Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please? A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever 答案C 解析 whoever既作了 to 的宾语.又作is in charge of International Sales please?的主语.“whoever 作代词./any person who/the person who/“任何人 .“无论谁 .“--的人 . 5 One of the most important questions they had to consider was of public health A. what B. this C. that D. which 答案C 解析 句意为:他们必须考虑其中最重要的问题是公共卫生.考查that作代词.that 作代词.往往用于特指.相当于“that+名词 .它也只能代替事情不能代替人. 查看更多


