hand in 上交 九年级英语Unit12 查看更多



1. My sister is __________, so I have take good care of her at home.
2. __________ the end of the day, we clea'ned the classroom and left for home happily.
3. I don't have __________ money to buy such an expensive MP5 player.
4. Peter,  this is my new car.  Would 'you like to go for a __________ with me in this' afternoon?
5. You should __________ your answers before you hand in(上交) your papers.


     My dear kids, here are some _____ for you. As the students in our school, you have to obey (遵守) 
    Don't __2___ late for school. You have to be here by eight.
    Don't eat in the classroom __3___ you can eat in the dining hall.
    Get back home before six in the afternoon.
    You can't eat ___4__ and you can only eat at school at noon
    Don't ___5__ with your classmates or other students.  
    You can wear glasses in class. But you can't wear __6___.
    Clean the ___7__ after school.
    You have to __8___ sports shoes for P. E. class in the ___9__.
    You can't go out on school _10____.It is dangerous to go out at night.  .
    Go to the music room if you want to listen to music.
    Hand in (上交) your homework on time.
(     ) 1. A. opinions
(     ) 2. A. fun    
(     ) 3. A. or    
(     ) 4. A. inside
(     ) 5. A. talk  
(     ) 6. A. wallet
(     ) 7. A. study  
(     ) 8. A. wear  
(     ) 9. A. gym    
(     ) 10. A. morning
B. suggestions  
B. arrive      
B. so          
B. beside      
B. wash        
B. sunglasses  
B. shop        
B. on          
B. dining hall  
B. noon        
C. guides  
C. return  
C. but      
C. outside  
C. stand    
C. belt    
C. classroom
C. in      
C. palace  
C. afternoon
D. rules  
D. walk  
D. and    
D. around
D. fight  
D. clothes
D. bedroom
D. with  
D. square
D. nights


     The teacher was giving the students a written exam (写作测验). He wanted them to write a composition
(作文)- "My Dog", no less than(不少于) 150 words.
     Little Tommy thought for a minute. Then he wrote "I have a dog. I call (叫做) him Bobby. I like my dog.
He is all black, only the nose is white …"Tommy stopped writing and counted (数) the words - 21. He
scratched(搔,抓) his head, thought for a few minutes and went on (继续……)."Every day, I take Bobby out
for a walk in the park. But when it rains, I do not take him out for a walk."Another 24 words. Tommy
scratched his head again, looked at the ceiling(天花板), then looked at the blackboard. He found nothing there.
He sighed (叹了一口气). Suddenly an idea came to him. He smiled (微笑) happily, and wrote quickly,"When
I want Bobby to come to, I call Bobby!Bobby! Bobby! If he still does not come, I just shout (大声地叫),
Bobby!Bobby! Bobby! Bobby…!" Tommy counted the words 149. He added(加) one more"Bobby", wrote
down his name and handed it in(hand in 上交) to the teacher.
1. The teacher asked the students to write a composition about _____.
A. my dog
B. Tommy
C. Bobby
D. a dog
2. Tommy found _____ on the ceiling.
A. an idea
B. a dog
C. nothing
D. some words
3. Which word comes most in Tommy's composition?
A. Dog
B. Bobby
C. I
D. He
4. Tommy's composition is _____ words.
A. 24
B. 45
C. 149
5. Choose (选择) the topic (题目) for the passage.
A. A composition
B. An Exam
C. My Dog
D. Bobby


Welcome to Phillip Island Nature Park and the penguin parade (企鹅列队). You will see the world’s smallest penguins— the little penguins appearing from the ocean (大洋) and crossing the beach to their home in line. It’s a natural experience. Remember the Little penguins are wild. You are a visitor to their home.

Making the most of your visit

Here are some helpful hints (提示):

●The penguin parade last 50 minutes from the time penguins first cross the beach.

●Dress in warm clothes, for the parade is in the open air on the beach.

●It is best to get down to the beach at least 15 minutest before the parade begins.

Protecting the Penguins

We do have some simple rules—designed to protect the penguins and make your visit more enjoyable.

●Photography (摄影)—including video camera is not allowed (允许). Make sure that your camera is put inside your bag, or in a bag provided, before walking down to the beach, Photos can be bought at proper price in the gift shop.

●Smoking is not allowed anywhere.

●And remember, the penguins are wild birds so please don’t try to touch (触摸) them.

1 During the penguin parade, people________.

A. are allowed to smoke               B. should wear warm clothes.

C. have to hand in (上交) their bags                 D. can take photos of the penguins

2 The underlined word “rules” probably means _______ in Chinese.

  A. 娱乐                    B. 窍门                C. 宪法                D. 规章

3 Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A. The little penguins go back home in line.    

B. People can buy photos as a gift.

C. People have a chance to touch the penguins.

D. The penguin parade takes place on the beach.



Dear Li Lei,
     Thanks for your email. Your school life is very interesting. I hope I can go and visit you soon (不久).
Now I'd like to tell you something about my school life in England.
      In England, school is from Monday to Friday. It often begins at nine o'clock. First we go to meet our
teacher for registration (报道). Then we have our classes. Each class is forty-five minutes. There is a rest
about twenty minutes in the morning. During the rest, we can buy food from the school shop. A lot of
students have lunch at school and others bring their hamburgers or go home. Students have to wear school
uniforms and we also have sportswear for P.E. class. Class are over at about three thirty in the afternoon and
then there are a lot of activities, for example, sports and music clubs. I know Chinese students usually have a
lot of homework. We have homework, too, but not much.
      I have many friends here. I would like you to meet them, if you like. Keep in touch.
1. What time does Bill begin his class?
A. At seven thirty
B. At eight
C. At nine
D. Three thirty in the afternoon
2. What do Bill and his classmates do first in the morning?
A. Do morning exercises.
B. Go to their teacher for registration.
C. Hand in(上交) homework
D. Have P.E. class.
3. How long is each class in England?
A.45 minutes
B. 40 minutes
C. 35 minutes
D. 30 minutes
4. The word "sportswear" in the passage means _____.
A. 校服
B. 制服
C. 运动服
D. 礼服
5. Which of the following is true?
A. Students in China have little homework to do.
B. Students in England don't have much work to do at home.
C. Students in England don't have any activities in school.
D. Students in China have a lot of activities after class.

