substitute 2. abundant 3. privilege 4. arrangements 5. distributed 查看更多



It is impossible to live in society and independent of society; and therefore it is difficult to      

society of      inequality as well as corruption.

A.remove; from    B.rid; of          C.substitute; with         D.simplify; by



语法填空 (每小题2分,满分20分) (请考生把答案写在答题卷上)

The holiday’s upon us. After months of study, you have some time to yourself. So, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, ‘Why trouble with books? We have the Internet and __26   media that offer a lot more __27   (colour) programs. Books are history!” But don’t be fooled. There’s still a lot to be said for reading and reading as widely as possible.

One clear reason is that a well-chosen book is a wonderful collection  _28   words and expressions, so long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me, it’s far easier to get new English words and expressions from a book or article _ 29   it is from the TV or the Internet.

But an even more important point is _ 30   books give you something that modern media simply can not. The webpage is always full of pictures and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible.

Though “easy” may be welcome, _31   (luck) it’s of little use for any long-time development of reading skills and the general language level. For that, there’s still no substitute (替代品) for a book.

But perhaps the best single reason is that simply __32   (choose) what you read and doing it by yourself _ 33   (mean) that it’s something you do by and for yourself. You can choose what you want to read. It’s hard work, __34   while you are reading, you’ll find that what once __ 35   (seem) like a duty is now a pleasure.




After their 20-year-old son hanged himself during his winter break from the University of Arizona five years ago, Donna and Phil Satow wondered what signs they have overlooked, and started asking other students for answers.

What grew from this soul searching was Ulifeline (www. Ulifeline. org), a Web site where students can get answers to questions about depression by logging on through their universities. The site has been adopted as a resource by over 120 colleges, which can customize it with local information, and over 1.3 million students have logged on with their college ID’s.

“It is a very solid Web site that raises awareness of suicide, de-stigmatizes mental illness and encourages people to seek the help they need,”said Paul Grayson, the director of counseling services at New York University, which started using the service nearly a year ago.

The main component of the Web site is the Self-screening program developed by Duke University Medical Center that tests students to determine whether they are at risk for depression, suicide and disorders like anorexia and drug dependences. Besides helping students, the services compiles anonymous student date, offering administrators an important window onto the mental health of its campus.

The site provides university users with links to local mental health services, a catalog of information on prescription drugs and side effects, and access to Go Ask Alice, a vast archive developed by Columbia University with hundreds of responses to anonymously posted inquires from college students worldwide. For students concerned about their friends, there is a section that describes warning signs for suicidal behavior and depression.

Yet it is hard to determine how effective the service is. The anonymity of the online service can even play out as a negative. “There is no substitute for personal interaction(个人互动才能解决),” said Dr. Lanny Berman, executive director of the American Association of Suicidology, based in Washington.

Ulifeline would be the first to say that its service is no replacement for an actual therapist. “The purpose is to find out if there are signs of depression and then direct people to the right places,” said Ron Gibori, executive director of Ulifeline.

Mrs. Satow, who is still involved with Ulifeline, called it “a knowledge base” that might have prevented the death of her son, Jed. “If Jed’s friends had known the signs of depression, they might have seen something,” she said.

The first paragraph is written to_________.

   A. report a suicide of a young man

   B. show the suffering of Mr. And Mrs. Satow

   C. describe the Satows’ confusion over their son’s death

   D. introduce the topic of a website called Ulifeline.

One reason that many colleges adopt the website is to _________

   A. provide their students with campus information

   B. offer medical treatment to students in mental disorder

   C. encourage their students to seek advice about depression

   D. give their students various help they may need

Go Ask Alice as mentioned in the passage is________

   A. a side effect caused by some prescription drugs

   B. intended to counsel college students in mental problems

   C. a collection of medical responses from students the world over

   D. meant to describe the various signs of mental disorders

The underlined sentence of the seventh paragraph implies that ______

   A. only actual therapy can ensure adequate treatment

   B. the help given by the web service is doubtful

   C. doctors have expressed a negative view of the service

   D. a therapist’s office is the first place for the depressed to go

Mrs. Satow would probably agree that _________

   A. Jed’s friends can prevent her son’s death

   B. her son’s suicide is unavoidable

   C. Ulifeline is a worthwhile website

   D. depression is the final cause of suicides


任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


The health dangers of smoking have been well reported. For years, doctors have warned that smoking can cause lung cancer. Studies also have linked smoking to several other kinds of cancer, heart attacks and other diseases, lung diseases, and a number of other medical problems. The repeated health warnings have had an effect. Thousands of people have stopped smoking. But as many people have learned, stopping smoking can be very difficult.

A major problem apparently is the nicotine, a poisonous substance found in tobacco. Small amounts of nicotine are released as tobacco is burned. And over many years of smoking, a person’s body becomes dependenton the substance. A try to stop smoking brings the problems of nicotine withdrawal(脱瘾过程).

American medical researchers have found that nicotine withdrawal causes people to become angry very easily, aggressive, worried and unable to think sharply. Many people who have tried to stop smoking would confirm those findings.

To help people give up smoking, some tobacco companies have proposed chewing tobacco, or using snuff as safe substitutes(替代物). Snuff is a tobacco powder that usually is breathed in. But many people put it between their gum and cheek.

A group of British scientists said recently that many lives could be saved by a major program to get cigarette smokers to change to snuff. An American scientist, Allan Blum, disagreed. Dr. Blum argued that snuff, put in the mouth, can cause gum disease, teeth problems and throat problems that lead to cancer. Dr. Blum also warned against chewing tobacco as a substitute for smoking. He said chewing tobacco can lead to cancer of the mouth, throat or digestive system.

Medical researchers say another possible substitute for smoking is a special nicotine chewing gum. The gum is already sold in Europe and Canada. A report says research shows that the chewing gum will increase the amount of nicotine in a person’s blood. This helps satisfy some people’s desire for a cigarette. However, the report says, the chewing gum also leads to some unpleasant side effects. And it may be dangerous for people with heart problems.

Two other American scientists say they have found that the most effective way to stop smoking is to do it completely, suddenly, all at once. The report by Saul Shirtman and Dr. Murray Jogbett says that by stopping all at once, the worst problems of nicotine withdrawal are over in just a few days. But, they say, by continuing to smoke, even a little less each day, the problems of withdrawal never end completely.

Bad effects of smoking

Many kinds of disease and a number of other medical (91)    are connected with smoking.

 Difficulty in stopping smoking

The (92)   ▲  for this is that smokers are (93)   ▲  on nicotine, a poisonous substance in tobacco, and people (94)   ▲  to stop smoking have emotional problems and are unable to think sharply.

(95)   ▲  to stop smoking

Looking for substitutes for smoking


Causing gum disease, teeth problems and throat problemsthat (96)  cancer.

Chewing tobacco

Causing cancer of the mouth, throat or digestive system

Nicotine chewing gum

◆ Helping satisfy some people’s desire for a cigarette by (97)   

the amount of nicotine in one’s


◆ Having some side effects and being dangerous for people who (98)   ▲  from heart problems.

Giving up smoking  (99)  , suddenly, all at once

In a few days, the worst problems of nicotine withdrawal no longer (100)   ▲ .



It is wise of you to       well trained workers for untrained ones in your workshop.

      A.substitute     B.change         D.employ


