appear vi. link-v. = seem 似乎, 显得 appear to do sth. appear + adj. appear + done appear + sth. It appear that-. B. 短语记忆: at the edge of 在-边缘 at the end of 在-末尾 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 a variety of 各种各样的 be annoyed at 生-的气 be busy with 忙于- be divided into 分成- be fit for 适合- be fond of 爱好 be full of 充满- be grateful for 感谢 be interested in对-感兴趣 be known for 因-出名 be made up of 由-组成 be satisfied with 对-满意 C. 记住下列动词并写出它们的汉语意思: bother v. build vt. buy vt cease v charge v. change v. check v. choose v. clear v. close v. collect v. commit vt. compare v. concern vt. consider v. consist vi. 查看更多




  It’s not only rocket scientists and journalists who are following the course of“Shenzhou V”,or“Divine ship/vessel V”.There are also lexicographers, or dictionary compilers.The flight of the Spacecraft last week might help put some new words into orbit.

  One of them is a western media coinage used to refer to the Chinese astronauts.It’s a combination of the Chinese pinyin“taikong”, meaning space, and the English“astronaut”, from classical Greek:“star sailor/navigator”, for people who was going into space as a career.

  In the Reuters and AP reports of October 15,“taikonaut”was used as a proper noun.For example:

  The long March 2F rocket carrying“taikonaut”Yang Liwei lifted off into a clear blue sky over the Gobi desert at 9 am and entered its orbit 10 minutes later.

  A Long March 2F rocket called the Shemhou V-“divine ship”in Chinese-carried a single“taikonaut”named Yang Liwei, 38, following Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shepard in 1961.

  The word“taikonaut”is not a newly coined term.It first emerged in November, 1999, when China launched its first unmanned“Shenzhou I”spacecraft.

  At that lime, some English news media predicted that China would soon launch a manned space flight and created the word“taikonaut”for the Chinese astronauts.It was then borrowed by the Germans media.

  But it was left out of mainstream dictionaries, such as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Cambridge Advanced English Learner’s Dictionary.

  However, the launch of the“Shenzhou V”will most likely help boost its status since there is already a word referring specifically to Russian astronauts in the dictionary entry.

  An astronaut of Russian(or the former Soviet Union)is called a“cosmonaut”, from the Russian“kosmonaut”.The word was derived from classical Greek:“kosmonaut”(universal)and“nautes”.One might argue that“cosmonaut”is a Russian variation on the earlier word“astronaut”.

  On March 14,1995, US astronaut Norman Thagard became the first American to ride into space on-board a Russian launch vehicle, arguably making him the first American cosmonaut.

  And if this trend of coinage continues, more English variations for astronaut will appear as more countries are able to send their own astronauts into outer space, what would Western journalists call an astronaut from India or Africa?We’ll have to wait to see.


Which of the following best suits the passage as a title?

[  ]


Why to Create the Word“Astronaut”?


Why to Make a Lot of Variations for“Taikonaut”?


How to Tell a“Taikonaut”from an Astronaut?


How to Call Astronauts from Different Countries?


Which is the right statement in the following sentence?

[  ]


The word“taikonaut”was born with the launch of“Shenzhou V”spacecraft.


Yang Liwei, Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard are all excellent taikonauts.


The American newspapers such as Reuters coined the word“taikonaut”.


Some new words have widely been put into use with the launch of the“Shenzhou V”spacecraft.


From the writer’s point of view, ________.

[  ]


lexicographers or dictionary compilers have also done a lot of things to help launch“Shenzhou V”


the American astronaut Norman Thagard is not a cosmonaut


the words coined or to be coined for astronauts of different countries usually have something to do with the name(s)of their countries


the reason why there will be more variations for the word astronauts is that more and more countries will be able to send their own astronauts into space


What does the underlined word“coinage”mean in the passage?

[  ]


System of coins in use.


Invention of word.


New meaning of a word.


Discovery of an old word.



  Encouraged by the success of its first manned space mission, China says it is looking to launch(发射)another Shenzhou spacecraft within "one or two years' time" and is pushing ahead with plans to develop a permanently manned presence iu space.

  In comments reported just hours after the Shenzhou V's safe return to Earth, the official Xinhua news agency quoted(引用)a leading space official as saying China's next steps would be to work on launching a space laboratory and then a space station into orbit(轨道).

  "The successful mission of Shenzhou V is the first step of China's space program." the agency quoted Zhang Qingwei as saying.

  Although Zhang gave few details and no specific timescale for the plans, the announcement is the clearest official statement to date concerning China's plans for space exploration.

  Speaking later at a Beijing news conference, Xie Mingbao, director of the manned space office, said he expected to launch another Shenzhou capsule before the end of 2005.

  "In one or two years' time, I think Shenzhou VI will be launched." Xie said in response to a reporter's question.

  Zhang, the second most senior officer in charge of the country's space program, said the next major tasks to tackle would be to perfect orbital docking technologies and procedures.

  Precise docking between spacecraft and orbiting modules is essential to placing a space lab in orbit, Xinhua quoted Zhang as saying.

  He did not say whether the proposed space lab would be manned or conduct experiments using automated equipment.

  Beijing has not been involved in the U.S.and Russian-led International Space Station(ISS), although there has been speculation(思索)that China may be invited to join in the near future.Although earlier reports in Chinese media have speculated on the future course of the space program, Zhang's comments are the clearest indication yet that such plans have high level official support.

  Aside from the space station, Chinese scientists are also reported to be working on plans to send unmanned probes to the moon with a view to eventually landing a Chinese astronaut on the lunar surface.


Where did the passage most probably first appear?

[  ]


In a science textbook.


In a fashion magazine.


In a newspaper.


In an advertisement.


From the first three paragraphs, we can know that ________.

[  ]


China will build a permanent space station in "one or two years"


China's space laboratory will be built within "one or two years"


Zhang Qinwei gave us a clear timetable for China's space programs


China's next step is to develop further in space


What does the underlined word "tackle" in the fifth paragraph probably mean?

[  ]


To deal with.


To face.


To receive.


To buy.


Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Shenzhou V, a Big Success for China


China Looks into Farther into Space


Shenzhou VI, Up Soon


Russia and America, Nervous about China's Progress



  It’s not only rocket scientists and journalists who are following the course of “Shenzhou V”, or “Divine ship/vessel V”.There are also lexicographers, or dictionary compilers.The flight of the Spacecraft last week might help put some new words into orbit.

  One of them is a western media coinage used to refer to the Chinese astronauts.It s a combination of the Chinese pinyin “taikong”, meaning space, and the English “astronaut”, from classical Greek:“star sailor/navigator”, for people who was going into space as a career.

  In the Reuters and AP reports of October 15,“taikonaut” was used as a proper noun.For example:The long March 2F rocket carrying “taikonaut” Yang Liwei lifted off into a clear blue sky over the Gobi desert at 9 am and entered its orbit 10 minutes later.

  A Long March 2F rocket called the Shenzhou V-“divine ship” in Chinese-carried a single “taikonaut” named Yang Liwei,38,following Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and American Alan Shepard in 1961.

  The word “taikonaut” is not a newly coined term.It first emerged in November,1999,when China launched its first unmanned “Shenzhou Ⅰ” spacecraft.

  At that lime, some English news media predicted that China would soon launch a manned space flight and created the word “taikonaut” for the Chinese astronauts.It was then borrowed by the Germans media.

  But it was left out of mainstream dictionaries, such as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Cambridge Advanced English

  Learner’s Dictionary.

  However, the launch of the “Shenzhou V” will most likely help boost its status since there is already a word referring specifically to Russian astronauts in the dictionary entry.

  An astronaut of Russian(or the former Soviet Union)is called a “cosmonaut”, from the Russian “kosmonaut”.The word was derived from classical Greek:“kosmonaut”(universal)and “nautes”.One might argue that “cosmonaut” is a Russian variation on the earlier word “astronaut”.

  On March 14,1995,US astronaut Norman Thagard became the first American to ride into space on-board a Russian launch vehicle, arguably making him the first American cosmonaut.

  And if this trend of coinage continues, more English variations for astronaut will appear as more countries are able to send their own astronauts into outer space, what would Western journalists call an astronaut from India or Africa we’ll have to wait to see.

1.Give the best title of the passage.(within 10 words)

2.What is the influence to the dictionalry result after the launch of the “Shenzhou V” spacecraft?(within 15 words)

3.The reason why there will be more variations for the word “astronauts” is that.

4.The underlined word “coinage” means.



  STRANGERS parties go wild these days.The main idea of them is to never let the people know who their matches are until the last minute.These are some popular practices that are storming the world's youth on this V-day.

  Speed dating

  It's exactly what the name implies.Complete with a timer, a whistle and 50 willing singles, speed dating is not the traditional dinner and a movie type of first date.Singles pay US $35 for three minutes with more than two dozen future dates.They ask questions and try to get to know each other.At the sound of a whistle, they do the same thing all over again-25 times in all.

  Lock and key party

  Women are given a lock and men are given a key, upon arriving at the party.Each key and lock has several matches.One can hunt for his/her later-to-be sweetheart in various groups, and try out the key or lock.Each time a lock and key match the pair are entered into a ballot(票数)for top prizes!

  Dinner in the dark

  Waiters wearing night vision glasses guide the guests through the pitch-black dining room.They are seated at the table and familiarized with the wine glass and plate.Food is handled with the fingers.People will not see the food they are eating or the guests at their table until the dessert course.At that moment, dining partners will appear.

  Message party

  Have A Cocktail, Leave A Message!When you arrive, you get a tag with a number and a pad of post-it notes.If you see someone you like, write a message on the message board.But wait…You've got a message…Go and collect it!You can make new friends and win lots of gifts.The more messages you leave on the bulletin board, the more chances you have of winning prizes.


What do you think the similarities of these parties are?

[  ]


All the parties have very strict rules for their members.


If you want to go to any of the parties, you have to buy a ticket.


All the parties are aimed at strangers who want to be lovers.


All the parties are suitable not only for the young but for the old.


In which party does a participant have to be careful with the time?

[  ]


Speed dating.


Lock and key party.


Dinner in the dark.


Message party.


If you go to the Dinner in the dark, ________.

[  ]


you have to wear night vision glasses


you have to eat with your hands


guests eat all the courses in the darkness


your dining partners will help you choose the food


How many of the parties offer gifts or prizes?

[  ]









