E If you’re wondering where the man of the house has got to, he’s probably on the phone . Men have swapped places with women as the family chatterbox, a survey has found . They dominate the house phone as well as constantly chatting on their mobiles. The average man is on the phone for 32 minutes a day, up from 22 five years ago . Women, on the other hand , spend a daily average of 26 minutes on the phone , down from 35 in 2002 . But it’s not because they suddenly have less to say. Women appear to prefer to share their gossip using e-mail and text messages, said the study of 3, 500 adults. Calling banks or insurance companies, buying tickets and booking restaurant tables were included in the conversations used to calculate the time spent on the phone. Work calls, however, were not. Almost three in ten men said that sport was their favorite topic , followed by 22 per cent who discussed the mysteries of women and 20 per cent the even greater mysteries of money . A third of women said they chatted most about men . A similar number said what to wear was their main topic of conversation . Other top subjects were mutual friends and making plans to socialize. Scotland boasts the biggest chatterboxes with 62 per cent of all adults spending more than 30 minutes a day on the phone. Those in the South West and Wales also tend to be hooked on their phones. 72. The underlined word “chatterbox might mean . A. a box used for chatting B. an over talkative person C. chatting about box D. telephones used for chatting 73. Why do men spend more time on the phone than women ? A. Because men like chatting . Because women have less to say . B. Because men prefer to share their gossip by chatting C. Because women prefer to use e-mail and text messages . 74. Which of the following are the topics for women ? A. Sport , money and clothes . B. Money , men and friends . C. Men , clothes and friends . D. Clothes , sport and women . 75. A Scottish adult spends at least a day on the phone . A. 20 minutes B. 26 minutes C. 30 minutes D. 39 minutes 第Ⅰ卷 查看更多




1.Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r__________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

2.Though he is not a n________ English speaker, he can speak English very fluently.

3 His success is b_______ on hard work but not good luck.

4 Many people are difficult to ______(恢复)from the death of a loved one the earthquake.

5 I’m afraid trouble will follow if you _______(忽视)your diet.

6 Your father is so ______(固执)- he won't listen..

7 He got a job in a foreign company after he g_________ from university.

8 I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t do it on p_______.

9 When people use words and e_________ different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.

10Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she _________(说服)me to buy one.   

11 Experts _________(不同意) on how much the program will cost.    

12 Students need to learn how to _________(组织) their work.    

13 Police are trying to discover the _________(身份) of a baby found by the side of a road.   

14 Jill knows Spain really well. Perhaps she could give us a few t____ .

15 When I told her that our journey would begin at an a___________ of more than 5000 metres, she seemed to be excited about it.



单词拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


_ If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S______ of Liberty by yourself.

_ While traveling, we often find many r_________ paintings on the walls of temples.

_The first living ______________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

_. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful s___________ to the nuclear problem.

_ Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ______________(优雅地) on the stage.

_The world-famous artist’s works are on _______________(展览) here.

_ He worked so hard that e_______________ he made himself ill.

_ It was our ____________ (祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.

_ They give 10% d________________ for cash payment.

_ At the crossing of the street you can find the ____________ (农业的) Bank of China.


       Prisoner Mitchell King had a visitor— his wife. King was serving a six-year prison term in Auckland, New Zealand for armed robbery. But his wife didn’t want to be away from him for that long. So they held hands and they stuck. She’s rubbed her palms with super glue.

       Their new-found closeness was short-lived. And their separation painful. Her technique is not one I'd recommend(introduce) for a closer relationship.

But if you want more closeness; if you desire relationships that are deeper and broader, more meaningful and longer-lasting, then remember the word "TRAVEL."

T is for TRUST. Trust is the glue that holds people together (not Super Glue). A relationship will go nowhere without it.

R is for RESPECT. "Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; speak them rather now instead," writes Anna Cummins. It's about respecting others and letting them know that you value them.

A is for AFFECTION. Sometimes affection means love. Sometimes it means a touch. Always it means kindness.

V is for VULNERABILITY(harm). Though we may feel afraid to let another too close, no relationship will go anywhere without risking vulnerability. Entrepreneur Jim Rohn says, "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy." And the love.

E is for EMOTIONAL INTIMACY(亲密). Learn to be open. Learn to communicate freely. What kinds of relationships you make are largely determined by how openly you have learned to communicate.

L is for LAUGHTER. Victor Borge got it right when he said, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." It's also the most enjoyable.

For relationships that can really go somewhere, just remember the word "TRAVEL." Then enjoy the trip!

6.The author intends to _________ by showing us the example in Paragraph One.

       A. condemn the wife for her silly behavior

       B. introduce new ways for closer relationships

       C. tell us King and his wife would never be separated

       D. encourage us to follow the wife’s technique

7.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph Four refers to?

       A. Trust.                      B. Glue.                       C. Closeness.                D. TRAVEL

8.Which of the following agrees with what Jim Rohn says?

       A. Walls should be built to keep out the sadness.

       B. It’s unnecessary to avoid vulnerability for closer relationships.

       C. Love will be kept out if you let another too close.

       D. We shouldn’t let another too close because of vulnerability.

9.What does Victor Borge really mean by his word in the ninth paragraph?

       A. Laughter will keep the shortest distance.

       B. Laughter will make a closer relationship.

       C. No relationship will go without laughter.

       D. Laughter is necessary to make friends.

10.What would be the best title for this passage?

       A. Relationships.                                       B. The story of a prisoner.

       C. A technique for good relationships.         D. Tips on closer relationships.


单词拼写(共10小题,分值为1分,共10分). 请根据句子逻辑, 从模块二课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。

1. According to the new standard, p_________ health and mental health are equally important.

2. To enter a university, all Chinese students should take part in the college e_____________ examinations which take place in June every year.

3. The number of students who leave school because of financial difficulty has d___________ with the help of the government and society.

4. This room used to be very dirty and old. But after we have designed it again and d__________ it, it now looks like a new one.

5.I would a_____________ it if you could give me an early reply.

6. Such romantic story only happens in films. In r_________, it will never happen.

7. When I came into the room, she p____________ to be asleep. As soon as I stepped out of the room, she got up again.

8. There are too many steps to operate this machine and they are very confusing (容易混淆的). You had better s__________ the steps so that they can be easily understood.

9. When kids step into this toy shop, it is not easy to take them out because there are too many things that are a____________ to them.

10. Whoever breaks the window should take the r___________________ and should pay for it.



单词拼写(共20小题, 每小题1分,满分20分)
76. You can’t turn your dream into r__________ if you just sit there and watch TV all day.
77. A good command (运用能力;掌握) of English e__________ you to communicate with foreign businessmen freely.
78. He missed the bus as a r__________ of getting up too late this morning.
79. It is time for us to take m__________ to stop air pollution in our city now.
80. Cycling is highly b__________ to health and the environment.
81. He seems to have __________ (忽视,忽略) one important fact.
82. I believe the house was __________ (故意地) set fire to, not accidentally.
83. She is so __________ (固执的) that she never listens to other people’s advice.
84. Her tears __________ (流动) freely down her cheeks the moment she heard the sad news.
85. They entered the country __________ (非法地).
86. On this __________, however, it had slowed down considerably.
87. “At the time the murder was __________, I was traveling on the 8 o’clock train to London,” said the man.
88. Six men have been __________ in a mine for seventeen hours.
89. They have been told that rescue operations are __________ smoothly.
90. A pilot noticed a __________ which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby.
91. We had to __________ for hours to get in and there must have been several hundred people present just before the show began.
92. He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood __________ before the microphone.
93. Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their __________ by giant fish bumping into them as they work.
94. He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep __________ of the strange object.
95. “So do I,” answered the policeman in the same __________.

