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1. Daniel needn’t     (finish) his homework now and he can do it

after school.

2. It’s bad     ( not take) exercise for some time a day.

3. Try this kind of mango, and I’m sure you     (like) it.

4. We will go to the cinema if it     (be) sunny tomorrow.

5. Look! Tom     (play) with his parrot.

6. The skirt makes her     (look) pretty.

7. I     (take) the photo in Beijing two years ago.

8. He spends more than two hours     (do) his homework every day.



  After school, Tim, Sam, Kathy and Julie   1  (go)to the office of the Brown’s Building Company.“Can we see Mr.Brown, please?” said Sam to the receptionist.

  “Mr.Brown   2   often ________(not come)here in the afternoon.but he   3  (work)in his office now.It’s on the fifth floor.

  The children   4  (take)the lift to the fifth floor.The door of Mr.Brown’s office   5  (be)open.The children walked in but Mr.Brown wasn’t there.There   6  (be)large drawings on the wall.

  “What   7   you ________(do)?” said Sam to Kathy.

  “I   8  (look)at these plans, ” said Kathy.“They are the plans for Upton Wood!”

  The children looked at the drawings.

  “There   9  (not be)any trees in the plan.”

  “We must tell our friends at school about this plan and   10  (stop)it,” said Sam.



  For your next vacation, why not consider   1  (visit)Paris? Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.It   2  (not have)any beaches or mountains, but there are many things   3  (do)there.For example, it   4  (have)some fantastic sights,   5  (include)the Eiffel Tower and Dame Cathedral.

  Traveling around Paris by taxi   6  (cost)a lot of money, but it’s usually convenient   7  (take)the underground train to most places.Most people in France   8  (learn)English.But they don’t like to speak English.So unless you   9  (speak)French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who   10  (translate)things for you.



  Steven is visiting his cousin Anna.He has never been to her house before and so he does not know how to get there.Before he left, Anna gave him some directions over the telephone.

  “Take the number 7 bus to the Lakeside shopping centre.Get off the bus and look ahead of you.You will see an art museum.Go towards the museum and turn right at third crossing.On the corner is a police station.Walk about 50 meters and you will find our house across the street on the left.It is a small white house with a large cherry tree in the garden.It is number 13.”

  Steven got off the bus at the shopping centre.He looked ahead but he could not see an art museum.He decided to ask someone the way.

  “Excuse me! Do you know where the art museum is?”Steven asked a young man.

  “I'm sorry, I don't know.I'm just visiting the town,”said the young man.

  Steven tried again.‘Excuse me! Is there an art museum near here?’

  ‘Yes, there is,’said a woman.‘Go along this road until you see a bookshop.Turn left and you will see the Woodford Art Gallery.’

  ‘Thanks very much,’said Steven.Steven walked to the art museum.Then he looked for the police station.He could not see it anywhere.So he asked an old man.‘Excuse me, where is the police station, please?’

  The old man said,‘It's near the shopping centre.Go across this bridge and take the first turning on the right.It's between the bank and the post office.You can't miss it!’

  Steven walked over the bridge and take the first turning on his right.He found the police station just as the old man had said.He walked up the street and looked for a small white cherry tree in the garden.There was only a school and a park.

  “I'm lost,”thought Steven.He decided to telephone Anna again and ask her to fetch him.

1.Why didn't Steven know how to get to Anna's house?


2.Why couldn't the young man help Steven?


3.Was the police station near the shopping centre?


4.Where was the park?


5.What happened to Steven?




  Welcome to this short tour of London.In this square we are standing in the middle of London.Opposite 对面)is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings.Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace.The queen(后)lives here.

  Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.Opposite you can see the London Eye.It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames.You can see most of London on a clear day.

  When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat.You can get the boat near Big Ben.As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right, near the Railway Bridge.

  Get off the boat at Tower Bridge.Then you can see the Tower of London next to the bridge.The Tower of London is the city’s oldest palace.It is nine hundred years old.

  Take the boat back along the river.Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street.Opposite is the old fruit and vegetable market.They don’t sell fruit and vegetables now.There are stores and restaurants, and lots of street musicians.Turn left into King’s Street, and go past the church.You’re now back where you started, at the square.Now you finish your tour.


If you go to visit the National Gallery, what will you find?

[  ]


lots of lovely animals


lots of valuable plants


lots of famous paintings


lots of interesting books


Where can you get the boat?

[  ]


Near Buckingham Palace.


Near Big Ben.


Near Tower Bridge.


Near King’s Street.


_________ is London’s oldest palace.

[  ]


The Tower of London


The National Gallery


Buckingham Palace


The Houses of Parliament


_________ is the London Eye.

[  ]










You will not go past _________ on your way back.

[  ]


the station


the square


the park


the church

