What’s the possible relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and secretary. B. Husband and wife. C. Workmates. Conversation 6 查看更多



1. What are the man and woman talking about?  

A. Their trip to American.
B. Their friend's trip to London.
C. Their vacation plane. 

2. What was the weather like in the London at this time?   
A. It's very hot.        
B. It's a little cool.        
C. It's warm and nice.
3. What do the man and the woman think of a trip to London?  
A. There are too many travelers at this time.
B. It's too expensive for them.
C. It's a good vacation choice. 
4. What's the most possible relationship between the two speakers? 
A. Friends          
B. Boss and secretary.  
C. Husband and wife.


1. What's the possible relationship between the speakers?
[     ]
A. Coach and player.
B. Boss and secretary.
C. Husband and wife.
2. What did the man do last night?
[     ]
A. He wrote a report.
B. He worked with Mr. Cook.
C. He made a desk.
3. What can we know from the conversation?
[     ]
A. Tom doesn't like his brother.
B. The man doesn't think Tom is always lazy.
C. Tom has a hard time at school.
4. Where is the sound from all day yesterday according to the woman?
[     ]
A. A baby.
B. A cow.
C. A cat.
5. How many eggs did the man buy?
[     ]

A. 20
B. 24
C. 12





1..What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife

B.Customer and clerk

C.Boss and secretary

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant

B.At home

C.On the phone

3.What’s the matter with Mr.Chen?

A.He had words with the boss.

B.He hasn’t won the game.

C.He hasn’t done well this year.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.The man is out of shape.

B.The man doesn’t need a racket.

C.The man also needs new tennis shoes.

5.What does the man think of the movie?

A.It’s enjoyable.

B.It’s terrific.

C.It’s old-fashioned.




6.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He has a cough.

B.He has a toothache.

C.He has a headache.

7.What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Brother and sister.


C.Doctor and patient.

8.What will the man do first?

A.Have a medical examination.

B.Call his doctor.

C.Arrange some business affairs.


9.What is the man’s mobile phone number?




10.When can Mr.Johnson reach the man at his office number?

A.Before 8pm.

B.Before 7pm.

C.Before 6pm.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man is working for ABC Imports.

B.The man is working for Star Electronics.

C.Mr.Johnson is out now.


12.What day is today probably?




13.What does the man have to do first?

A.Make his bed.

B.Clean the bathroom.

C.Wipe the walls.

14.What is the woman going to do when the man was doing his work?

A.Work in the yard.

B.Go out for lunch.

C.Go shopping.


15.Why did the man move?

A.He found a job.

B.Transportation was awful.

C.The neighborhood he lived in was poor.

16.How does the woman go to work?

A.By bus.

B.By subway.

C.By car.

17.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.It took the man half an hour to work before he moved.

B.It takes the woman ten minutes to go to work.

C.The man used to take public transportation.


18.What did Jackson do in London?

A.A businessman.

B.A professor.

C.An engineer.

19.What did Jackson’s wife find?

A.Jackson was very interesting.

B.Jackson was unhappy.

C.Jackson was funny.

20.What did Jackson’s wife suggest?

A.Taking a trip.

B.Retiring in advance.

C.Moving to Australia.





1.What is Mr.Carson doing?

A.He is making a telephone call.

B.He is having a meeting.

C.He is making a speech.

2.What are the two speakers going to do?

A.Watch a football match.

B.Go out for a walk.

C.Watch TV at home.

3.What does the man mean?

A.He has no interest in wild life protection.

B.He is sorry to fail in the examination.

C.He doesn't want to join the group.

4.Where did the woman stay while she was in Brighton?

A.She stayed in her friend's house.

B.She stayed in a hotel with her friends.

C.She camped near the mountains.

5.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She is a middle school student.

B.She works in a food processing factory.

C.She is in charge of the school.




6.Why can't the man hear the woman clearly?

A.Because it is too noisy in the house.

B.Because something is wrong with the line.

C.Because the woman speaks too fast.

7.When did the meeting originally plan to start?

A.At 2 o'clock.

B.At 2∶30.

C.At 3 o'clock.

听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。

8.How long did the woman stay in New York?

A.15 days.

B.25 days.

C.50 days.

9.What did the woman mainly learn in the course?




10.What did the woman find interesting about the American classes?

A.The teachers are very kind.

B.There are many foreign students.

C.The students have more freedom.


11.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.


C.Husband and wife.

12.When does the movie start at the New State?

A.At 70∶00.

B.At 60∶30.

C.At 50∶20.

13.When will they go to the movies?


B.Friday night.

C.Saturday evening.


14.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?




15.How was the weather like there?




16.What did the children do in the evenings?

A.They watched TV.

B.They did homework.

C.They played on the beach.

17.Why did the man speaker say they were lucky?

A.They met their old friends from New York.

B.An old couple helped look after their children.

C.They and the couple took turns looking after the children.


18.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.How to improve English.

B.English Newspapers.

C.English teachers.

19.What makes it easier for the woman to learn English?

A.She has many American friends.

B.She can already speak two languages.

C.She always does her homework.

20.Which of the following has NOT been suggested by the woman speaker?

A.Reading English papers.

B.Listening to the tape.

C.Talking to Americans.



1.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.Open the window.

B.Find another room.

C.Go out with the woman.

2.What do we know about Peter Schmidt?

[  ]

A.He has lost his ticket.

B.He is expecting a ticket.

C.He went out to buy a ticket.

3.What do we know about mother and son?

[  ]

A.She wants to tell him the result of the game.

B.She doesn't like him to watch TV.

C.She knows which team he supports.

4.What are the speakers talking about?

[  ]

A.Exam results.

B.Time for the exam.

C.Change of class hours.

5.What will the woman tell the man?

[  ]

A.Her company's name.

B.Her new address.

C.Her phone number.



6.What is the possible relationship between the woman and the man?

[  ]

A.Wife and husband.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Boss and secretary.

7.What does the woman think about the man?

[  ]

A.He is not good to the children.

B.He is not telling the truth.

C.He sleeps too much.


8.Where does the woman want to go?

[  ]

A.An office.

B.A fruit shop.

C.A police station.

9.What does the woman have to do now?

[  ]

A.Wait for Mark at the crossroads.

B.Walk ahead and turn right.

C.Walk a little way back.


10.What exactly does the man want to find out?

[  ]

A.What people think of the bus service.

B.How many people are using the bus service.

C.Which group of people use the bus service most often.

11.What does the woman say about the bus service?

[  ]

A.The distance between bus stops is too long.

B.The bus timetables are full of mistakes.

C.Buses are often not on time.

12.Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate?

[  ]

A.He often goes to work in a friend's car.

B.He doesn't need to go shopping by bus.

C.He lives close to the bus station.


13.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Salesperson and customer.

B.Old school friends.

C.Fellow workers.

14.What do we know about the woman?

[  ]

A.She is fond of her work.

B.She is tired of traveling.

C.She is interested in law.

15.What is the man?

[  ]

A.A company manager.

B.A salesperson.

C.A lawyer.

16.Why does the woman ask for the man's address?

[  ]

A.To send him a book.

B.To get together with him.

C.To repair something at his home.


17.What is the aim of the program?

[  ]

A.To keep trainees in shape.

B.To improve public relations.

C.To develop leadership skills.

18.Which of the following will the trainees be doing during the program?

[  ]

A.Attending lectures on management.

B.Preparing reports for the company.

C.Making plans for a journey.

19.How long will the program last?

[  ]

A.8 days.

B.12 days.

C.20 days.

20.If people want to join the program, what should they do after the meeting?

[  ]

A.Take a pre-test.

B.Pay for the program.

C.Sign on a piece of paper.

