You are , so am I. You aren’t (haven’t, can’t, won’t) , neither (nor) am I. You are not-, I am not - either. -. So it is with - He is a student. So he is. 查看更多



Hi, Daisy,

I am wandering why you haven’t showed up online for such a long time. 

I’m sorry to know that your mother is ______(严重地)       1.___________

ill in hospital. ______________ is no doubt that this affects          2.___________

your life greatly. I understand ____________ you are feeling           3.________

at the moment and I truly wish that I could be _____ any help.         4._____

Life can be hard at times. We had no c______ but to meet it.            5.______

No matter what h_________, you need to remain optimistic               6.______

and t_______________ what you can to help your parents.            7.______

It is by meeting ___________(困难) and overcoming them         8._____

that one learns how to survive. Besides, be k_____ to yourself.            9._________

I believe your mother will be all right ___________ long.              10._____

Hope we can talk soon.



【小题1】He went through all kinds of h_______(苦难) in the old society.
【小题2】We decided that we should e_______ (选举)a new sales manager.
【小题3】The brothers d________(不同;相异) widely in their tastes.
【小题4】She u______(承担) full responsibility for the failure of the project..
【小题5】The a ______(突然的) change of the schedule gave me lots of trouble.
【小题6】I cannot b______(忍受) the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue.
【小题7】You are very much m________(错误的) if you think that people will agree to these changes.
【小题8】People work in libraries spend a lot of time c______(分类) books..
【小题9】I’m sorry to i______(打断) you but how could they live there?
【小题10】Some flat mates are neat and tidy while others are very m_______(脏乱的).



       What is a yawn(哈欠) and why do people yawn? A yawn is often associated with a person being tired.    People yawn for many reasons including stress, boredom, emotion and overwork.

      Have you noticed that yawning seems to be contagious (会传染的)? If one person yawns, this appears to cause another person to yawn.Researchers have found that 40-60% of people who see a picture of someone yawning will yawn themselves.

      Some people think that yawning is rude and suggests that you are bored or uninterested.Maybe a yawn is a signal to a group that it’s time to go to sleep, or if someone yawns when they're bored, it may be a sign to change the topic of conversation. Animals of all types yawn.If you have a dog or cat, you've probably seen your pet yawn several times.Even some birds yawn such as cockatiel parrots, Adelie penguins and Emperor penguins.

      Some of the scientific explanations of why we yawn claim it is caused by physical needs.One likely explana??tion is that the yawning reflex happens when our blood needs more oxygen.The deep breath helps supply the levels of oxygen in our blood. It is also thought that the same chemicals in our brain that affect our moods and emotions cause us to yawn.

       Superstitions about yawning have been around for hundreds of years and can date back to the ancient Greeks.A common superstition says that a person must cover his or her mouth when yawning so that the soul does not escape through the mouth.  Today most people do not believe these superstitions and know that a yawn is a physical reflex.

       A.Did you yawn while reading this article?

       B.Yawning is not limited to humans.

       C.It will make you lose interest in your work.

       D.But this is not always the cause for a yawn.

       E.Even reading the word YAWN can make people yawn.

       F.However, it doesn't mean that you need rest or relax??ation.

       G.Other people believe that yawning is a sign that danger is near.

       H.Another common theory is that a yawn helps regulate our body temperature.


Driving in a foreign country is always different in at least some ways from driving in your own country. Here are some general points regarding driving in New Zealand.

l  Visitors wishing to drive in New Zealand do not require an international driver’s license but are required to carry their local driver’s license whenever driving.

l  Vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road as they do in Britain, Australia, and Japan. Most rental vehicles will have a sticker reminding you of this important fact.

l  When the traffic light is red, you must stop. There is no left turn rule as in North America.

l  New Zealand road rules follow international standards but please note that in New Zealand vehicles turning left must give way to traffic turning right.

l  In general, if you are turning left (where there are give-way signs or no signs), give way to vehicles that not turning. In all other situations, give way to vehicles crossing or coming from your right.

l  Seat belts must be worn at all times while driving in New Zealand. This stands for the driver and passengers. The driver is responsible for ensuring all passengers are wearing their seatbelts.

l  Do not drink alcohol before driving in New Zealanddrinking and driving laws are strictly enforced.

l  Speed limits are in kilometres per hour (kph), not miles per hour (mph).

Speed conversion: 1 kph equals 0.621 mph; 1 mph equals 1.61 kph.

l  The speed limit on the open road is 100km/h. In towns and cities the speed limit is 50km/h. Be sure to obey all school crossing speed reductions as speed cameras operate regularly throughout New Zealand.

For further information and up to date road conditions visit:

1.What can be learned from the passage?

   A. A passenger’s not wearing the seat belt has little to do with the driver.

B. There will be a reminder for drivers to remember to drive on the left side.

C. Cars passing a school in towns should drive at a speed of less than 31 mph.

D. A foreign driver is expected to have a driving license issued by New Zealand.

2.Which of the following statements correctly explains road rules in New Zealand?

   A. In Figure 1, Car B must give way to Car A.

   B. In Figure 2, Car B must give way to Car A.

   C. In Figure 3, Car B must give way to Car A.

   D. In Figure 4, Car B must give way to Car A.
















3.This passage is most likely ____________.

   A. a travel brochure for locals

   B. a website travel introduction

   C. an advertisement of travel

   D. a travel column in a geographical magazine







M: You are a stamp-collector, aren't you?

W: I particularly like this h   76   .                               76.          

I have collected stamps for more than nine years.

M: Nine years? That's a   77 ! How did you keep                    77.          

this hobby for such a long time? I u  78      to collect stamps       78.          

when I was in high school. But soon I felt b   79                    79.          

and then stop the hobby.

W: How did you collect stamps t   80  ?                          80.          

M: Well, I bought new issues at the post office

and put them into my stamp a   81  . How about you?              81.          

W: I narrow down my collection to one t   82  , that is,              82.          

Chinese Characters. I collect Chinese and f   83   stamps.           83.          

W: That sounds e   84  .                                       84.          

M: Yes, b   85  , I also take part in stamp exhibitions.                85.       


