dig dig potatoes in the field dig for dig up conclude sth. 查看更多



BUKHANNON, West Virginia—Two rescue teams slowly moved along a two-mile path on Monday night to the site of a coal mine explosion that trapped 13 miners, who had not been heard from since the early morning accident.
  Meanwhile, at a nearby church, more than 250 family members and friends gathered, waiting for updates(最新报道)on the rescuers’ progress.
  The miners were trapped at about 6:30 and many families weren’t informed of the accident until about 10 a.m---more than three hours after it happened.“It’s very upsetting, but you’ve got to be patient, I guess,” said John Helms, whose brother, Terry, was trapped in the mine.
   The trapped miners were about 260 feet underground and about 10,000 feet from the Sago Mine’s entrance, said Roger Nicholson, general counsel from International Coal Group.
   At a late night news conference, Nicholson said one team had advanced about 4, 800 feet in the four hours since entering the mine just before 6 p.m.Another team entered the mine about 30 minutes later.
   He said the crew was very experienced, with some members having worked underground for
30 to 35 years.The miners were equipped with about one hour of breathable oxygen each.The company has not released the names of the miners.
  The teams test the air about every 500 feet, and have to disconnect (remove) the power to the phones they use to communicate with the surface before doing that.“ We don’t want to be energizing anything if it’s in an atmosphere with burnable gases,” Kips said.
   The cause of the explosion was not immediately known.High levels of carbon monoxide were discovered shortly after the explosion, which delayed rescue efforts, but those levels have since subsided(减退), authorities said.

1.According to the passage, we can infer that ________.

  A.all the miners who were trapped underground were still alive

  B.communication with the trapped miners was cut off

  C.the two rescue teams entered the mine at the same time

            D.the rescue started as soon as the accident happened

2.If the first team advanced at an average speed, they could dig about _______ per hour.
   A.1,000 feet             B.2,400 feet    C.1,200feet    D.4,800feet

3.Where can the passage be seen?

   A.In a magazine.            B.In a newspaper. 

  C.In a science book..         D.On an advertisement.




  BUKHANNON, West Virginia-Two rescue teams slowly moved along a two-mile path on Monday night to the site of a coal mine explosion that trapped 13 miners, who had not been heard from since the early morning accident.

  Meanwhile, at a nearby church, more than 250 family members and friends gathered, waiting for updates(最新报道)on the rescuers’ progress.

  The miners were trapped at about 6:30 and many families weren't informed of the accident until about 10 a.m-more than three hours after it happened.“It's very upsetting, but you’ve got to be patient, I guess, ” said John Helms, whose brother, Terry, was trapped in the mine.

  The trapped miners were about 260 feet underground and about 10, 000 feet from the Sago Mine's entrance, said Roger Nicholson, general counsel from International Coal Group.

  At a late night news conference, Nicholson said one team had advanced about 4, 800 feet in the four hours since entering the mine just before 6 p.m.Another team entered the mine about 30 minutes later.

  He said the crew was very experienced, with some members having worked underground for 30 to 35 years.The miners were equipped with about one hour of breathable oxygen each.The company has not released the names of the miners.

  The teams test the air about every 500 feet, and have to disconnect(remove)the power to the phones they use to communicate with the surface before doing that.“We don't want to be energizing anything if it's in an atmosphere with burnable gases, ” Kips said.The cause of the explosion was not immediately known.High levels of carbon monoxide were detected shortly after the explosion, which delayed rescue efforts, but those levels have since subsided(减退), authorities said.


According to the passage, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


all the miners who were trapped underground were still alive


communication with the trapped miners was cut off


the two rescue teams entered the mine at the same time


the rescue started as soon as the accident happened


If the first team advanced at an average speed, they could dig about ________ per hour.

[  ]


1, 000 feet


2, 400 feet


1, 200 feet


4, 800 feet



  Many years ago, when most people got their water direct from wells, they were sometimes annoyed by a dark liquid which came out of the ground and polluted the water.It smelt bad and was extremely dirty.Some people discovered that it was good for caulking(填……以防漏)boats-it prevented water getting in through cracks in the wood.Others found it was a good medicine for the stomach.But most people thought it was a nuisance(麻烦事).Today we have a rather different opinions about this substances as crude oil.

  In 1885,a young teacher at Yale University, Benjamin Silliman, became interested in crude oil.He soon found that it could be used as fuel for heating and lighting.So he asked his friend Edwin Drake, a railwayman, to try to produce this oil on his land in Philadelphia.Drake tried to collect the oil, which was seeping to the surface, by digging a large hole.This was not successful and flow out in a great stream.The first oil well had started production and the age of oil was just approaching.Today, J.P.Getty and Hughes, who are said to be the world's two richest men, both have fortunes based on oil-the first on the Standard Oil Co.and the second

on a highly fortunes efficient oil drilling tool.


Silliman was said to be the man ________.

[  ]


who dig the first oil


who tried to collect the oil by digging


who discovered its usefulness for heating and lighting


who tried to produce this oil


According to the first paragraph, people dislike crude oil because ________.

[  ]


it affected people's noses


it affected their bodies


it polluted their water


all of the above


From the passage we would say that ________.

[  ]


Philadelphia was rich in oil resources


Edwin Drake was a young teacher, too


Drake's first efforts to collect the oil were successful


Drake failed to collect the oil by drilling


By the example of J.P.Getty and Hughes, the author implies that ________.

[  ]


the latter was a successful man


oil is black gold


most people try to have their fortunes based on oil


those who want to be the richest men in the world must run oil industry



1.After g , a large number of college students go to west China at the appeal(号召) of government.

2. Mother has p me a gift if I do well in my final exam.

3. Mary is my best friend and I v   the friendship between us.

4. Mandela offered guidance to poor black people on their l________ problems.

5. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to b______ the dead.

6. At m__________ the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter.

7. She gave me a d_____________ look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.

8. Later in the next century, people from England made v_________ to conquer other parts of the world.

9. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be e______________.

10. Our Greek cities used to compete against each other just for the h_________ of winning.   



  BUKHANNON, West Virginia-Two rescue teams slowly moved along a two-mile path on Monday night to the site of a coal mine explosion that trapped 13 miners, who had not been heard from since the early morning accident

  Meanwhile, at a nearby church, more than 250 family members and friends gathered, waiting for updates(最新报道)on the rescuers' progress.

  The miners were trapped at about 6∶30 and many families weren't informed of the accident until about 10 a. m-more than three hours after it happened“It's very upsetting, but you've got to be patient, I guess,” said John Helms, whose brother, Terry, was trapped in the mine

  The trapped miners were about 260 feet underground and about 10, 000 feet from the Sago Mine's entrance, said Roger Nicholson, general counsel from International Coal Group

  At a late night news conference, Nicholson said one team had advanced about 4, 800 feet in the four hours since entering the mine just before 6 p. m.Another team entered the mine about 30 minutes later.

  He said the crew was very experienced, with some members having worked underground for 30 to 35 yearsThe miners were equipped with about one hour of breathable oxygen eachThe company has not released the names of the miners

  The teams test the air about every 500 feet, and have to disconnect(remove)the power to the phones they use to communicate with the surface before doing that“We don't want to be energizing anything if it's in an atmosphere with burnable gases,” Kips said

  The cause of the explosion was not immediately known.High levels of carbon monoxide were discovered shortly after the explosion, which delayed rescue efforts, but those levels have since subsided(减退), authorities said.


According to the passage, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


all the miners who were trapped underground were still alive


communication with the trapped miners was cut off


the two rescue teams entered the mine at the same time


the rescue started as soon as the accident happened


If the first team advanced at an average speed, they could dig about ________ per hour.

[  ]


1, 000 feet


2, 400 feet


1, 200feet


4, 800feet


Where can the passage be seen?

[  ]


In a magazine


In a newspaper.


In a science book..


On an advertisement.


Which of the following shows the position where the miners were trapped?

