9.He made an a to me for coming late . 查看更多



Coming home after working out for a whole day I had my purse lost.I 36 it had slipped out my backpack as I was being 37 .While it was probably very close to my apartment it still failed to come into  38 and I had no  39 but to cancel my debit cards.

I’d had the purse for more than a decade as it was a Christmas present,which was a bright red leather Cheeky Monkey purse,so probably not entirely 40 for a 36-year-old but I was very upset to have lost it!

Everyone I spoke to 41 I might get the purse back 42 but the money and vouchers in there would very likely disappear.I had  43 written off the  44 of the purse and was even considering whether to move on and go “grown-up”when I was seeking a  45 .

I came home late the following night and my monkey purse was on my mat!I checked the contents and everything was 46 including anything of cash value.I was astounded when I read the  47 note which read,“I came across this last night.It was too dark to 48 it then,so I came back tonight. I got your  49 from your license.Sorry.Iain.”

Not only had this man returned my purse but he thought he  50 me an apology for not bringing it back sooner!

I have told almost all my acquaintances,who almost responded with a similar standard answer,“It restores your  51 in human nature”and it  52 lots of stories about similar  53 experiences.

There were no contact  54 so I am unable to get in touch to say thank you to Iain,but I hope he will be 55 of how grateful I am!

36.A.doubted      B.suspected      C.proved     D.recognized

37.A.put off          B.set off       C.dropped off  D.left off

38.A.effect       B.appearance      C.view      D.attention

39.A.ability        B.thought       C.alternative    D.decision

40.A.grown up     B.brought up      C.taken on    D.applied to

41.A.decided      B.doubted       C.prayed     D.exposed

42.A.previously     B.approximately     C.regularly   D.eventually

43.A.however      B.therefore       C.otherwise   D.though

44.A.value       B.contents       C.name      D.lists

45.A.process      B.comfort       C.judgment    D.replacement

46.A.undamaged     B.lost         C.checked    D.reserved

47.A.appealing      B.thrilling    C.accompanying  D.entertaining

48.A.look over      B.go over       C.get through  D.see through

49.A.name     B.phone number     C.address    D.card

50.A.forgot       B.made        C.paid      D.owed

51.A.faith        B.reputation       C.quality    D.justice

52.A.adapted      B.inspired         C.described    D.expanded

53.A.fantastic      B.worthy        C.priceless        D.positive

54.A.tracks      B.outlines         C.details     D.accounts

55.A.proud     B.sensitive        C.aware     D.certain


The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be late for an important conference. Dressing up quickly, I called for a taxi,        that it would be faster than the subway.

It wasn't.

After a long wait, I finally got one, but the traffic was heavy. I looked at my       from time to time. Just as the traffic started moving, the driver        a man up ahead in a wheelchair.

“Wouldn't he be cold sitting right there!” the driver cried and began to       .

I could see there would be another 20 minutes'       —        him into the cab, folding up his chair and putting it into the taxi's small      , then dropping him off who knows where.

“What are you doing?” I shouted to the driver.

As the       came out, I wanted to take them back. The wrongness of my       to the driver shocked me. Why did I let out the shout?

The driver      me and we continued the journey. Eventually I got out of the taxi and

     to the office. As I ran, I understood that, though it wasn't my duty to take the time to help others, I shouldn't have        the driver's stopping. I should have been able to see beyond my impatience to notice what was most inerrant (不会错的). Whenever I think of this incident, this is my   : I am not a       self-centered person, but I still feel       

of being self-centered. Living a busy life in a fast-paced big city, do we still need to stop to help those who are in need of help?

1.A. reminding          B. expecting               C. realizing                D. attempting

2.A. computer                   B. document           C. message                D. watch

3.A. witnessed                   B. picked                   C. spotted                 D. observed

4.A. pull over                     B. take off                 C. pass by                  D. run away

5.A. complaining      B. suffering               C. waiting                  D. struggling

6.A. indicating                   B. recommending      C. lifting                     D. urging

7.A. trunk                    B. box                        C. window                 D. carriage

8.A. anxieties                     B. words                    C. results                   D. comments

9.A. reaction            B. request                 C. comment              D. suggestion

10.A. comforted      B. prevented           C. encouraged         D. ignored

11.A. escaped                   B. fled                        C. settled                   D. flooded

12.A. excited at                   B. thought about        C. made fun of           D. complained about

13.A. feeling             B. motto                    C. dream                   D. determination

14.A. skillfully                    B. strangely               C. particularly           D. hopefully

15.A. proud              B. aware                   C. ashamed               D. confident



The rain was coming down heavily and I was going to be late for an important conference. Dressing up quickly, I called for a taxi,   1   that it would be faster than the subway.

It wasn't.

After a long wait, I finally got one, but the traffic was heavy. I looked at my   2  from time to time. Just as the traffic started moving, the driver   3   a man up ahead in a wheelchair.

“Wouldn't he be cold sitting right there!” the driver cried and began to   4  .

I could see there would be another 20 minutes'   5    6  him into the cab, folding up his chair and putting it into the taxi's small   7 , then dropping him off who knows where.

“What are you doing?” I shouted to the driver.

As the   8  came out, I wanted to take them back. The wrongness of my   9  to the driver shocked me. Why did I let out the shout?

The driver  10  me and we continued the journey. Eventually I got out of the taxi and

11  to the office. As I ran, I understood that, though it wasn't my duty to take the time to help others, I shouldn't have   12  the driver's stopping. I should have been able to see beyond my impatience to notice what was most inerrant (不会错的). Whenever I think of this incident, this is my  13 : I am not a  14  self-centered person, but I still feel   15

of being self-centered. Living a busy life in a fast-paced big city, do we still need to stop to help those who are in need of help?

1. A. reminding     B. expecting      C. realizing     D. attempting

2. A. computer      B. document    C. message     D. watch

3. A. witnessed      B. picked       C. spotted      D. observed

4. A. pull over       B. take off      C. pass by      D. run away

5. A. complaining     B. suffering     C. waiting      D. struggling

6. A. indicating      B. recommending  C. lifting       D. urging

7. A. trunk          B. box         C. window      D. carriage

8. A. anxieties       B. words       C. results       D. comments

9. A. reaction        B. request       C. comment         D. suggestion

10. A. comforted         B. prevented     C. encouraged   D. ignored

11. A. escaped       B. fled         C. settled       D. flooded

12. A. excited at      B. thought about   C. made fun of        D. complained about

13. A. feeling        B. motto       C. dream       D. determination

14. A. skillfully      B. strangely     C. particularly    D. hopefully

15. A. proud        B. aware       C. ashamed     D. confident


Once an Englishman named Jack Brown went to Russia for a holiday. He stayed there for several months and then came home again. Some of his friends visited him a few days after he got back. “I had a very dangerous trip while I was in Russia.” Jack said to them. “I wanted to see a friend of mine in the country and the bad weather made me very late. So I was still travelling through a forest in sleigh<雪橇>when the sun went down. It was a long way from my friend’s house when about 20 wolves began to follow my sleigh. It was very dark in the forest. There was thick snow on the ground. It was cold, and there were no houses for miles and miles. First I heard the wolves, and the noise was terrible! The horses heard them, too. They were frightened and began running faster. Then I saw long, grey forms among the trees, and soon the wolves were near us. They were running very fast, and they didn’t seem to get tired like the horses.” “What did you do?” one of his friends asked. “When the wolves got very near,” Jack answered, “I put up my gun and shot the first wolf. The sleigh was moving about, but I hit the animal and killed it. Then all the other wolves stopped and ate it, so our sleigh got away from them for a few minutes.” “Then they finished their meal, and I heard them coming again. The moon was shining brightly on the snow, and after a few minutes I saw them among the trees once more. They came nearer again, and then I shot another of them, and the others stopped once more to eat it.” “The same thing happened again and again, and my horses became more and more tired and ran slower and slower until, after about two hours, only one wolf was still alive and following us.”

“Wasn’t it too fat to run?” one of his friends asked.

Jack told his friends what happened to him when he was______________.

A. in England one winter evening    B. in Russia one winter evening

C. in America one winter morning    D. in Russia one winter morning.

In the sentence “They finished their meal.” “meal” here means ___________.

A. the food Jack had brought with him        B. the meal prepared by Jack’s friends. 

C. the wolf which had been killed by Jack      D. the dead animals on the way

According to what Jack said, the last wolf ______________.

A. had eaten up all the other wolves

B. ran much faster than the other wolves

C. was the strongest of all     D. was very fat and didn’t run fast.

From what Jack’s friend said we know that _____________________.

A. all the wolves had been shot by Jack.

B. the last wolf was too fat to run

C. Jack was telling the truth

D. the friends did not believe what Jack had said.


Once an Englishman named Jack Brown went to Russia for a holiday. He stayed there for several months and then came home again. Some of his friends visited him a few days after he got back. “I had a very dangerous trip while I was in Russia.” Jack said to them. “I wanted to see a friend of mine in the country and the bad weather made me very late. So I was still travelling through a forest in sleigh<雪橇>when the sun went down. It was a long way from my friend’s house when about 20 wolves began to follow my sleigh. It was very dark in the forest. There was thick snow on the ground. It was cold, and there were no houses for miles and miles. First I heard the wolves, and the noise was terrible! The horses heard them, too. They were frightened and began running faster. Then I saw long, grey forms among the trees, and soon the wolves were near us. They were running very fast, and they didn’t seem to get tired like the horses.” “What did you do?” one of his friends asked. “When the wolves got very near,” Jack answered, “I put up my gun and shot the first wolf. The sleigh was moving about, but I hit the animal and killed it. Then all the other wolves stopped and ate it, so our sleigh got away from them for a few minutes.” “Then they finished their meal, and I heard them coming again. The moon was shining brightly on the snow, and after a few minutes I saw them among the trees once more. They came nearer again, and then I shot another of them, and the others stopped once more to eat it.” “The same thing happened again and again, and my horses became more and more tired and ran slower and slower until, after about two hours, only one wolf was still alive and following us.”

“Wasn’t it too fat to run?” one of his friends asked.

Jack told his friends what happened to him when he was______________.

A. in England one winter evening             B. in Russia one winter evening

C. in America one winter morning            D. in Russia one winter morning.

In the sentence “They finished their meal.” “meal” here means ___________.

A. the food Jack had brought with him         B. the meal prepared by Jack’s friends. 

C. the wolf which had been killed by Jack      D. the dead animals on the way

According to what Jack said, the last wolf ______________.

A. had eaten up all the other wolves

B. ran much faster than the other wolves

C. was the strongest of all    

D. was very fat and didn’t run fast.

From what Jack’s friend said we know that _____________________.

A. all the wolves had been shot by Jack.

B. the last wolf was too fat to run

C. Jack was telling the truth

D. the friends did not believe what Jack had said.

