第二节:书面表达 本周末.学生会组织看电影.请你根据以下要点用英语写一篇广播稿.以便向全校学生广播: 片名 美国大片,由二十世纪最著名的美国电影导演史蒂文.斯皮尔伯格导演. 演出地点 新世纪电影院 时间 周六下午3点.7点.周日上午9点.下午3点.7点.可自由选择. 票价 10元 订票地点 学生会办公室 订票截止日期 本周五下午5点半 76.去掉a或work→job 77.√ 78.interested后加in 79.calling→called 或calling后加himself 80.on→in 81.去掉into →could 83.she→he 84.surprised→surprise 85.That→What 书面表达: One possible version: Attention, please! I’ve got good news for you. A big American film Jaws is on at the New Century Cinema. It was directed by Steven Spielberg, the most famous American director of the 20th century. We can go to see it this weekend. The time for it is 3 ad 7 o’clock on Saturday afternoon, 9 o’clock on Sunday evening. You’re free to choose the time. The price for students is 10 yuan. Those who want to go to it please come to the office of the Student Union to book the tickets before half past five on Friday afternoon. 查看更多



第二节 书面表达:(满分30分)


Notice on the Final Exams

时间:下周四——the last day of the exam week



计分:期末考试占55%;期中考试占25%; 研究性课程占20%。



2.生词:研究性课程 research work  分数 grade

Dear Mark,

It’s a pity that you can’t go over your lessons with us.


Yours truly,

                                                                          Li Ming

