What does the man think of New York ? A. It’s a city difficult to take a taxi during rush hours. B. It’ a city full of subways. C. It’s an easy city to get around. Conversation 3 查看更多



When an official at the U. S. Open Pocket Pool(台球)Championship saw a 9-year-old girl playing at one of the tournament tables, he told her that spectators(观众)were not allowed to play. But much to his surprise, the girl was actually a competitor. That was nine years ago, and today, with five U. S. Open Women’s titles behind her and a recently won world championship, no one is likely to mistake Jean Balukas for a spectator again.
It doesn’t seem too surprising that Jean became caught up in pool——her father owns a pool hall within walking distance of the family’s home in Brooklyn. When she was just tall enough to see over the table, she fell in love with the game soon. Five years later Jean was ready to enter her first U. S. Open. She still remembers the letter the officials sent her reminding her that she wouldn’t be allowed to stand on a box to play.

As Jean improved, she found it increasingly difficult to play games at her father’s pool hall. “If I’d beat one of the guys, his friends would laugh at them about losing to me,” she says. Now Jean comes to the hall only weeks before a tournament when she plays Johnny Goon, her father’s pool manager.
That Johnny can beat her shows the gap that now exists in pool — as in other sports — between the top men and women competitors. “I’m supposedly the top woman player, but I’d have a hard time beating the number 50 man,” says Jean. “If I was a boy and played pool, I’d be a nobody.”
Jean thinks that women pool players still have a long way to go because pool has been a man’s game for so long. “When they think of pool players, people have this picture in their head of gambling(赌博) and smoke,” she says.
Jean won four of the seven games in these two years. She was as surprised as anyone else at her performance, even though she was a New York City tennis champion and center for her high-school basketball team. Jean does not take full credit for her achievements, saying, “I think what I have in sports is a gift from God, and that’s why I can get out there and do so well.”

  1. 1.

    We can learn from the first passage that Jean Balukas_____

    1. A.
      had become well-known at the age of 9
    2. B.
      had achieved great fame at the age of 18
    3. C.
      was often asked to play with men players
    4. D.
      was refused to play in the U. S. Open for her young age
  2. 2.

    The letter Jean received before her first U. S. Open_____

    1. A.
      told her to arrive in time for the game
    2. B.
      showed people’s doubt about her ability
    3. C.
      told her about the basic rules of the game
    4. D.
      invited her to compete in the U. S. Open
  3. 3.

    Jean Balukas believed that women pool players_____

    1. A.
      fall far behind men players
    2. B.
      aren’t suitable for a man’s game
    3. C.
      are impossible to beat any man player
    4. D.
      have a bad reputation(名声) for gambling and smoking
  4. 4.

    By saying the underlined words in the last paragraph Jean meant that _____

    1. A.
      women players had a long way to go
    2. B.
      she wouldn’t stop before her great achievement
    3. C.
      she had much confidence in the game
    4. D.
      she achieved her success because of her born gift



  When an official at the U.S.Open Pocket Pool(台球)Championship saw a 9-year-old girl playing at one of the tournament tables, he told her that spectators(观众)were not allowed to play.But much to his surprise, the girl was actually a competitor.That was nine years ago, and today, with five U.S.Open Women's titles behind her and a recently won world championship, no one is likely to mistake Jean Balukas for a spectator again.

  It doesn't seem too surprising that Jean became caught up in pool-her father owns a pool hall within walking distance of the family's home in Brooklyn.When she was just tall enough to see over the table, she fell in love with the game soon.Five years later Jean was ready to enter her first U.S.Open.She still remembers the letter the officials sent her reminding her that she wouldn't be allowed to stand on a box to play.

  As Jean improved, she found it increasingly difficult to play games at her father's pool hall.“If I'd beat one of the guys, his friends would laugh at them about losing to me, ” she says.Now Jean comes to the hall only weeks before a tournament when she plays Johnny Goon, her father's pool manager.

  That Johnny can beat her shows the gap that now exists in pool-as in other sports-between the top men and women competitors.“I'm supposedly the top woman player, but I'd have a hard time beating the number 50 man, ” says Jean.“If I was a boy and played pool, I'd be a nobody.”

  Jean thinks that women pool players still have a long way to go because pool has been a man's game for so long.“When they think of pool players, people have this picture in their head of gambling(赌博)and smoke, ” she says.

  Jean won four of the seven games in these two years.She was as surprised as anyone else at her performance, even though she was a New York City tennis champion and center for her high-school basketball team.Jean does not take full credit for her achievements, saying, “I think what I have in sports is a gift from God, and that's why I can get out there and do so well.”


We can learn from the first passage that Jean Balukas ________.

[  ]


had become well-known at the age of 9


had achieved great fame at the age of 18


was often asked to play with men players


was refused to play in the U.S.Open for her young age


The letter Jean received before her first U.S.Open ________.

[  ]


told her to arrive in time for the game


showed people's doubt about her ability


told her about the basic rules of the game


invited her to compete in the U.S.Open


Jean Balukas believed that women pool players ________.

[  ]


fall far behind men players


aren't suitable for a man's game


are impossible to beat any man player


have a bad reputation(名声)for gambling and smoking


By saying the underlined words in the last paragraph Jean meant that ________.

[  ]


women players had a long way to go


she wouldn't stop before her great achievement


she had much confidence in the game


she achieved her success because of her born gift










How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where would the woman like to go?

[  ]

A.To go to the bank .

B.To go to Europe

C.To go to Japan.


2.When does the man think it will rain ?

[  ]

A.This morning .

B.Very soon .

C.Maybe later in the day.


3.What's the man's last name?

[  ]

A.Jordan .

B.Gorge .

C.Gordon .


4.Where is Frank now?

[  ]

A.At the university .

B.At his office .

C.On the way to his office.

5.Why wasn't the man surprised at the woman's words?

[  ]

A.Because that book was very difficult.

B.Because she doesn't have a good knowledge of English.

C.Because the man didn't understand it either .





6.What is the possible relations between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Mother and son.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Teacher and student.


7.What did the boy often do at school?

[  ]

A.He was often late for school.

B.He often fell asleep in class.

C.He often stayed after class.

8.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The boy refers to go out and work.

B.The boy hasn't much interest in school or in work.

C.The boy was sad because he hasn't passed the exam.


9.How old may the speakers probably be?

[  ]

A.They are in their thirties.

B.They are in their forties .

C.They are in their fifties.

10.When were they having this dialogue?

[  ]

A.After the man finished his work.

B.After they got up.

C.Before they had dinner.

11.How is the weather in New York compared with the weather in Florida?

[  ]

A.Colder .


C.It rains more.



12.What happened to the man?

[  ]

A.He was out of work .

B.He hurt his back.

C.Both A and B.

13.What do you think Puerto Rico is?

[  ]

A.The name of the man's uncle.

B.The name of an island .

C.The name of the man's farm.

14.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.The woman didn't like living in the city.

B.The woman grew up in New York.

C.The man could speak Spanish .


15.What can we learn about the couple?

[  ]

A.They had a restaurant.

B.They had a restaurant in the shopping center.

C.They had a successful shop .

16.What was the man considering?

[  ]

A.Being employed by the two men .

B.Opening a branch in the center.

C.Passing their management on to George and Jane.

17.Who were George and Jane?

[  ]

A.Relatives .

B.Neighbors .

C.Son and daughter.


18.What do Americans probably do when they are introduced to each other?

[  ]

A.They just smile and say “Hello” or “Hi” .

B.They often take off their gloves.

C.They often shake hands with each other .

19.Who can shake hands with gloves on?

[  ]

A.Men .

B.Women .

C.Children .


20.Which of the following are good manners in America?

[  ]

A.Men should reach out their hands first when they shake hands with ladies.

B.You should say goodbye to everybody before you leave a party.

C.Ladies should reach out their hands first when shaking hands with men.



When an official at the U. S. Open Pocket Pool(台球)Championship saw a 9-year-old girl playing at one of the tournament tables, he told her that spectators(观众)were not allowed to play. But much to his surprise, the girl was actually a competitor. That was nine years ago, and today, with five U. S. Open Women’s titles behind her and a recently won world championship, no one is likely to mistake Jean Balukas for a spectator again.
It doesn’t seem too surprising that Jean became caught up in pool——her father owns a pool hall within walking distance of the family’s home in Brooklyn. When she was just tall enough to see over the table, she fell in love with the game soon. Five years later Jean was ready to enter her first U. S. Open. She still remembers the letter the officials sent her reminding her that she wouldn’t be allowed to stand on a box to play.

As Jean improved, she found it increasingly difficult to play games at her father’s pool hall. “If I’d beat one of the guys, his friends would laugh at them about losing to me,” she says. Now Jean comes to the hall only weeks before a tournament when she plays Johnny Goon, her father’s pool manager.
That Johnny can beat her shows the gap that now exists in pool — as in other sports — between the top men and women competitors. “I’m supposedly the top woman player, but I’d have a hard time beating the number 50 man,” says Jean. “If I was a boy and played pool, I’d be a nobody.”
Jean thinks that women pool players still have a long way to go because pool has been a man’s game for so long. “When they think of pool players, people have this picture in their head of gambling(赌博) and smoke,” she says.
Jean won four of the seven games in these two years. She was as surprised as anyone else at her performance, even though she was a New York City tennis champion and center for her high-school basketball team. Jean does not take full credit for her achievements, saying, “I think what I have in sports is a gift from God, and that’s why I can get out there and do so well.”
【小题1】We can learn from the first passage that Jean Balukas_____.

A.had become well-known at the age of 9
B.had achieved great fame at the age of 18
C.was often asked to play with men players
D.was refused to play in the U. S. Open for her young age
【小题2】The letter Jean received before her first U. S. Open_____.
A.told her to arrive in time for the game
B.showed people’s doubt about her ability
C.told her about the basic rules of the game
D.invited her to compete in the U. S. Open
【小题3】Jean Balukas believed that women pool players_____.
A.fall far behind men players
B.aren’t suitable for a man’s game
C.are impossible to beat any man player
D.have a bad reputation(名声) for gambling and smoking
【小题4】By saying the underlined words in the last paragraph Jean meant that _____.
A.women players had a long way to go
B.she wouldn’t stop before her great achievement
C.she had much confidence in the game
D.she achieved her success because of her born gift





W:Oh, Michael…I didn’t tell you.My sister phoned yesterday.She wants to get married.

M:Married! She’s only seventeen.

1.What does Michael think of the woman’s sister?

A.She is not old enough to get married.

B.She is too old to get married.

C.She is married.

M:Waitress! I’d like the menu, please.

W:Here you are, sir.

2.Where is the man?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a train station.

C.In a restaurant.

M:Has the TV been repaired?

W:Yes.We’d expected the repairs to cost us about      dollars, but they charged us twice as much.

3.How much did the lady pay?




M:Hello, Jane.How lucky to run into you.Can you and Tom come to dinner tomorrow evening?

W:I think so.I don’t think we’re going out.

4.How does the woman respond?

A.She refuses to go to dinner.

B.She agrees to go to dinner.

C.She is angry.

M:I have to go to class because I have a test, but if I could, I’d go with you to the cinema.

W:That’s too bad.I wish that you could come along.

5.Where is the man going?

A.To class.

B.To the cinema.

C.To the doctor’s office.




M:Hello, Mrs Smith.How are you?

W:Fine, thanks, Mr Downs.How’s your boy, Jack?

M:He is a bit tired.You know, he goes to school at eight o’clock every morning.He doesn’t get home till after four.Then he does his homework after ten.It often takes him a couple of hours to finish it.

W:Poor boy.Children work hard at school nowadays, don’t they? Does he like it?

M:School, you mean? Yes, he does.He likes his teachers, and that always makes a difference.

W:Yes, it does.Does he go to school by bus?

M:No, he walks.He likes walking.He meets some of his friends at the corner and they go together.

W:What does he do when it rains?

M:His uncle takes him in the car.He passes the school on the way to the office.

6.What are the two talking about?

A.Mrs Smith.

B.Mr Downs.

C.Mr Downs’ son.

7.How long does a school day last?

A.At least 8 hours.

B.About 6 hours.

C.Nearly 7 hours.

8.How does Jack usually go to school?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By car.


M:Hello! Can I speak to Susan, please?

W:Speaking.Is that you, Tom?

M:Yes, it is.I am going to New Zealand in two weeks’ time, and my wife is going with me.

W:Oh, how lucky you are! How long are you going for?

M:For a couple of months, maybe half a year.My boss wants me to help set up a branch company there.Well, Susan, you have been to New Zealand several times.Can you give us some suggestions, or just tell us about that country?

W:I’d love to.We can have a talk sometime.

M:Why not come over to dinner in my house this weekend.My wife wants to meet you as well.

W:All right.What about Saturday?

M:OK.See you at 6∶00 p. m., this coming Saturday.Goodbye!

9.Who answered the phone?


B.Tom’s wife.


10.When are they going to New Zealand?

A.In half a year.

B.In a couple of months.

C.In two weeks.

11.Where are they going to meet?

A.At Susan’s.

B.At Tom’s.

C.In New Zealand.


M:As you can see, Maria, the railway station is very crowded during rush hours.

W:How many people do you suppose ride into New York every day to work?

M:I don’t know.Must be several hundred thousand at least.Maybe a million.

W:I’m glad they’re not all taking this train.

M:Oh, they come from all directions, and by many different means, by railroads, ferries and subways.Then of course, some people drive in.

W:I’m a little afraid I’ll get lost.

M:You’ll soon learn that New York is a very easy city to get around.

W:Let’s see, the “Avenues” run north and south and the “Streets” run east and west, don’t they?

M:That’s right.You won’t get lost when you travel alone.

W:I hope not.

12.What can Maria see?

A.Many trains.

B.Many planes.

C.Many people.

13.What’s the woman afraid of?

A.Driving in.

B.Taking ferries(摆渡).

C.Getting lost.

14.What kind of city is New York, according to the man?

A.An easy city to get around.

B.A city full of subways.

C.A city difficult to get around.


W:Good afternoon.

M:Good afternoon.My name’s William Turner.I want to make an appointment to see Dr Smith please.

W:Yes, of course, Mr Turner.May I have your address please?

M:108 Park Road, London.

W:Yes, we have you on our records.Can you manage this afternoon at 3:00?


W:Will 3:00 be all right?

M:Well, yes, but I prefer a later time so I can come along after work.

W:Then what about 5:30?

M:Well, that’s fine.Thank you.Goodbye.


15.Who is William Turner?

A.A close friend of Dr Smith’s.

B.A patient of Dr Smith’s.

C.Both A and B.

16.When will Mr Turner go to see Dr Smith?

A.At 4∶00 p. m.

B.At 5∶00 p. m.

C.At 5∶30 p. m.

17.What’s the main idea of this dialogue?

A.Mr Turner wants to make an appointment with Dr Smith.

B.Mr Turner will go to see Dr Smith at 5∶30 p. m.

C.Mr Turner is a patient of Dr Smith’s.


If a Chinese comes to England and wants to drive his car there, he must know the English rules of the road and the English traffic signs.One rule is that he must always drive on the left.Another rule is that he mustn’t drive faster than thirty mph through town and villages.If he does not pay attention to this speed limit, the police will soon be after him.The third rule is that cars on the main road have right of way.It is not easy to drive in London, because the traffic is so busy and buses and trucks sometimes block the roads.It is much less difficult to find your way if you go by one of the red buses or the underground.There are bus stops at every street corner.And if you cannot find one, ask a policeman.He will help you at once.

18.On which side of the road are cars driven in England?

A.On the left.

B.On the right.

C.The passage doesn’t tell about that.

19.What can we know from the passage?

A.We know police in England are often after you.

B.We know police in England are often helpful.

C.We know police in England are often impolite.

20.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.English Traffic

B.Come to England

C.Traffic Rules

