How will you deal with-? What will you do with-? 查看更多



            will you             the situation?
[     ]
A. How; do with
B. Why; do with
C. How; deal with
D. What; deal with


 ____ will you ____ the matter?

A.What; deal with               B. How; deal with         C. How; do with          D. What; do


You may open your electronic mail and find information about how to buy medicine, cheap airline tickets, books and, of course, computers and computer products.There may also be offers for investment deals, bank loans and special holidays.However, to many computer users, this use of electronic spare to sell products has become a major problem as it makes computer communication more difficult.

Many companies who want to send a great deal of advertising might use the services of a “spammer.” A spammer is a person or company that uses computers to send out millions of copies of the same sales information.Spammers find e-mail addresses from websites, news groups and “chat rooms” where people send messages to each other.Most spare is sent by companies who are trying to get you to buy their products.Some of these are honest companies that offer good products or services for a fair price.These companies can offer their products at a cheaper price than you might find in a store.However, much of the spam on the Internet is sent by criminals who are trying to sell products that do not exist or offer services they will not provide.They are only interested in stealing your money.When you answer their spam you find you are expected to send them money and receive a gift.One country in Africa has become famous for the number of criminals who try every known trick to separate people from their money.

What does the  underlined word “spam” in the paragraph probably refer to ?

    A.Unwanted electronic information that reaches computer users.

    B.Computer virus that causes computer communication difficulties.

    C.Advertisements sent out by companies who want to sell their products.

D.Companies that send out millions of copies of the same sales information.

.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

    A.Companies who want to send a great deal of advertising are referred to as spammers.

    B.Spammers are people who collect e-mail addresses from websites, newsgroups and “chat rooms”.

    C.Either individuals or organizations can be regarded as spammers if they send out spam.

    D.Spammers are people who receive spam on their computers.

Which is the possible suggestion from the writer concerning spam ?

    A.Spain is very helpful in providing you with useful information about product sales.

    B.Spam helps companies to sell more of their products so it should be valued by people.

    C.Spam is sent out by those who want to separate you from your money.

D.Look out for any spam that reaches your computer


With rising temperatures there’s concern for some freshwater fish. If the water gets too warm , then it can change their living activities .For some species in UK the river water needs to stay below 20℃. The problem is as the climate gets warmer so do the streams and rivers .The problem is particularly of concern for the smaller streams and rivers which respond to air temperature changes much more than the deeper and larger rivers .

The method to keep the temperatures of rivers down could be as simple as planting woodlands along the river course .Research has shown that trees cover lowland streams can keep water temperatures 5 ℃ lower than streams running through treeless environments .That 5 ℃  can make the difference between the water temperature being habitable for fish or being too warm for their living .

While it looks like a good method to a problem , there are things that need to be considered . We need to remember that trees are not the favorite habitat of all animals . Some of the habitats need open countryside . Trees can also bring their own problems .A nutrient  poor stream has its own life . Plant trees alongside it and leaves fall in the stream. Falling leaves can change the nutritional makeup of the stream , which will affect the stream and local species of the stream . You have to be careful with this type of management, but his method does offer a real chance to help freshwater living things against climate changes and increasing temperatures.

1.It can be inferred from the text that some freshwater fish ______.

A.have to live in the small streams and rivers

B.never need to change their living activities

C.are threatened by increasing temperature s

D.are becoming rare and expensive in the UK.

2.An easy method to protect freshwater fish is to ________ .

A.develop more different fish species

B.explore lots of fish protection areas

C.make streams run into the deeper rivers

D.plant trees around the streams and rivers

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the method ?

A.It brings problems if the water grows warmer

B.It needs little management .

C.It has its advantages and disadvantages

D.It is green but costs a great deal of money

4.What’s the main purpose of the text ?

A.To help people know more about freshwater fish

B.To introduce a method to protect freshwater fish

C.To explain why freshwater fish lost their habitat

D.To show how the weather affects freshwater fish .



How would you like to learn more without having to study more?Here’s how:
1.Get to bed and go to sleep.Your performance,attention,and the ability to concentrate are damaged by lack of sleep.Teenagers need nine to ten hours of sleep a night for best performance.
2.Feed your head.The brain runs badly if it doesn’t get enough fuel.That means protein(蛋白质)and complex carbs (复合碳水化合物)-eggs and wheat bread for breakfast,say,rather than sugary cereal(含糖的麦片粥)and orange juice.The biggest mistake teens make is not to have breakfast or to go for sugar,which raises blood sugar levels.
3.Body exercise is brain exercise.Body exercise really improves brain performance,perhaps because it increases blood flow,or perhaps because it reduces stress and anxiety(焦虑).Twenty minutes of activity a day that raises your heart rate will do great good.
4.Learn now what you want to remember for the rest of your life.Teenage brains are much better at remembering things than the brains  of young children or adults.Scientists aren’t sure why.Whatever the reason,the teenage years are the time to learn new languages and master other lifelong skills.
5.Learn the power of risk taking.Adults are always worried about the downside of teenage risktaking,and it’s true that teenagers are more likely than adults to get themselves in trouble by drinking and driving.But the fact that the parts of the brain that drive people to try new,risky,and exciting things appear to be more developed in teenagers can be a huge advantage.Pick certain challenges-difficult sports,a hard job,mastering a performance art,traveling overseas-and the teenage brain is able to deal with them.They have this power they’re given to go out and do it without fear.
6.Learn what you love.Because emotional(情感的)systems develop fast in teenager brains,teenagers learn things they’re interested in quickly and well.Their brains give them tools like attention on the project

  1. 1.

    According to the passage,teenagers should have    for breakfast

    1. A.
      wheat bread and eggs
    2. B.
      sugar and orange juice
    3. C.
      sugar and bread
    4. D.
      wheat bread and orange juice
  2. 2.

    Body exercise plays a part in all the following EXCEPT    

    1. A.
      making people less anxious
    2. B.
      raising heart rate
    3. C.
      reducing blood pressure
    4. D.
      reducing stress
  3. 3.

    The underlined word “downside” in the passage probably means    

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    It can be learned from the passage that    

    1. A.
      teenagers learn quickly when they are fond of something
    2. B.
      teenagers should be forbidden to drive
    3. C.
      scientists know why teenagers have a good memory
    4. D.
      teenagers need less sleep than adults

