. I ___21___ the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish ___22___ surrounded in a sea of customers. “I’d like to buy some fresh fish,” I shouted to the fisherman. But he ___23___ my English words and turned to serve the next customer. The laugh of the people behind increased with their impatience. With every ___24___, the breath of the dragons on my back grew stronger---my blood boiling---___25___ me to cry out, “Xian Sheng Yu, please.” “ Very Xian Sheng,” I repeated. The crowd burst into laughter. My face turned ___26___ and I ran back home ___27___, expect for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cry? They’re Chinese. I’m Chinese. I should feel right at ___28___. Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.

Sometimes, I laugh at my fish ___29___, but , in the end .the joke is on me. Every laugh is a culture ___30___; every laugh is my heritage (传统)fading away.

A. custom                        B. games          C .characters                     D. language

A. success                     B. study                 C. time                                 D. attempt

A. aim                          B. joke                   C. nod                                   D. stare

A. cared about             B. laughed at       C. argued with                   D. asked after

A. decision                       B. permission  C. information          D. preparation

A. repeated                B. reviewed               C. spelled                            D. kept

A. farm                    B. stand                      C. pond                                D. market

A. guessed                       B. forgot                     C. doubted                          D. ignored

A. second                    B. effort                      C. desire                              D. movement

A. forcing                       B. allowing                 C. persuading          D. leading

A. bright                         B. blank                      C. pale                                      D. red

A. open-mouthed        B. tongue-tied C. empty-handed     D. broken-hearted

A. service           B. home                      C. risk                      D. root

A. trade                       B. deed                       C. challenge                  D. incident

A. thrown           B. lost                         C. divided                  D. reflected


I moved to this small town at the age of twelve.After getting  36   in our new house and starting school,I began to explore the   37  area.I was exploring the pond when I discovered the fish.
There were two of them,one about a foot long,  38  the other just a little smaller,and they were the most beautiful fish I had  39  seen.They had blue and yellow and red  40  from head to tail.Before they saw me,they swam  41  over the sand just under the front edge of the large cedar(杉)tree which had long before fallen  42   the pond.
I went back the next day after school  43   with about six feet of fishing line and a hook borrowed from our elderly neighbor.and half a dozen worms I had   44  out of the garden.We did not own any fishing tool,and   45  a city kid,my fishing experience, had  46  week long visits to my relatives.
I took a shortcut  47  some fallen cedars on my way to the pond.As I was climbing over one tree and ducking under another,I  _48  my footing,and my soup can of worms went flying into the air.My  49   was only increased when I noticed that my worms had disappeared.
I went to the pond,looked down again,and there they were.I made a few  50   to catch them by hand,but I soon realized it was never going to  51 .I had been trying to catch them for quite a while without actually even  52   either one.After each attempt,they   53  suddenly go around the pool,then settle back under the log.They could really go  54 ,but they were just too fast to be caught.I was wet and   55   and it was time to go home.
36.A.seated          B.settled         C.separated                D.served
37.A.deserted       B.crowded      C.surrounding            D.distant
38.A.but              B.and             C.thus             
39.A.hardly         B.seldom        C.never                     D.ever
40.A.dots            B.signs           C.signals                   D.symbols
41.A.nervously    B.hopelessly     C.effortlessly             D.difficultly
42.A.through       B.across          C.past          
43.A.armed         B.matched       C.handled                  D.accompanied
44.A.put              B.dug             C.pulled                    D.searched
45.A.for              B.with                            D.despite
46.A.consisted of  B.compared with  C.made up                D.taken up
47.A.beyond        B.against         C.between                 D.through
48.A.lost             B.sank                   C.sent                D. threw
49.A.doubt          B.disappointment    C.courage           D. strength
50.A.steps           B.activities             C.attempts          D. movement           B.complete             C.cover              D. catch
52.A.noticing               B.touching             C.holding           D. feeling
53.A.should          B.might                 C.would             D. could
54.A.somewhere    B.anywhere           C.nowhere          D. everywhere
55.A.excited        B.frightened           C.worried           D. discouraged

