21.When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took possession of it in name of the British Crown. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; / D. /; the 查看更多



When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took _____ possession of it in ______name of the British Crown.

A. the; the    B. the; /    C. /; /   D. /; the



When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took _____ possession of it in ______name of the British Crown.

  1. A.
    the; the
  2. B.
    the; /
  3. C.
    /; /
  4. D.
    /; the


When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took _____ possession of it in ______name of the British Crown.

A. the; the    B. the; /    C. /; /   D. /; the


When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took _____ possession of it in ______name of the British Crown.

A.the; the          B.the; /           C./; /          D./; the


When Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took _____ possession of it in ______name of the British Crown.

A.the; theB.the; /C./; /D./; the

