is well known to us all is Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009. A. It; that B. What; what C. As; that D. What; that. 查看更多



______ is well known to us all is ______Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009.

A.It; thatB.What; whatC.As; thatD.What; that


______ is well known to us all is ______Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009.

A.It; that            B.What; what        C.As; that           D.What; that



______ is well known to us all is ______Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009

  1. A.
    It; that
  2. B.
    What; what
  3. C.
    As; that
  4. D.
    What; that


________ is well known to us all is ________ Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009.   

     A. It; that                            B. What; what               C. As; that             D. What; that.


 ______ is well known to us all is ______Yao Ming has become the boss of the Shanghai Sharks, who attended the opening ceremony of the new CBA season on Dec. 19, 2009


  A. It; that     B. What; what    C. As; that     D. What; that

