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You can't escape the message that smoking is bad for you.But what if one or both of your parents smoke?You might be worried about their health,sick of smelling the smoke,or even a little embarrassed(尴尬的) by it.You can't order your mom or dad to stop smoking ,but you can encourage them to quit.There are lots of good reasons.Here are some you can mention:
*Smoking will hurt their health.
*Smoking creates secondhand smoke,which you don't like .
*Smoking will make it hard for them to keep up with you because they might run out of breath easily.
If you think it will help,you could print out articles like this one to give it to your mom or dad. But what if your parent gets angry with you for bringing up the topic of smoking?People don't like to be reminded that they are doing something unhealthy,so it's possible that your parents will be insulted or angry,especially if they're worried they won't be able to quit.Maybe they have tried before and failed.
Remember to be kind and respectful when you discuss smoking with your mom or dad. Also rememeber that it is difficult to quit.Some people try several times before they're able to quit for good. Instead of yelling at the them,tell them that you love them and want them to enjoy many healthy years ahead. In time,your mom or dad may realize you are right about smoking .And if they do agree to stop smoking,be their biggest supporter.Ask if there's anything you can do to help them when they feel the urge to smoke.Maybe you could go for a walk,do a puzzle,or listen to music together.As they reach milestones,such as a month without smoking,be sure to celebrate the achievement.Way to go,mom!Way to go,dad!
【小题1】 In the first paragraph,the author intended to tell us______.

A.the reasons you have for your parents' giving up smoking
B.the great damage smoking can cause to secondhand smokers
C.most smokers are includable and stubborn
D.smoking does harm to smoker's health
【小题2】 If you bring up the topic of smoking directly,_________.
A.the smokers will accept your advice willingly
B.the smokers may become very annoyed at once
C.the smokers will take your words into account
D.the smokers will put you in an embarrassing situation
【小题3】The underlined word "milestones" in the first paragraph means________.
A.stones which are miles away
B.agreements signed by both sides
C.practical tools for stopping smoking
D.achievements gained with great efforts
【小题4】The author wrote the text for_______. experts
C.sons and daughtersD.medical scientists


You can't escape the message that smoking is bad for you.But what if one or both of your parents smoke?You might be worried about their health,sick of smelling the smoke,or even a little embarrassed(尴尬的) by it.You can't order your mom or dad to stop smoking ,but you can encourage them to quit.There are lots of good reasons.Here are some you can mention:

*Smoking will hurt their health.

*Smoking creates secondhand smoke,which you don't like .

*Smoking will make it hard for them to keep up with you because they might run out of breath easily.

If you think it will help,you could print out articles like this one to give it to your mom or dad. But what if your parent gets angry with you for bringing up the topic of smoking?People don't like to be reminded that they are doing something unhealthy,so it's possible that your parents will be insulted or angry,especially if they're worried they won't be able to quit.Maybe they have tried before and failed.

Remember to be kind and respectful when you discuss smoking with your mom or dad. Also rememeber that it is difficult to quit.Some people try several times before they're able to quit for good. Instead of yelling at the them,tell them that you love them and want them to enjoy many healthy years ahead. In time,your mom or dad may realize you are right about smoking .And if they do agree to stop smoking,be their biggest supporter.Ask if there's anything you can do to help them when they feel the urge to smoke.Maybe you could go for a walk,do a puzzle,or listen to music together.As they reach milestones,such as a month without smoking,be sure to celebrate the achievement.Way to go,mom!Way to go,dad!

1. In the first paragraph,the author intended to tell us______.

A.the reasons you have for your parents' giving up smoking

B.the great damage smoking can cause to secondhand smokers

C.most smokers are includable and stubborn

D.smoking does harm to smoker's health

2. If you bring up the topic of smoking directly,_________.

A.the smokers will accept your advice willingly 

B.the smokers may become very annoyed at once

C.the smokers will take your words into account  

D.the smokers will put you in an embarrassing situation

3.The underlined word "milestones" in the first paragraph means________.

A.stones which are miles away    

B.agreements signed by both sides

C.practical tools for stopping smoking 

D.achievements gained with great efforts

4.The author wrote the text for_______. teachers experts   

C.sons and daughters   D.medical scientists




  Throughout history soldiers have fought bloody battles in order to control the high ground.There is no doubt that this is a tactical(战术的)necessity.Standing above your enemy is an advantage that often leads to victory.

  Nowadays, high ground does not just mean hill-tops.It also means space, which has become an increasingly important part of military strategy(军事战略).

  With its more advanced satellite technologies, America is the major power in space.And now the US Air Force has put into service a new weapon designed to jam enemy satellite communications.It is an important step toward US control of space.

  The so-called Counter Communications System(反卫星通信系统)was declared operational on November 1.The ground-based system uses electromagnetic radio frequencies(无线电磁波)to stop enemy satellites working on a short-term basis.

  “A short-term effect ensures that during the time of need, the enemy’s space-based capability(能力)is reduced,"said a US military official.“Following the time of need, their capabilities can return to its original state.”

  The system is made up of an antenna(天线), transmitters(发射机)and receivers and can be easily transported around in a vehicle.

  To control space was one of four aims of a national space policy started by former president Bill Clinton in 1996.The goal is to make sure US forces can rely on space-based services and to deny an enemy any similar benefits.

  The US military has experimented with several"anti-satellite"weapons, including lasers, to destroy or damage enemy units.

  Theresa Hitchens, vice president of the Center for Defence Information in Washington, welcomed the new system as long as it does not create rubbish that could threaten global use of space.She believed it should not destroy satellites, only stop them working for a while.

  Unfortunately, it seems that we are not going to limit our goal for'space control'to non-violent systems,"she said, raising the danger of a space arms race.

  To change the balance of power in space the EU and China are working together on the Galileo project.By 2008 the system will be in place as an alternative to the Americans'global positioning service.


What’s the significance(意义)of the Counter Communications System to the US?

[  ]


It can help avoid bloody battles.


It can bring the US closer to its goal for"space control”.


It can ensure the US forces to depend on space-based services.


It can destroy enemy equipment.


How does the new system work?It affects the enemy by ________.

[  ]


being transported around easily in a vehicle


controlling the high ground


damaging them


blocking their satellite communications


One thing that seemed to worry Theresa Hitchens is that the new weapon ________.

[  ]


could increase the danger of a space arms race


is not effective enough


is not threatening enough


might produce dangerous waste


What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]


New space weapons may be on the way.


The US military have never stopped experimenting with anti-satellite weapons.


The Galileo Project, when in effect, can match the Counter Communications System in power.


In future wars, space battles will decide human’s fate(命运).


Recent discoveries of water and Earth-like soil on Mars have set imaginations running wild that human beings may one day control and send people to live on the Red Planet. However, the first to live there might not be human, but rather groups of tiny robots.

“Small robots that are able to work together could explore the planet. We now know there is water and dust so all they would need is some sort of glue to start building structures, such as homes for human scientists,” says Marc Szymanski, a robotics researcher at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany.

Szymanski is part of a team of European researchers developing tiny autonomous (自主的) robots that can co-operate to perform different tasks, much like ants or bees search for food together, build nests and work together for the greater good of the planet.

“A group of robots is particularly useful when one robot is damaged. It does not cause the task to fail because another robot simply steps in to fill its place,” Szymanski explains.

Several of the researchers have since gone on to work on creating groups of robots that are able to reassemble (重新装配) themselves autonomously into larger robots in order to perform different tasks.

Planet exploration and colonization (殖民) are just some of a seemingly endless range of potential applications for robots that can work together, adjusting their duties depending on the barriers they face, changes in their environment and the group’s needs. That is not only useful in space or in deep-water environments, but also while carrying out repairs inside machinery, cleaning up pollution or even applying treatments inside the human body.

66. What would be the main task of the groups of tiny robots on Mars?

A. To look for water and Earth-like soil.            B. To remove barriers for human arrival.

C. To colonise the Red Planet.                   D. To build home-like structures.

67. Why are groups of tiny robots sent to Mars?

A. Because they work very fast in space.

B. Because they can work together to perform different tasks.

C. Because they can find all the building materials.

D. Because they are easy to control.

68. The tiny robots would NOT be used        .

A. to work under the sea                            B. to repair machines

C. to protect the environment                             D. to try out new medicines

69. The last paragraph mainly tells us about        .

A. potential applications for robots                      B. different kinds of robots

C. the barriers the robots face                     D. planet exploration and colonization

70. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The tiny robots can work together with ants or bees.

B. There’s enough water on Mars for human existence.

C. The basic substances for human existence have been found on Mars.

D. The tiny robots can change to any size at any time.


    Everybody in this world is different from one another.But do you know that understanding differences can help you better manage your money?

    As we grow up, we gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs. These are influenced by society, our family, the education we receive and so on. Once this value system is set up, it’s not easy to change later in life. Financial experts say that everyone also has their own belief of how to manage their finances. This is part of our value system and it has a great impact on the way we look after our money. According to our different values, experts put us in three categories. They are the ant, the cricket and the snail.

The ant—works first

Just like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people don’t care about enjoying the moment. They work very hard and save money they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire. The ant loves to save but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk.

The cricket—fun first

The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesn’t think too much about the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. Many young people now belong to this group. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save and buy insurance.

The snail—lives under pressure

The snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves. They take big long-term loans(代款) from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure they can afford it. This can cause problems in the future. They should plan more carefully.

64.According to this passage, one's values _       .

A.may not change easily in one's lifetime     B. may he his ways of managing money

  C.may he his beliefs about society        D. determine his family and education

65.Mr.Smith always, enjoys spending a weekend with his friends, fishing hunting and playing cards.Moreover, he spends money in a very luxurious way.So Mr.Smith belongs to_    

  A.the ant type   B.the snail type   C.the cricket type   D.none of them

66.The writer of the passage seems to be in favor of        

  A. the cricket     B. the snail      C. the ant        D. all of them

67.Which is the most suitable title of this passage?

  A. How to understand your values       B.What comes first

  C. Work and fun                    D.Spending kinds


