such a diligent man that - so diligent a man that - such a diligent man as - such interesting books that - such rapid progress that - so many (few) people that - so much money that - so diligent that- diligent enough to do sth. so lazy that he cannot - too lazy to do sth. 查看更多



Yesterday I went to our local grocery store. I often go to their deli counter, and I understand that it can get a little confused for the workers. So normally none of them ever take the time to smile or seem overly friendly. But yesterday it was completely different. I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with a very welcoming smile by the young man behind the counter. He never sighed heavily or slumped back and forth like he didn’t want to be there. He was all by himself and quite a long line. But not once did he act concerned about it. He just did his job efficiently and acted very kind the entire time.
I was so impressed that I approached the manager. I explained to her that I often visit the deli counter and I have never been greeted with such kindness. She agreed with me that he was a wonderful person and she thanked me for sharing my feelings with her.
As I was walking away,I could hear her approaching the young man with,“I just got a wonderful compliment(praise) about you.” I couldn't hear everything she was saying,but I knew that she did thank him. I couldn't help but smile!
Later I had to pass by the deli counter to get onions. There was no one there,except the diligent young man. He didn't say anything,he just smiled at me. I realized that I hadn't done a huge deed that day,but that small deed made a small difference to someone.I love seeing people smile. I just received my smile cards and I wish I had one with me that day. Maybe I will drop one off at the deli a different day! It's amazing how good I felt after that.
So,friends,the next time you are in a grocery store,retail store,restaurant,or anywhere that someone is working hard,letting them know in some way can mean so much. I hope you get a smile out of it like I did!

  1. 1.

    The passage is mainly about______.

    1. A.
      friendship between the writer and a young man
    2. B.
      the power of a simple compliment
    3. C.
      a grocery store
    4. D.
      a diligent assistant
  2. 2.

    The writer found it was different yesterday because ______.

    1. A.
      the young man was very busy
    2. B.
      the young man was concerned about so many customers
    3. C.
      the writer was warmly greeted by a young man
    4. D.
      the young man acted very kind all the time
  3. 3.

    The writer approached the manager to______.

    1. A.
      thank him
    2. B.
      say hello to him
    3. C.
      complain about the service
    4. D.
      praise the young man
  4. 4.

    The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 implies that the writer will ______.

    1. A.
      smile to others at the deli one day
    2. B.
      give one card to the young man one day
    3. C.
      drop in at the deli one day
    4. D.
      go to the deli for a job one day
  5. 5.

    What can we learn from the last paragraph?

    1. A.
      Praising others' hard work means nothing
    2. B.
      Helping others is always rewarding
    3. C.
      We should never hesitate to praise hard-working persons
    4. D.
      Not all good deeds deserve praise


In James Cameron’s fantasy films, such as Avatar and The Abyss, the unexplored is decorated in color and filled with alien danger. But on his dive to the deepest place on Earth, which took place on a Sunday last month, reality proved far different: white, deserted, and dull.
“I felt like I literally had gone to another planet and come back,” Cameron said after returning from the cold, dark place in the western Pacific Ocean, nearly 7 miles (11km) below the surface. “It was a very fantastic day.” Cameron is the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.
He spent about three hours gliding through the icy darkness, brightened only by lights on the one-man sub(潜水艇). This deepest section of the Mariana Trench is so untouched that at first it appeared dull. But there’s something strangely interesting about the first pieces of video that Cameron shot — a sense of aloneness.
“It’s really the sense of isolation, realizing how tiny you are down in this big, black and unexplored place,” the Titanic director said. The wordless minute-long video, released by sponsor National Geographic, shows Cameron’s sub gliding across what he calls “the very soft, almost gelatinous(胶状的) flat plain.”
To Cameron, the main thing was to appreciate being there. “There had to be a moment where I just stopped, and took it in, and said, ‘This is where I am; I’m at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth. What does that mean?’” Cameron told reporters during a conference call. The trip was only about half as long as planned because Cameron’s battery ran low. He said he would return and film it in 3D for later viewing.
“I see this as the beginning,” Cameron said. “It’s not a one-time deal and then moving on. This is the beginning of opening up this new frontier.”
【小题1】Why did Cameron dive to the deepest place on Earth?

A.To study ocean creatures in the deepest valley.
B.To prove his strong will and perseverance.
C.To get support from National Geographic.
D.To open up a new frontier.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Cameron’s fantasy film, Avatar was inspired by his dive to the deepest place on Earth.
B.Cameron glided through the icy darkness alone by lights of the one-man sub.
C.Cameron didn’t stay at the bottom of the ocean as planned because he was worn out.
D.Cameron felt bored when he went to the deepest valley in the ocean.
【小题3】The underlined sentence in the passage means that ______.
A.he appreciated and took pride in being at the bottom of the ocean
B.he was disappointed because the trip was only about half as long as planned
C.Cameron wanted to show the public he had been to the deepest place on Earth
D.he wouldn’t stop exploring the deepest place in the future
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following words best describes Cameron?
【小题5】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.James Cameron’s Fantasy Films.
B.The First to Explore the Deepest Place on Earth.
C.A Dive to the Deepest Place on Earth.
D.Crazy Cameron.


My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to pour  1  . When it became lighter, I decided to get my car, which was  2  at my office three streets away.

My friends argued that I shouldn’t go, mainly because I was seven months pregnant then. I assured them that I’d be very  3 .

I walked out of the  4 and started making my way to the car. At the traffic junction, a van stopped and the passenger got off with an umbrella. Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside me and told me he’d escort(护送) me to my  5  . I was very embarrassed and declined(辞谢), but he was very  6 .

During our  7  , he kept telling me to walk slower, as the ground was  8  . When we got to the car park, I  9  him and we parted ways. I did not get his  10  and may not even recognise him now. Did he  11  stop for me? I’ll never know.

So how did I pay it forward? I was at home when I  12  two Indian construction workers walking in the heavy rain. They were probably on their way to the construction  13  near my estate, which was a long walk in. I went out and passed them an umbrella. I told them they should take the umbrella and  14  it. They were very grateful and like me, probably wondered why a  15  was offering such kindness.

1.                A.hardly          B.slightly         C.heavily   D.slowly


2.                A.parked         B.locked          C.broken   D.repaired


3.                A.successful       B.careful         C.joyful D.stressful


4.                A.storm          B.garage    D.hotel


5.                A.destination      B.home


6.                A.cautious        B.diligent         C.persistent D.reluctant


7.                  B.trip            C.walk


8.                A.rough          B.wet            C.messy    D.dirty


9.                A.thanked        B.left            C.waved    D.greeted


10.               A.umbrella       B.appearance     C.address


11.               A.obviously       B.accidently       C.really D.purposely


12.               A.watched        B.noticed         C.searched D.heard


13.           B.stage          C.object


14.               A.keep          B.carry          C.have  D.return


15.               A.passer-by       B.stranger  D.woman




     My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to pour  1 . When it became lighter,
I decided to get my car, which was  2 at my office three streets away.
    My friends argued that I shouldn't go, mainly because I was seven months pregnant then. I assured
them that I'd be very  3  .
    I walked out of the  4  and started making my way to the car. At the traffic junction, a van stopped
and the passenger got off with an umbrella. Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside
me and told me he'd escort(护送) me to my  5 . I was very embarrassed and declined(辞谢), but he
was very  6  .
     During our  7 , he kept telling me to walk slower, as the ground was  8 . When we got to the car
park, I   9 him and we parted ways. I did not get his  10 and may not even recognise him now. Did he
  11 stop for me? I'll never know.
     So how did I pay it forward? I was at home when I  12 two Indian construction workers walking in
the heavy rain. They were probably on their way to the construction  13 near my estate, which was a
long walk in. I went out and passed them an umbrella. I told them they should take the umbrella and  14  
it. They were very grateful and like me, probably wondered why a  15 was offering such kindness.
(     )1. hardly      
(     )2. parked      
(     )3. successful  
(     )4. storm        
(     )5. destination
(     )6. cautious    
(     )7. talk         
(     )8. rough        
(     )9. thanked      
(     )10. A. umbrella
(     )11. A. obviously  
(     )12. A. watched  
(     )13. A. equipment
(     )14. A. keep    
(     )15. A. passer-by
B. slightly      
B. locked      
B. careful      
B. garage      
B. home        
B. diligent    
B. trip    
B. wet      
B. left          
B. appearance  
B. accidently    
B. noticed    
B. stage    
B. carry      
B. stranger   
C. heavily    
C. broken    
C. joyful  
C. office    
C. office      
C. persistent  
C. walk      
C. messy    
C. waved        
C. address      
C. really      
C. searched   
C. object     
C. have        
C. man     
D. slowly      
D. repaired    
D. stressful  
D. hotel      
D. company    
D. reluctant  
D. work        
D. dirty      
D. greeted    
D. name        
D. purposely  
D. heard      
D. site        
D. return      
D. woman      


In James Cameron’s fantasy films, such as Avatar and The Abyss, the unexplored is decorated in color and filled with alien danger. But on his dive to the deepest place on Earth, which took place on a Sunday last month, reality proved far different: white, deserted, and dull.
“I felt like I literally had gone to another planet and come back,” Cameron said after returning from the cold, dark place in the western Pacific Ocean, nearly 7 miles (11km) below the surface. “It was a very fantastic day.” Cameron is the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.
He spent about three hours gliding through the icy darkness, brightened only by lights on the one-man sub(潜水艇). This deepest section of the Mariana Trench is so untouched that at first it appeared dull. But there’s something strangely interesting about the first pieces of video that Cameron shot — a sense of aloneness.
“It’s really the sense of isolation, realizing how tiny you are down in this big, black and unexplored place,” the Titanic director said. The wordless minute-long video, released by sponsor National Geographic, shows Cameron’s sub gliding across what he calls “the very soft, almost gelatinous(胶状的) flat plain.”
To Cameron, the main thing was to appreciate being there. “There had to be a moment where I just stopped, and took it in, and said, ‘This is where I am; I’m at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth. What does that mean?’” Cameron told reporters during a conference call. The trip was only about half as long as planned because Cameron’s battery ran low. He said he would return and film it in 3D for later viewing.
“I see this as the beginning,” Cameron said. “It’s not a one-time deal and then moving on. This is the beginning of opening up this new frontier.”

  1. 1.

    Why did Cameron dive to the deepest place on Earth?

    1. A.
      To study ocean creatures in the deepest valley.
    2. B.
      To prove his strong will and perseverance.
    3. C.
      To get support from National Geographic.
    4. D.
      To open up a new frontier.
  2. 2.

    Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

    1. A.
      Cameron’s fantasy film, Avatar was inspired by his dive to the deepest place on Earth.
    2. B.
      Cameron glided through the icy darkness alone by lights of the one-man sub.
    3. C.
      Cameron didn’t stay at the bottom of the ocean as planned because he was worn out.
    4. D.
      Cameron felt bored when he went to the deepest valley in the ocean.
  3. 3.

    The underlined sentence in the passage means that ______.

    1. A.
      he appreciated and took pride in being at the bottom of the ocean
    2. B.
      he was disappointed because the trip was only about half as long as planned
    3. C.
      Cameron wanted to show the public he had been to the deepest place on Earth
    4. D.
      he wouldn’t stop exploring the deepest place in the future
  4. 4.

    According to the passage, which of the following words best describes Cameron?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    What’s the best title of the passage?

    1. A.
      James Cameron’s Fantasy Films.
    2. B.
      The First to Explore the Deepest Place on Earth.
    3. C.
      A Dive to the Deepest Place on Earth.
    4. D.
      Crazy Cameron.

