make make sth. 做.制造 make sb. do sth. 使得... make sb. done make sb. + adj. make sb. + n. make it + adj.(n.) + that... make it + adj.(n.) + to do sth. make it + adj.(n.) + doing sth. make a dash for 赶往....冲向... make a deal with 达成协议.做成交易 make a decision 作出规定 make a face = make faces 做鬼脸.做苦相 make a good effort 作很大的努力 make a record 录制唱片 make a plan for 为-作计划 make a note of 注意.记下来 make an impression on 给..留下印象.引人注目 make fun of 取笑.和...开玩笑.嘲笑 make ...into... 把...做成...,使成为.使变成 be made into... be made from... 由...做的 be made of... 由...做的 make it 按时到达某处.办事成功,约定时间,及时赶上 make one’s living 维持生活 make progress 取得进步 make out 看清楚.看出.辨识,理解.明白,开进展,假装.装出.把...说成是 make room (for) 让地方.让位置 make sense 有道理.好懂.有清楚的意思 make sense of 理解 make sure that... 弄肯定.一定要做到,弄确切.弄清 make sure of make sure to do sth. 一定要做... make ... to one's own measure 依照某人的尺寸做... make up 创造.编造,弥补.把...补上,化妆.打扮 make up for 弥补 be made up of 有...组成 make up one’s mind to do sth. 打定主意.决定.决心 make use of 利用 B. 短语记忆: be similar to 与-相同 be unfamiliar to 与-不熟悉 be used to V-ing 习惯于 because of 因为 by hand 手工做的 carry out 执行.进行 catch up ﹙with﹚赶上 clear off 清除.跑开 compare-with 与-比较 concentrate on 聚精会神- consist of 包含 deal with 处理.对付 devote oneself to 献身于- die out 绝种 divide-into 把分成 do harm to 伤害- draw a conclusion 得出结论 C. 记住下列动词并写出它们的汉语意思: construct vt. continue v. contribute v. control vt. convince vt. cost vt. count v. cover vt. create vt. cross v. crowd v. cry v. deal v. decide v. declare v. defend vt. 查看更多


